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[size=14pt]BH begins process to hire new coach[/size]

By Dave Rogers
The Baytown Sun
Published December 4, 2009

It could be a month or more before Barbers Hill begins advertising for a new athletic director and head football coach, a school district official said Thursday.

School officials are gathering a wide-ranging panel of citizens to “develop criteria for the position” before a replacement can be sought for retiring Barbers Hill athletic director Don Price.

Price’s resignation after 12 seasons as head football coach and athletic director was announced Nov. 18 by the district. The next day, Price told The Baytown Sun that the Barbers Hill district had agreed to buy out the final year and a half of his $98,800 annual contract and that he planned to leave the district in December.

“We want representatives from all local organizations that are considered stakeholders,” said Gayle Woodall, assistant superintendent for educational services.

The list, she said, included representation from the Barbers Hill Sports Hall of Honor and the Barbers Hill Scholarship Committee as well as the Barbers Hill Sports Association and TIFI Football Association, which deal with local youth sports.

“We want to include parents of students who are not yet in secondary schools,” Woodall said. “And we will also have staff members on the committee.

“We will work to develop a profile for the position before we post (advertise) it on the Web.”

Woodall said she was not aware of a definite timetable for coming up with the hiring profile.

“It’s supposed to be happening fairly quickly,” she said. “I guess I’d say in the next month or six weeks. The (upcoming) holidays always complicate people’s schedules regarding when they can get together.”

Woodall was asked about the possibility of separating the athletic director position from the job of head football coach.

“I have not heard any conversation about that,” Woodall said of separating the athletic director and head football coaching jobs.

“It might be something that comes out of the committee. If that’s the case, it might be two different (job) postings.”

Woodall said that Barbers Hill school board members are set to accept the separation agreement between Price and the district at their next board meeting, Dec. 14.

“We cannot post a job until the resignation has been approved,” she said.
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Coaches get too much credit when they win and get beat up too much when they loose. Hopefully the next staff will not be as paranoid as some in the past while at the same time will not need there egos stroked 24-7. I'm kind of hoping they will just be regular guys and we can shut down the coach hater line and the coach praise and worship line. Then we can talk about football and the kids who make the sacrifices and practice twice a day in August to entertain us on Friday nights.
Holy Smokes - Get input from the local sports association about what they want in a high school coach.  Do they want to make sure the local sports association can run that type of offense/defense.  I am all for dotting the i's and crossing the t's, but really - the sports association and tifi - whatever that is.  Do you win state championships in pop warner?  Ones that count that is.  Come on BH - post your requirements and go out and watch the coaches you narrow it down to at their respective school, look at their record, talk to coaches in the district they are in now and in the past and lets make a decision based on what that person has done for the programs he has been a part of - not the sports associations.

The Hill wants someone that will stroke the Supt. and several members of the community. Don was not political enough for the powers that be. I am sure the little league guys no what to look for in an AD/HC. With all the D-1 athletes does it really matter who they hire?  ;)
[quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="725930" timestamp="1260225296"]
Good grief! The spin never stops.

FYI, fall sports banquet is tonight.  Should be very interesting.  I hope people come out and show their appreciation for the programs this fall as well as coach Price.  Starts at 6:30.  Come out and support the Hill.
Banquet was nice.. Varsity players showed alot of class by going thru line afterwards and shaking hands with Price and hugs to all the coaches..It was obvious from the comments of the coaches this was special group of guys...Coach Taylor defensive coordinator is a class act....Great speaker.....
[quote name="sfajack07" post="712244" timestamp="1258656578"]
Well it looks like the school board ran another good one off again.  I am not saying that everyone on the school board is a crook.  There are THREE, and they know who they are.  The ring leader of this group has been responsible for running good administrators, teachers, coaches, and now a good AD off.  All this one school board member is worried about is his kids and the sports they are in.  I am also very disappointed with the superintendent.  Why can't Barbers Hill get a superintendent who thinks for himself and not let the board make his decisions for him?  It is no secret on who the one board member wants to bring in.  He has tried to do it before.  All I can say The Hill has got some rough days ahead of it.  Shame on the superintendent and the three on the school board!
[/quote]    Wow... This is the one of the most illiterate comments yet. The Board does not Hire/Fire. The superintendent does that, It is very humorous reading these post. I am ashamed that some people say that graduated from BH. For everyone saying it was the " Board" go look at their job description.. Oh wait.. It is not a JOB. These individuals volunteer their time for the sake OUR children. For all of you "Talkers" go do something for your school district, and not just cause drama. It's apparent the "Talkers" have nothing else do with their time.

