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But  if a coach is not getting the job done and has the athletes to do the job,  then its okay to tell him he sucks!

Does this statement apply to the parents that think their son is a superstar but he really could not play dead in a western.

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But  if a coach is not getting the job done and has the athletes to do the job,  then its okay to tell him he sucks!

Does this statement apply to the parents that think their son is a superstar but he really could not play dead in a western.

oh c'mon....that only applies to like 70-80% of the parents.

Personally, I think any parent who steps onto the field before during or after a game to gripe at anyone should be thrown in jail immediately, no exceptions. Let them pay the bail to get out and even if they realize they made a mistake, I bet the next time they lose their temper they will think twice about getting in a coaches or officials face.


I believe that parents that are going to come to the games and scream at the officials and coaches the entire night dont need to be at the games. Plain and simple. It makes the schools look bad.

HA. By parents doing screaming at the games is just there opinion, they have a right to say what they want. And if that means yelling at the coach and refs, so be it. I mean, seriously, don't tell me that you don't go to a football game, and sit up straight, and dont say a single word, Because you have NOTHING to say. Yeah, so the parents don't make the schools look bad, its what people SAY about the schools. This is only my opinon. ;D


Welcome to the real world.  Everyone is scrutinized and second guessed regardless of the job.  Yes it's magnified in a 48 minute game but that's the beauty of athletics in general....they prepare you for life.  I don't condone any parent coming out of the stands but regardless if they lend their moral support they have already lended their financial support by buying the ticket.  Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and there are idiots everywhere.


Kids are one thing, but to expect that a coach or referee deserves absolute support is naive. They are grown people that have chosen to do this work. They have not been anointed. Some are great at what they do. Others are far from it. All make mistakes. I agree that no one in the stands knows what the game plan is and for sure does not know what each situation in a game a coach thinks about, but to expect blind faith is a little arrogant. I'm not saying anything about kids that are playing, but I pay my taxes that pay those mens salary and if I don't agree with what I see, I reserve the right to express my concerns. Maybe we should ban spectators all together and play these games in a completely protected dome of sterile atmosphere. Maybe we should have spectator police that traverse the stands to weed out all the "undesirables", maybe we should extend it to if they don't wear all the right colors, have the right signs painted, etc.

I agree with you so much, even if it's not politically correct!

Welcome to the real world.  Everyone is scrutinized and second guessed regardless of the job.  Yes it's magnified in a 48 minute game but that's the beauty of athletics in general....they prepare you for life.  I don't condone any parent coming out of the stands but regardless if they lend their moral support they have already lended their financial support by buying the ticket.  Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and there are idiots everywhere.

it's the idiots that define the others though...when there are no rules in place, then the idiots feel they have every right to be over the top...that it's their "1st amendment right" or that a coach is in that job so he "has to take it".  Bull...a coach is there to motivate the athletes, and get them to play better, and keep them safe on the field.  SOmetimes, after many seasons of consistent failure, then you might have a case...but idiots see one loss as a world ending event.  Look at the "Sheperd board member" thread...that lady with the electric horn, blowing it, on the VISITOR's field, using the VISITOR's electricity, felt it was her "right" to be an idiot...I am glad a board member from Shepered exercised his right,a nd cut electrical cord...


Welcome to the real world.  Everyone is scrutinized and second guessed regardless of the job.  Yes it's magnified in a 48 minute game but that's the beauty of athletics in general....they prepare you for life.  I don't condone any parent coming out of the stands but regardless if they lend their moral support they have already lended their financial support by buying the ticket.  Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and there are idiots everywhere.

it's the idiots that define the others though...when there are no rules in place, then the idiots feel they have every right to be over the top...that it's their "1st amendment right" or that a coach is in that job so he "has to take it".  Bull...a coach is there to motivate the athletes, and get them to play better, and keep them safe on the field.  SOmetimes, after many seasons of consistent failure, then you might have a case...but idiots see one loss as a world ending event.  Look at the "Sheperd board member" thread...that lady with the electric horn, blowing it, on the VISITOR's field, using the VISITOR's electricity, felt it was her "right" to be an idiot...I am glad a board member from Shepered exercised his right,a nd cut electrical cord...

