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Guest Prince Albert

Since you are no longer in Jack country I am going to retract my burn.  :D

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I am not sure about GCM's defense but Crosby's sucks. You can say what you want to, I go to the games, they are going to have a hard time stopping anyone with talent. LB's are small and slow and secondary is even smaller and slower. Jakacy is not a bad RB, but now Merka is running more than he is behind a very small line.

Flannigan is the main reason X moved to Dayton. There is no love lost between them. That is too bad for Crosby. He is not only a good athlete, he is also a very intelligent young man. Crosby will have no answer for X or for Dayton next week.


Going to watch this game Friday with BHFAN so I can see my daughter dance on the Crosby Drill Team.  After reading the Crosby kid's post I feel certain I need to transfer my daughter for "Academic Reasons" to BH. Holy-Moly.........wonder what they let him do in Physics?  I think he may have spent too much time in Chemistry myself.....

Guest 4x4OffRoad

Please don't judge an entire school by one or two posts by kids.  This site has never been and never will be an excellent example for the proper use of grammar and punctuation.  Remember, Crosby is more economically and racially diverse than Barbers Hill and always has the better SAT average. Always. Last year it was 1027 to 991. That is one of the best indicators for academic acheivement.  I am not saying that Barbers Hill is a bad school, in fact, it's quite the opposite.  Intelligent Crosby residents know that Barbers Hill is top notch academically and competes well in every sport and UIL activity.  There should be a mutual respect from both communities but some people feel that they need to post on this site to stir the pot.  In the middle of all this, Dayton is ranked as "academically unacceptable" by the TEA, yet has at least  one high profile student move over there for academic reasons.

As for football, the game between Crosby and Goose Creek Memorial will be decided on the field. I know that Crosby is not taking them lightly. I will say this: since the off-week after PN-G some big time changes have been made across the board and the results are starting to show. And before someone posts information how sorry our last two opponents have been remember, Crosby can't help who they play in district. That's up to the UIL. I do know this. Crosby held King to under 105 yards rushing and Barbers Hill held them to 270.  On the other hand BH had more offense. I'm guessing that BH/Crosby will be a hard fought game this year. Crosby barely won last year but Chance Casey was in street clothes. Speaking of Casey, he is at Baylor as a pre-med major and is up for Big 12 play of the week with a 66 yard INT return for a TD.

Finally, I know for a fact that at least one baseball parent has been on here bad mouthing their son's own school because they have a beef with Crosby's FB coach.  This is petty and immature. It's funny that the best baseball player in Crosby since J.R. Towles is now playing and starting on defense.  This would have never happened if the Thompsons were still here.  Maybe Wayne Graham was right, playing football makes you a better baseball player.

Wreck'em Tech


Dayton was ruled unacceptable because they had a couple of kids over on the drop out rate.  The TAKS scores were acceptable.  Stop making digs at Dayton because Frank moved over here.  We all know that Crosby in just one step below Harvard.

Guest 4x4OffRoad

Dayton was ruled unacceptable because they had a couple of kids over on the drop out rate.  The TAKS scores were acceptable. 

Dayton has been below the state average on the EXIT LEVEL Science, Social Studies and Math test the last two years. I guess for academics that is acceptable to the Broncos though.

Guest Ranger83

Dayton ISD receives unacceptable rating from state


Updated: 08.01.09

Dayton ISD received a rating of unacceptable from the Texas Education Agency on July 31 due to the district’s graduation rate among special populations which include Hispanic and African-American students.

“In other words, we had too many students who did not graduate on time in 2008 and this will cause Dayton High School and Dayton ISD to be rated unacceptable,†said Greg Hayman, Dayton ISD superintendent.

He explained that the rating was not based on TAKS scores, which have been improving, but on graduation rates. State mandates require that schools and school districts must maintain a 75 percent completion rate in order to be acceptable.

The district’s overall completion rate was approximately 82 percent in 2008 but the district fell below 75 percent by a total of five students that were Hispanic and African-American, according to Hayman.

“We had four too many Hispanic students and one too many African-American students that did not graduate on time in 2008,†said Hayman.

He explained that the data from the TEA is always one year old and that the agency allows an additional year to recover these students as fifth year seniors. If they complete their fifth year, they will not count against the district.

The district plans to take several measures to improve the rating over the next year, according to Hayman.

One of the solutions is to offer a GED program either through the district or through the Liberty County Workforce Academy so that students can get career training if they don’t want to finish high school.

The district will also take a more aggressive approach to get non-completing students back into school for the fifth year. Non-completion students are those that pass all of their classes but do not pass the TAKS test and have to return for another year of instruction.

