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Baseball playoffs rigged?

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There has been so many blowns calls this post season.  Makes you wonder if Vegas controls who wins. 

I am puzzled why MLB doesn't give in to the pressure and begin to use instant replys and different camera angles on close calls or disputed plays. The NFL instututed replays years ago after resisting it for a long time and allowed officials to review the play, and that is the right thing to do. I'm not talking about reviewing the calls of balls and strikes- just plays on the field. Players don't like getting called out when they were safe, or vice versa. The only reason i can imagine why MLB doesn't go the way of the NFL is to protect the umpires and that reason is not valid any more since TV will show the blown calls. The fans see the instant replys and camera angles and know when an official makes a bad call anyway. No umpire intentionally makes a bad call, but everyone is human and all of us make mistakes. MLB or the Major League Umpires Association just needs to be honest with themselves and admit the truth. A close play could easily be reviewed and the result stands if the call was right or reversed if the call was wrong. The fans deserve a fair game, and as long as bad calls are allowed to stand, fairness to the players and the fans is in doubt. No one would want to see a championship won based on a bad decision by an umpire. Why won't MLB move into the 21st century and take advantage of the technology we have available? Someone please give me a justifiable reason not to do it.
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There have been blown calls in every sport dating back to when games where first played. The difference is now within 3 seconds you have the ability to see the call and play from about 10 different camera angles. Human error, even on the umps side, is a part of the game. It happens.
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But why not use the technology that is available to them.  I don't want every strike or ball replayed but things that could easily change the game.  I understand that mistakes will be made, that is the human effect on the game. 

I have no problem with the Yankees spending the money on players or any team for that matter.  You make money you have two choices you can spend it on yourself or reinvest it back into your team.  That is what Yankees owners have done.  I pick the Yankees to win and it will be hard to see. 

I recently did a regression analysis on when the Astros actually spent money and how their profits attendance and other factors went up. 

I know you will always have teams like the Pirates and KC complain about it but look at what the Marlins and Rays have done in recent years. 
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[quote name="BOSoxfan4life" post="687981" timestamp="1256678286"]
But why not use the technology that is available to them.  I don't want every strike or ball replayed but things that could easily change the game.  I understand that mistakes will be made, that is the human effect on the game. 

I have no problem with the Yankees spending the money on players or any team for that matter.  You make money you have two choices you can spend it on yourself or reinvest it back into your team.  That is what Yankees owners have done.  I pick the Yankees to win and it will be hard to see. 

I recently did a regression analysis on when the Astros actually spent money and how their profits attendance and other factors went up. 

I know you will always have teams like the Pirates and KC complain about it but look at what the Marlins and Rays have done in recent years. 

Agreed, more than half the owners in baseball can spend like the Yanks and BoSox but choose not to.
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[quote name="Gabe" post="687996" timestamp="1256678659"]
[quote author=BOSoxfan4life link=topic=61225.msg687981#msg687981 date=1256678286]
But why not use the technology that is available to them.  I don't want every strike or ball replayed but things that could easily change the game.  I understand that mistakes will be made, that is the human effect on the game. 

I have no problem with the Yankees spending the money on players or any team for that matter.  You make money you have two choices you can spend it on yourself or reinvest it back into your team.  That is what Yankees owners have done.  I pick the Yankees to win and it will be hard to see. 

I recently did a regression analysis on when the Astros actually spent money and how their profits attendance and other factors went up. 

I know you will always have teams like the Pirates and KC complain about it but look at what the Marlins and Rays have done in recent years. 

Agreed, more than half the owners in baseball can spend like the Yanks and BoSox but choose not to.

The Yankees owenrs reinvest in their team, which makes it more profitable and affords them the opportunity to sign more big name big money players.  nothing wrong with that...That's smart investing...most other successful owners probably just line their own pockets with the profits.  ::)

WOnder if the haters want some cheese with their WHINE ??

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[quote name="KDOSullivan" post="687906" timestamp="1256674194"]
I have family members who swear most of the title games are fixed. They won't watch anymore....Then again the Yankees are about to "Buy" themselves a title.( If they beat Philly.)
It is captialism at it's finest, but it makes you wonder, at what cost?

I honestly do think NBA is rigged. MLB...no  ???
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[quote name="EAGLE07" post="688165" timestamp="1256692007"]
[quote author=KDOSullivan link=topic=61225.msg687906#msg687906 date=1256674194]
I have family members who swear most of the title games are fixed. They won't watch anymore....Then again the Yankees are about to "Buy" themselves a title.( If they beat Philly.)
It is captialism at it's finest, but it makes you wonder, at what cost?

I honestly do think NBA is rigged. MLB...no  ???

I am telling you, they are educated people, with generally a level head, but when it comes to pro sports, they swear Vegas, or the media, or the leagues fix most of the big games.
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