I don't agree with the horn blowing all game long either.  But a Board member destroying private property is way over the top.  Whats next,  go slash the girls tires.  As for the "1st amendment rights"  It gives you and I the right to differ in opinions and point of views and allows US to expresses them without repercussion.  Like this web site.  Lets face the only time these topics come up is when someone is complaining about a coach and they don't like it.  When the coach is being praise and has his or her face all over the TV and newspapers like they where the best thing in coaching nobody complains.  You take the good with the bad.  If the coaches dint like the bad then stay away from the Limelight when things are going good.  But that's no fun.. You know the old saying have your cake and eat it too.  Just for the record.  IN No WAY should a parent go out on a field to confront a coach or ref because of something that happened in a game.  THATS CRAZY


What did I get out of the Shepherd situation?  At least a board member from THEIR school had guts enough to stand up for THEIR kids!  I can think of one school in particular where that doesn't happen!!!!!

As far as people yelling at the coaches...it's ridiculous!  I am, however, guilty of booing an official! ;D


What did I get out of the Shepherd situation?  At least a board member from THEIR school had guts enough to stand up for THEIR kids!  I can think of one school in particular where that doesn't happen!!!!!

As far as people yelling at the coaches...it's ridiculous!  I am, however, guilty of booing an official! ;D


I guess I come from the perspective of having been on the sidelines and in the dugout as well as in the stands.  I've had parents yell at their 5 year old to "get your a** up" when the kid was playing earthmover with her glove.  I've seen an uncle try to climb a backstop.  I've seen parent come on to the field after a great block in flag, and get upset that the kid did his job, and want to fight...All of these idiots were exercising the "1st Amendment right" when they opened their mouths.  But, can you imagine what it's like to be their kid?  I've seen the faces of children burn with embarrassment because their mom or dad was a jacka**.  You may want to get upset, but I can tell you, from experience, when you make it about you and your "rights" you've lost any regard you have for how kids will react.  There are ways to handle poor coaching than on the field or in the stands...

On the other side of the coin..."free babysitting" parents burn me up...these folks hardly ever go to their kids games.  It's painful to see a kid look toward the sidelines with an expectant look, only to see no one there for them.  I have seen more than a few kids with raw talent waste it away because they never got to shine in front of a parent or relative.  They get their kids involved in extrachariccular (sp?) activities just so they can have more "presonal time". 


What did I get out of the Shepherd situation?  At least a board member from THEIR school had guts enough to stand up for THEIR kids!  I can think of one school in particular where that doesn't happen!!!!!

As far as people yelling at the coaches...it's ridiculous!  I am, however, guilty of booing an official! ;D


I guess I come from the perspective of having been on the sidelines and in the dugout as well as in the stands.  I've had parents yell at their 5 year old to "get your a** up" when the kid was playing earthmover with her glove.  I've seen an uncle try to climb a backstop.  I've seen parent come on to the field after a great block in flag, and get upset that the kid did his job, and want to fight...All of these idiots were exercising the "1st Amendment right" when they opened their mouths.  But, can you imagine what it's like to be their kid?  I've seen the faces of children burn with embarrassment because their mom or dad was a jacka**.   You may want to get upset, but I can tell you, from experience, when you make it about you and your "rights" you've lost any regard you have for how kids will react.  There are ways to handle poor coaching than on the field or in the stands...

On the other side of the coin..."free babysitting" parents burn me up...these folks hardly ever go to their kids games.  It's painful to see a kid look toward the sidelines with an expectant look, only to see no one there for them.  I have seen more than a few kids with raw talent waste it away because they never got to shine in front of a parent or relative.  They get their kids involved in extrachariccular (sp?) activities just so they can have more "presonal time".   

i like when they drop them off at practice and ask "what time is practice over?" i learned to just start telling them "i'm not sure...it depends on how it goes" of course, then they say, well i need to run some errands, here is my cell # if you need me. we had a kid w/ braces get hit in the mouth last bb season and the braces got caught way up in his cheek. daddy was gone on a beer run and didn't show up until 45 minutes after the fact. the kid had to wait cause we couldn't see what to do and didn't want to hurt him. the dad showed up drunk and the kid was near tears getting in the truck out of embarrassment. it really sucks when the kid is more mature than the parent.