Hayman said that he will also pursue stronger partnerships with the local judicial system to hold parents accountable for students that are truant from school.

“We need to be monitoring our student drop outs on a weekly basis so that we can recover them immediately,†said Hayman. “We need to remember that this is not just about the school, this is about parents, students and any agency that has contact with a student who is planning to drop out. The school district needs to do a better job of coordinating all of these efforts to keep kids in school.â€

The rating will not impact state or federal funding, according to Hayman.

Guest Ranger83

I do not know what people are trying to imply when they say the young man from Crosby transferred for "Academic" reasons. Was he trying to get a better education or was he running from some academic issues?

Don't just throw something out there and hope it sticks!

Guest 4x4OffRoad

I do not know what people are trying to imply when they say the young man from Crosby transferred for "Academic" reasons. Was he trying to get a better education or was he running from some academic issues?

Don't just throw something out there and hope it sticks!

I don't even know the athlete in question. I do know that Dayton was below average in their TAKS scores on these subjects, although that is not the reason for the unacceptable ruling. I thought the TEA was allowing students to transfer away from these schools, not the opposite, regardless for the reason.

So Ranger, getting back to the topic, what is your gut feeling for tonight?

Wreck'em Tech

Guest Ranger83

I do not know what people are trying to imply when they say the young man from Crosby transferred for "Academic" reasons. Was he trying to get a better education or was he running from some academic issues?

Don't just throw something out there and hope it sticks!

I don't even know the athlete in question. I do know that Dayton was below average in their TAKS scores on these subjects, although that is not the reason for the unacceptable ruling. I thought the TEA was allowing students to transfer away from these schools, not the opposite, regardless for the reason.

So Ranger, getting back to the topic, what is your gut feeling for tonight?

Wreck'em Tech

Should be a good game. If GCM "dances with the one that brung 'em" they'll be fine. I have not seen Crosby play, so all I have to go by is their record. Right now they are 2-0 in 19-4A, that's the only record that really counts. We hope to leave there tonight 2-1. That's the plan.

My gut tells me:  "I'm hungry! Feed me!"


4x4OFFROAD, We'll try and get back to football ,since thats the forum, but how would you be so privy to BH SAT scores? and the averages you quote of 1027 to 991, huh??? anybody whos ever taken an SAT knows the scores are given in even increments of 10, example 1100- 1200 etc.. It would be imposssible to have those types of averages.....

Guest 4x4OffRoad

Individual SAT scores are confidential but not averages for schools. And I know many of the faculty at Barbers Hill - it is a great school. Greg Poole is a class individual as well.TEA AEIS Reports

Wreck'em Tech


It is very easy to find that information.  Just go to the school districts website and look up their AEIS report.  But the one thing that 4x4 has done is take that information and used it to fit his argument.  He talks bad about Dayton but if you look at their AEIS report compared to Crosby, then you notice that Dayton scored better on every facet of the TAKS test for 10th graders in 2008 than Crosby's 10th graders.  But if I was like 4x4 I would leave at that and say that Dayton is better.  But if you look at 11th graders then Crosby did score better in each subject than Dayton did by an average of 4 points in each subject which correlates to getting one more question correct on the test.  For 9th graders Dayton and Crosby scored the same in Reading and Crosby was better in Math.  As far as ACT and SAT scores are concerned then Crosby is higher on the SAT BUT Dayton is higher on the ACT.  There is a ton of information out there for people to use but at least use it honestly so that you are not trying to call kids in other places dumb.  Those kids have worked hard as well.

4x4OFFROAD, We'll try and get back to football ,since thats the forum, but how would you be so privy to BH SAT scores? and the averages you quote of 1027 to 991, huh??? anybody whos ever taken an SAT knows the scores are given in even increments of 10, example 1100- 1200 etc.. It would be imposssible to have those types of averages.....


It is very easy to find that information.  Just go to the school districts website and look up their AEIS report.  But the one thing that 4x4 has done is take that information and used it to fit his argument.  He talks bad about Dayton but if you look at their AEIS report compared to Crosby, then you notice that Dayton scored better on every facet of the TAKS test for 10th graders in 2008 than Crosby's 10th graders.  But if I was like 4x4 I would leave at that and say that Dayton is better.  But if you look at 11th graders then Crosby did score better in each subject than Dayton did by an average of 4 points in each subject which correlates to getting one more question correct on the test.  For 9th graders Dayton and Crosby scored the same in Reading and Crosby was better in Math.  As far as ACT and SAT scores are concerned then Crosby is higher on the SAT BUT Dayton is higher on the ACT.  There is a ton of information out there for people to use but at least use it honestly so that you are not trying to call kids in other places dumb.  Those kids have worked hard as well.

