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Xavier Baldwin was playing...
I think...
They may be trying to reduce the number of people going both ways.

Tony Hill!!!
What a "manly man!"
Played both ways and for the most part of the game shut down the middle of the field for Vidor to run in.

Vidor scores in 3rd quarter, that was the first points allowed by Dayton's defense it 2 1/2 games!
Last three games the defense has given up only 14 points.
Franks didn't do as good as a job as running back, but will hopefully improve weekly.
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If our defensive front cant keep bring the wood, we should be playing in december. Yates and El Campo both rely on the run heavily if I'm reading the stats right.  Angleton supposedly runs an offense similar to Vidor, only with more quickness. The bottom half of the bracket is looking pretty tough.  Glad we are on the top end.
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Baldwin has shown he can be a big time playmaker,Ploch what can you say he's a monster that's puts out 1000%, Franks the guy is grease lighting one step and he's gone. All three of these guys need to be on offense I don't care if  they have to play both ways and double as water boys this the playoffs we need that talent on the field . I know the QB is doing good .but struggles sometimes and has problems.executing in difficult situations. I would like to see more Payton P. as QB running down the defenses throat loosening them up a bit and then bringing  the JV QB back in for the pass game.
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I think baldwin definitely adds some swag to the team.  Franks is speedy and I'm hoping that the time he got at running back add a new dimension of physicality. I know he can out run just about anybody he lines up against, but I would love to see him blow up a DB every now and then.  I also think an interesting wrinkle that could be added would be handing off to Ploch for a run to the wide side of the field only to have him stop and toss the ball to what will most likely be a wide open receiver.  If the DB's don't bite on the run, then your looking at first down yardage or a td.  If they do...wide open receiver.
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[quote name="the_dude_abides" post="708843" timestamp="1258307351"]
I think baldwin definitely adds some swag to the team.  Franks is speedy and I'm hoping that the time he got at running back add a new dimension of physicality. I know he can out run just about anybody he lines up against, but I would love to see him blow up a DB every now and then.  I also think an interesting wrinkle that could be added would be handing off to Ploch for a run to the wide side of the field only to have him stop and toss the ball to what will most likely be a wide open receiver.  If the DB's don't bite on the run, then your looking at first down yardage or a td.  If they do...wide open receiver.
[/quote]  I like that scenario with Ploch It would add another dimension to the game! Getting Ploch involved is going to be a big factor in how far we advance in the playoffs. On another note when we played LK Travis they always had a back-up plan for the QB when he got in a jam they kept someone close and had him fade off for a short pass seem like it worked everytime.
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What type of hands does the outside linebacker (ballpoint) have?  It would be hard to defend a fade to the corner of the endzone to a receiver his size.  Also, I've said it before, but I would really like to see the team field more punts.  It's tough when you have to go 90+ yards for a score.  I don't know if the punt return is waved off for fear of a turnover, but I wonder if getting better field position is worth the risk?
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  Not taking any risks on returns may be a little over reaction on our part due to the Crosby game. It has improved with the addition of Ploch. I have the same concern on our kickoffs giving the other team a short field to work with it works on average teams,but a power house team is and will make us pay.
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I don't feel like this team has peaked yet.  This is kind of reassurring in one sense because they still have a lot of areas in which they have yet to meet their full potential.  On the other hand, the competition will get tougher each week, so it really is go time.  What areas would you guys like to see improvement in?  I would have said turnovers before the vidor game, but it looks like we are back on track in that department.
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The Vidor match-up is and was exactly the game Dayton needed to prepare for El Campo-Yates & possibly Angleton.Similar offenses,here's some rushing stats through 11 games;Vidor 3,675 yds.Pittman 1,521-Tate 992-Peevey 729  El Campo 2,647  Yates 3,329  Angleton 3,508.
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Finished the 1st half of the video...
Two guys can't block him.
After the 1st drive, Vidor was held to 1 first down in the first half.

Fine tune the offense and Dayton looks like a big favorite in the next two games.

I will try to post some of the highlights tonight.
won't be the final voice over video, just some of the highlights.
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1st half highlights (about 6) are now on youtube

search for....



Will try to have the voice over highlight video done on Wednesday evening.

Been falling behind this year (teaching 7th grade math, 8th grade math, prealgebra, and algebra each day, as well as making the preps for each lesson), it is a lot of work, but man do I have the GREATEST STUDENTS IN THE WORLD!
Will also try to update the Jack in the Box pictures this week.
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[quote name="the_dude_abides" post="708701" timestamp="1258293311"]
I read on another post that a couple of the players were injured (N.L Hines and one other).  I don't want this to turn into gossip, but I was wondering how they are recovering and what the extent of their injuries were.

No gossip here....straight from the horses mouth. 
N.L. Hines and another player (could have been 2 others but I don't remember those details) came across a vehicle accident where a truck had flipped and caught fire trapping a lady inside. The guys were trying to get her out of the vehicle and ended up having to break the window with a rock. They grabbed her and pulled her out but N.L. received burns while doing so. He was bandaged and did not play during the Vidor game but said he will be back this week. Now I believe Aaron Jenkins was one of the others there but I am not completely certain of that and not sure if he received any injuries or not- the only thing I am sure of is what happended to N.L. because I saw the bandages myself and the person I was with talked to him at the game.
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[quote name="PURPLE 4EVER" post="709421" timestamp="1258341615"]
1st half highlights (about 6) are now on youtube

search for....



Will try to have the voice over highlight video done on Wednesday evening.

Been falling behind this year (teaching 7th grade math, 8th grade math, prealgebra, and algebra each day, as well as making the preps for each lesson), it is a lot of work, but man do I have the GREATEST STUDENTS IN THE WORLD!
Will also try to update the Jack in the Box pictures this week.

I wish I could get Youtube to work at work! I want to see a replay of that first TD by Payton- I was so focused on watching him I missed some key blocks I am hoping you caught on the video.  Can't wait to get home and take a peek!
Thanks for all the work you put into this! We all appreciate it very much!
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