What did I get out of the Shepherd situation?  At least a board member from THEIR school had guts enough to stand up for THEIR kids!  I can think of one school in particular where that doesn't happen!!!!!

As far as people yelling at the coaches...it's ridiculous!  I am, however, guilty of booing an official! ;D


I guess I come from the perspective of having been on the sidelines and in the dugout as well as in the stands.  I've had parents yell at their 5 year old to "get your a** up" when the kid was playing earthmover with her glove.  I've seen an uncle try to climb a backstop.  I've seen parent come on to the field after a great block in flag, and get upset that the kid did his job, and want to fight...All of these idiots were exercising the "1st Amendment right" when they opened their mouths.  But, can you imagine what it's like to be their kid?  I've seen the faces of children burn with embarrassment because their mom or dad was a jacka**.   You may want to get upset, but I can tell you, from experience, when you make it about you and your "rights" you've lost any regard you have for how kids will react.  There are ways to handle poor coaching than on the field or in the stands...

On the other side of the coin..."free babysitting" parents burn me up...these folks hardly ever go to their kids games.  It's painful to see a kid look toward the sidelines with an expectant look, only to see no one there for them.  I have seen more than a few kids with raw talent waste it away because they never got to shine in front of a parent or relative.  They get their kids involved in extrachariccular (sp?) activities just so they can have more "presonal time".   

i like when they drop them off at practice and ask "what time is practice over?" i learned to just start telling them "i'm not sure...it depends on how it goes" of course, then they say, well i need to run some errands, here is my cell # if you need me. we had a kid w/ braces get hit in the mouth last bb season and the braces got caught way up in his cheek. daddy was gone on a beer run and didn't show up until 45 minutes after the fact. the kid had to wait cause we couldn't see what to do and didn't want to hurt him. the dad showed up drunk and the kid was near tears getting in the truck out of embarrassment. it really sucks when the kid is more mature than the parent.

there have been situations where you have "2 household" children, and the sets of parents get into arguments in the stands or the fenceline about the kid...and proceed to tear each other to pieces in front of everyone, but mostly in front of their kid.  That's selfish...1st amendment right?  Yep...but I have learned that for every right, there is also a RESPONSIBILITY to exercise that right with good judgement.  When you don't, you don't lose the right...but you sure look like a jacka** in the process...and it's never you that pays for that...it's your kid...

It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
[quote name="bearbryant" post="682811" timestamp="1256203124"]
It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
[/quote] ;D :D
  Also a coach wins a few in a row and he is a genius..then he loses one and he is the worse coach ever..The coaches don't get dumb from one week to the next..Maybe,just maybe  the guy who is yelling from the stands his son didn't execute the play that was called..
Oh wait! Couldn't be him because he scored all them touchdowns in little league..
[quote name="bearbryant" post="682811" timestamp="1256203124"]
It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
And we also know coaches that don't know these things. Knowing these things also doesn't make the person automatically then use them correctly. Opinions are opinions. Any job that is "public" based has the same things. Coaches are not alone. Police, Firemen, Soldiers, etc. all get the same thing in different degrees. Some coaches also look for any excuse to justify their dismal performance, including telling the kids on the field that the "experts in the stands got his job" a direct quote. Not all coaches deserve to be followed blindly. 
[quote name="ChampionEagles" post="682845" timestamp="1256213264"]
[quote author=bearbryant link=topic=60857.msg682811#msg682811 date=1256203124]
It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
And we also know coaches that don't know these things. Knowing these things also doesn't make the person automatically then use them correctly. Opinions are opinions. Any job that is "public" based has the same things. Coaches are not alone. Police, Firemen, Soldiers, etc. all get the same thing in different degrees. Some coaches also look for any excuse to justify their dismal performance, including telling the kids on the field that the "experts in the stands got his job" a direct quote. Not all coaches deserve to be followed blindly. 