Well done Fan.


Dayton was ruled unacceptable because they had a couple of kids over on the drop out rate.  The TAKS scores were acceptable. 

Dayton has been below the state average on the EXIT LEVEL Science, Social Studies and Math test the last two years. I guess for academics that is acceptable to the Broncos though.

You can brag about all your academic accomplishments tell the cows come home and it doesn't mean a tinkers da-mn to me. I'm sure the Dayton school district is doing the best they can and if you can share some of Croby's sacred knowledge on how to improve Dayton's test scores I'm sure Dayton ISD would be most appreciative. The one thing I can say about Dayton's football program (and that's the main thrust of this board,football) is that they have a well above state average win percentage I/Q (lot higher than Croby's) and a well below post season EXIT LEVEL experience not to mention they score very high in the score column,but have to admit they score very low in the opposing team points allowed column.
Guest Ranger83

Theory of Relativity

The Theory of Relativity, proposed by the Jewish physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) in the early part of the 20th century, is one of the most significant scientific advances of our time. Although the concept of relativity was not introduced by Einstein, his major contribution was the recognition that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and an absolute physical boundary for motion. This does not have a major impact on a person's day-to-day life since we travel at speeds much slower than light speed. For objects travelling near light speed, however, the theory of relativity states that objects will move slower and shorten in length from the point of view of an observer on Earth. Einstein also derived the famous equation, E = mc2, which reveals the equivalence of mass and energy.

Therefore, further discussions about academics on a football discussion board will not be relative.

Guest Ranger83

ranger what was the scores of the jv and freshman games last night between ggm and crosby

Did not go. They were all moved to Crosby for some reason. I'll check with my "sources".


Please don't judge an entire school by one or two posts by kids.  This site has never been and never will be an excellent example for the proper use of grammar and punctuation.  Remember, Crosby is more economically and racially diverse than Barbers Hill and always has the better SAT average. Always. Last year it was 1027 to 991. That is one of the best indicators for academic acheivement.  I am not saying that Barbers Hill is a bad school, in fact, it's quite the opposite.  Intelligent Crosby residents know that Barbers Hill is top notch academically and competes well in every sport and UIL activity.  There should be a mutual respect from both communities but some people feel that they need to post on this site to stir the pot.  In the middle of all this, Dayton is ranked as "academically unacceptable" by the TEA, yet has at least  one high profile student move over there for academic reasons.

As for football, the game between Crosby and Goose Creek Memorial will be decided on the field. I know that Crosby is not taking them lightly. I will say this: since the off-week after PN-G some big time changes have been made across the board and the results are starting to show. And before someone posts information how sorry our last two opponents have been remember, Crosby can't help who they play in district. That's up to the UIL. I do know this. Crosby held King to under 105 yards rushing and Barbers Hill held them to 270.  On the other hand BH had more offense. I'm guessing that BH/Crosby will be a hard fought game this year. Crosby barely won last year but Chance Casey was in street clothes. Speaking of Casey, he is at Baylor as a pre-med major and is up for Big 12 play of the week with a 66 yard INT return for a TD.

Finally, I know for a fact that at least one baseball parent has been on here bad mouthing their son's own school because they have a beef with Crosby's FB coach.  This is petty and immature. It's funny that the best baseball player in Crosby since J.R. Towles is now playing and starting on defense.  This would have never happened if the Thompsons were still here.  Maybe Wayne Graham was right, playing football makes you a better baseball player.

Wreck'em Tech

Who's the best baseball player since J.R. that is playing football? Not being sarcastic, just that I don't keep up that closely with the baseball team, but I do know a few of the players that are good athletes.


Crosby has envy issues. They are envious of Dayton Athletics ,so they pull the well were smarter card and envious of BH for everything else. Good post SETXfan!!

4 X 4 I'm pretty confident about BH and their academic or athletic averages vs. this district and guarantee you that folks are not moving from BH to Crosby for a better education. You say Crosby "Always" has better SAT scores and quote last years results, do you have access to the last 5 years? Just curious if the statement is true or not. If it is then congrats to Crosby ::)


Hmmmmm I just looked up that BH has a Recognized status and Crosby has an Acceptable status for the ISD's.

Compare these two and you make the call ;D

This is the hidden content, please

This is the hidden content, please

I will not compare the two!!!!

I will not look at facts!!!

Quit being rational and get back to the assumptions based on extremely limited knowledge!!!\

Geez!!!  :)

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