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UPDATED 10-24-06.....

I have updated this info BASED ON A LOT OF ASSUMPTIONS and all the facts I could gather. Winners in CAPS, losers in lower case.

Let me know if you info contrary to what is posted.

Silsbee            13 -  1 

Hamshire-Fannett   11 -  3

Bridge City        11 -  3

Orangefield        10 -  4

WO-S                6 -  8

Kirbyville          4 - 10

Hardin-Jefferson    2 - 12

Jasper              0 - 14

9/5/2006    BRIDGE CITY        @	hardin-jefferson

            orangefield        @	SILSBEE

            HAMSHIRE-FANNETT   @	wo-s

            KIRBYVILLE         @	jasper

9/12/2006   hardin-jefferson   @	HAMSHIRE-FANNETT

            jasper             @	ORANGEFIELD

            SILSBEE            @	bridge city

            WO-S               @	kirbyville

9/16/2006   hardin-jefferson   @	SILSBEE

            HAMSHIRE-FANNETT   @	orangefield

            WO-S               @	jasper

            BRIDGE CITY        @	kirbyville

9/19/2006   WO-S               @	hardin-jefferson

            hamshire-fannett   @	SILSBEE

            BRIDGE CITY        @	jasper

            ORANGEFIELD        @	kirbyville

9/23/2006   jasper             @	HARDIN-JEFFERSON

            kirbyville         @	SILSBEE

            bridge city        @	HAMSHIRE-FANNETT

            ORANGEFIELD        @	wo-s

9/26/2006   KIRBYVILLE         @	hardin-jefferson

            jasper             @	HAMSHIRE-FANNETT

            ORANGEFIELD        @	bridge city

            SILSBEE            @	wo-s

9/29/2006   wo-s               @	HAMSHIRE-FANNETT

            SILSBEE            @	orangefield

            hardin-jefferson   @	BRIDGE CITY

            jasper             @	KIRBYVILLE

10/3/2006   ORANGEFIELD        @	hardin-jefferson

            wo-s               @	BRIDGE CITY

            SILSBEE            @	jasper

            HAMSHIRE-FANNETT   @	Kirbyville

10/6/2006   HAMSHIRE-FANNETT   @	hardin-jefferson

            BRIDGE CITY        @	silsbee

            kirbyville         @	WO-S

            ORANGEFIELD        @	jasper

10/10/2006  SILSBEE            @	hardin-jefferson

            orangefield        @	HAMSHIRE-FANNETT

            kirbyville         @	BRIDGE CITY

            jasper             @	WO-S

10/13/2006  WO-S               @	hardin-jefferson

            SILSBEE            @	hamshire-fannett

            kirbyville         @	ORANGEFIELD

            jasper             @	BRIDGE CITY

10/17/2006  jasper             @	HARDIN-JEFFESON

            wo-s               @	ORANGEFIELD

            hamshire-fannett   @	BRIDGE CITY

            SILSBEE            @	kirbyville

10/20/2006  wo-s               @	SILSBEE

            BRIDGE CITY        @	orangefield

            HIRE-FANNETT   @	jasper

            hardin-jefferson   @	KIRBYVILLE

10/24/2006  ORANGEFIELD        @	hardin-jefferson

            jasper             @	SILSBEE

            kirbyville         @	HAMSHIRE-FANNETT

            BRIDGE CITY        @	wo-s


I'm missing so many results I guess I'll let this go and not update anymore, unless some of you guys and gals can dig up some results to help us get current.

BC over WO-S tonight.

Guest bleed orange

I really don't know for sure but this is close.

Silsbee 8-0

HF 7-1

OF 5-3

BC 5-3

WOS 3-5

Kirbyville 3-5

HJ 1-7

Jasper 0-8

I know the top 5 are correct. The bottom 3 I am not sure about.


Updated for the last time :cry: . There will be a play-off for 2nd and 3rd between BC and HF.

OK - I guess I'll post an update when I find out about the play-off game location, time, etc. :wink:


You're welcome!

And sorry things turned out the way they did between us - You have a great group of seniors that I would have loved to have seen advance into the playoffs on their final go-round.

:idea: I guess you guys will make it up in basketball. :wink:


Basketball will be REAL tough for BC this year, boys AND girls. This new District may actually be tougher in B-ball than football! :shock:

On a positive note, BC HAS started a Little Dribblers program - FINALLY! It can only help our athletes as they mature and grow in the game. It will give them an opportunity to play more, against better teams, with the formulation of All=Stars and extended seasons.

But it will take a few years before we are ready to compete with a bunch of you guys. :cry:


On a positive note' date=' BC HAS started a Little Dribblers program - FINALLY! It can only help our athletes as they mature and grow in the game. It will give them an opportunity to play more, against better teams, with the formulation of All=Stars and extended seasons.[/quote']

Little Dribblers will be a good fit for BC. I think they will make up ground quickly. I just hope it thins your Softball program a little. :lol:

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