Those that can, do.  Those that can't, sit in the stands and arm chair coach...
[quote name="elhector1" post="682854" timestamp="1256215315"]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=60857.msg682845#msg682845 date=1256213264]
[quote author=bearbryant link=topic=60857.msg682811#msg682811 date=1256203124]
It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
And we also know coaches that don't know these things. Knowing these things also doesn't make the person automatically then use them correctly. Opinions are opinions. Any job that is "public" based has the same things. Coaches are not alone. Police, Firemen, Soldiers, etc. all get the same thing in different degrees. Some coaches also look for any excuse to justify their dismal performance, including telling the kids on the field that the "experts in the stands got his job" a direct quote. Not all coaches deserve to be followed blindly. 

Those that can, do.   Those that can't, sit in the stands and arm chair coach...
And those that only [b]THINK[/b] they can are blind to reality.
[quote name="ChampionEagles" post="682964" timestamp="1256224624"]
[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=60857.msg682854#msg682854 date=1256215315]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=60857.msg682845#msg682845 date=1256213264]
[quote author=bearbryant link=topic=60857.msg682811#msg682811 date=1256203124]
It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
And we also know coaches that don't know these things. Knowing these things also doesn't make the person automatically then use them correctly. Opinions are opinions. Any job that is "public" based has the same things. Coaches are not alone. Police, Firemen, Soldiers, etc. all get the same thing in different degrees. Some coaches also look for any excuse to justify their dismal performance, including telling the kids on the field that the "experts in the stands got his job" a direct quote. Not all coaches deserve to be followed blindly. 

Those that can, do.   Those that can't, sit in the stands and arm chair coach...
And those that only [b]THINK[/b] they can are blind to reality.

I think we have some things mixed up here...Though I can't speak for anyone else, I see the "problem parents" as those that foam at the mouth in the stands, making all kinds of ugly comments to everyone around them regardless of whether others may want to hear them...I was one of these at one point in time...a boorish know it all.  I've mellowed, and I've also had experience on the "other side" of the coin...which is why I mellowed.  I don't see commentary on this forum about an AD/coach's preformance as bashing, but more of a discussion about where the team is headed, especially if it is 3 seasons into the guys contract, and the team and athletics in general has suffered.  You have to be respectful about it, but it's legit.

In the stands screaming negatively, going on the field and bowing up on someone, standing by the dugout where a team can hear you mouthing off, all of these are the types of behavior that I think most of us are against.  Slamming on the refs?  Any idiot can do that...at least be creative and funny in your negative comments...beleive it or not, a ref or umpire will laugh, and maybe get the point better than when you look like you're going to burst a blood vessel.
[quote author=smitty link=topic=60857.msg677112#msg677112 date=1255725032]
I wonder: do coaches ever yell at the officials?  Maybe someone can help me out here.

          i know from personal experience that this would "NEVER" happen at a WOS game.  Coach Hooks would not allow this to take place.
[quote name="speveto" post="683006" timestamp="1256227225"]
[quote author=smitty link=topic=60857.msg677112#msg677112 date=1255725032]
I wonder: do coaches ever yell at the officials?  Maybe someone can help me out here.

          i know from personal experience that this would "NEVER" happen at a WOS game.  Coach Hooks would not allow this to take place.

LOL.  Does every other play count? ;D
[quote name="w" post="683079" timestamp="1256232013"]
[quote author=speveto link=topic=60857.msg683006#msg683006 date=1256227225]
[quote author=smitty link=topic=60857.msg677112#msg677112 date=1255725032]
I wonder: do coaches ever yell at the officials?  Maybe someone can help me out here.

          i know from personal experience that this would "NEVER" happen at a WOS game.  Coach Hooks would not allow this to take place.

