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Nederland at Friendswood Predictions?


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Big team w/great backers.Contain Cole(rb)Good young Qb throws very well,keeps composure.Controlled the offense/defense line vs.Dayton in a 36-33 Mustang win.Not a real fast speed team but very talented at what they do.Ned will have to keep the ball and make long drives and score alot.Been awhile since I've seen a team play that well in game #1.Turnovers will cost you points.No disrespect Dawgs but you will need to score 6 tds.to hang w/them.

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Friendswood looked kinda flat this past weekend against Brazoswood. Bwood had a very strong D line, and our young QB had happy feet in the first half, looked our of synch and overthrew a number of passes. 2nd half saw some adjustments, and they got  back in the game somewhat. Just too little, too late.  I have the feeling this will be a tough week of practice and they will have some "improved intensity" this week.

We need another good game to get ready for our district, and Ned has historically given us all we want and then some. Having said that, I truly expect us to be back on our game this week. Fwood by 10.

WARNING! get to the game early. Friendswood high school is in shambles due to a huge new construction/expansion project. Parking will be a nightmare. if you are coming late, be prepared to hunt parking in the neighborhoods. It is gonna be bad for all home games this year. The price of progress I guess.

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Didnt see a thread yet. Any thoughts?

FW Team is still coming together. Competed well against a talented Dayton team. Struggled vs a very physical Bwood D. Their number 98 is a D1 prospect and he is for real. Qback had happy feet because the Dline for Bwood was in there every play. If Nederland can do that - it will be a close contest. If not, FW should do ok. I really do not know much about Nederland size wise?

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Yup, visiting stands are still the same for now. The last phase of construction, after the season is over, is an expansion of the stadium. The visitors will become the home side, and be expanded considerably. Same theory as Dayton, but Not quite to the degree that Dayton did it.

And yes I remember both of the double overtime games. That's what I meant when I said that Ned gave us all we wanted and then some. Of course Nederland might say that we gave them all they wanted, and a little more.

In any case, how is y'alls new QB coming along? Do y'all have a lot of size or speed? I would say we have good size and decent speed. In fact I would say we are good in all areas, just not great in any.

But remember, in the dictionary next to the term "trick play" is a picture of Friendswood coach Steve Van Meter, Who never met a play he wouldn't try once. lol.

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I think if Nederland will get away from the spread and play power Football this week they'll have a chance.

Not gonna change the offense/team identity for one week during the season, much less a non-district week.

Nederland ran the ball as well as they have all year during the second half of the Waller game. A good sign this week would be to see the progression of that running game along with the confidence of T.Smith.

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If you didn't know it most folks wouldn't have known that it was Smith's first start in the spread. Don't think you will see any change except improvement. I am not if it will be this week but I expect before long people will be talking a lot about this offense.

Nederland will be fine. Give Smith a couple more starts to get comfy and they will be hitting on all cylinders.

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