LOL.  Does every other play count? ;D
[/quote]              wazzup,  they say a good laugh is good for you, so thanks.
My dad has never went to any of my football or baseball games....the only times he has ever went to any of my games was on parents night and after that he didnt even stay to watch the game.....my mom would have went to every one of them but she passed away when i was nine but my coachs has always been there for me when i needed them and i could care less if them stripped shirts was out there but sometimes they call good games but most the time its bad games...IMO
[quote name="hdbobcat5209" post="683146" timestamp="1256236574"]
My dad has never went to any of my football or baseball games....the only times he has ever went to any of my games was on parents night and after that he didnt even stay to watch the game.....my mom would have went to every one of them but she passed away when i was nine but my coachs has always been there for me when i needed them and i could care less if them stripped shirts was out there but sometimes they call good games but most the time its bad games...IMO

I had a kid whose dad would watch the game from an unseen corner of the ballpark...because he knew that he would get out of control in the stands.  Off by himself, he could be as crazy as he wanted to be...but he had enough class to realize this, and not subject others to his outbursts...I repsct that.  hd, I respect your post and the difficult memories it brought...thanks for sharing... 
[quote name="elhector1" post="682977" timestamp="1256225657"]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=60857.msg682964#msg682964 date=1256224624]
[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=60857.msg682854#msg682854 date=1256215315]
[quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=60857.msg682845#msg682845 date=1256213264]
[quote author=bearbryant link=topic=60857.msg682811#msg682811 date=1256203124]
It usually doesn't bother the coaches to hear fans yelling at them.  Most know that the football dads don't know a thing about football.  Makes for many field house laughs.  A lot of it is jealousy.  These football guru's work in fields where their job is just a job.  Other than getting off for the weekend their job gives them no excitement.  Not that way with coaching. 

Most 'football guru dads" couldn't even tell you if thats a 2tech or 3 tech, is it a read defense or an attacking defense, cover 2,3,4 or man coverage, loose 9 or an 8 tech, stunting from stemming, o line rule blocking or zone blocking, log block from a kickout. 

People have such a sense of entitlement. "I pay taxes therefore I can say what I want". "Its my first amendment right". 

Yes you do pay taxes but so do the coaches, Yes its your right but its also other peoples rigth to see you as a fool.

The same guy thats badmouthing the coaches from the stands is usually the same dad thats acting as the coaches friend, always hanging around the fieldhouse glad handing them. 

We all know the old saying. Every team needs that perfect coach who knows when to play the best kids, in the right positions, run the right plays, run the right defenses, make all of the exact correct adjustments....... But they can't get him to put his popcorn down and come out of the stands.
And we also know coaches that don't know these things. Knowing these things also doesn't make the person automatically then use them correctly. Opinions are opinions. Any job that is "public" based has the same things. Coaches are not alone. Police, Firemen, Soldiers, etc. all get the same thing in different degrees. Some coaches also look for any excuse to justify their dismal performance, including telling the kids on the field that the "experts in the stands got his job" a direct quote. Not all coaches deserve to be followed blindly. 

Those that can, do.   Those that can't, sit in the stands and arm chair coach...
And those that only [b]THINK[/b] they can are blind to reality.

I think we have some things mixed up here...Though I can't speak for anyone else, I see the "problem parents" as those that foam at the mouth in the stands, making all kinds of ugly comments to everyone around them regardless of whether others may want to hear them...I was one of these at one point in time...a boorish know it all.  I've mellowed, and I've also had experience on the "other side" of the coin...which is why I mellowed.  I don't see commentary on this forum about an AD/coach's preformance as bashing, but more of a discussion about where the team is headed, especially if it is 3 seasons into the guys contract, and the team and athletics in general has suffered.  You have to be respectful about it, but it's legit.

In the stands screaming negatively, going on the field and bowing up on someone, standing by the dugout where a team can hear you mouthing off, all of these are the types of behavior that I think most of us are against.  Slamming on the refs?  Any idiot can do that...at least be creative and funny in your negative comments...beleive it or not, a ref or umpire will laugh, and maybe get the point better than when you look like you're going to burst a blood vessel.
Here Here! Good job of stating what I thought this thread was about and in my clumzie way could not say. Couldn't agree more.
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