[/quote]    Wow... This is the one of the most illiterate comments yet. The Board does not Hire/Fire. The superintendent does that, It is very humorous reading these post. I am ashamed that some people say that graduated from BH. For everyone saying it was the " Board" go look at their job description.. Oh wait.. It is not a JOB. These individuals volunteer their time for the sake OUR children. For all of you "Talkers" go do something for your school district, and not just cause drama. It's apparent the "Talkers" have nothing else do with their time.

::) Uhhh...just in case you didn't realize it when you ventured onto this section of SETX sports, this is a forum, otherwise known as a discussion board, where members come to discuss (aka talk) about topics of interest.  Also, it is obvious that this topic is of great interest to many a members and last time I checked anyone is free to express their opinion so long as it is within the rules.

Now that this is cleared up.....welcome to the forum- feel free to talk about any of the topics you find of interest! :)
Guest GCMPats
[quote name="BHALUM" post="726630" timestamp="1260321564"]
[quote author=sfajack07 link=topic=62612.msg712244#msg712244 date=1258656578]
Well it looks like the school board ran another good one off again.  I am not saying that everyone on the school board is a crook.  There are THREE, and they know who they are.  The ring leader of this group has been responsible for running good administrators, teachers, coaches, and now a good AD off.  All this one school board member is worried about is his kids and the sports they are in.  I am also very disappointed with the superintendent.  Why can't Barbers Hill get a superintendent who thinks for himself and not let the board make his decisions for him?  It is no secret on who the one board member wants to bring in.  He has tried to do it before.  All I can say The Hill has got some rough days ahead of it.  Shame on the superintendent and the three on the school board!
[/quote]    Wow... This is the one of the most illiterate comments yet. The Board does not Hire/Fire. The superintendent does that, It is very humorous reading these post. I am ashamed that some people say that graduated from BH. For everyone saying it was the " Board" go look at their job description.. Oh wait.. It is not a JOB. These individuals volunteer their time for the sake OUR children. For all of you "Talkers" go do something for your school district, and not just cause drama. It's apparent the "Talkers" have nothing else do with their time.

You might need to check your facts before calling someone illertiate. The following is from the TEA.

Framework for School Board Development

Adopted by the State Board of Education
January 1996

Preamble: The Board of Trustees is the educational policy-making body for Texas public school districts. To effectively meet the challenges of public education, school boards and superintendents must function together as a leadership team. Each leadership team must annually assess their development needs as a corporate body and individually to gain an understanding of the vision, structure, accountability, advocacy, and unity needed to provide educational programs and services that ensure the equity and excellence in performance of all students. The Framework for School Board Development has been approved by the State Board of Education to provide the critical areas of development for all public school boards.

I. Vision - The board ensures creation of a shared vision that promotes enhanced student achievement.

• The board keeps the district focus on the educational welfare of all children.

• The board adopts a shared vision based on community beliefs to guide local education.

• The board ensures that the vision supports the state's mission, objectives, and goals for education established by law.

• The board ensures that the district vision expresses the present and future needs of the children and community.

• The board demonstrates its commitment to the vision by using the vision to guide all board deliberations, decisions, and actions.


II. Structure - The board provides guidance and direction for accomplishing the vision.

• The board recognizes the respective roles of the legislature, State Board of Education, the Texas Education Agency, and local boards of trustees in the governance of the public schools.

• The board fulfills the statutory duties of the local board of trustees and upholds all laws, rules, ethical procedures, and court orders pertaining to schools and school employees.

• The board focuses its actions on policy making, planning, and evaluation.

• The board adopts a planning and decision making process consistent with state statute that uses participation, information, research, and evaluation to help achieve the district's vision.

• The board ensures that the district planning and decision making process enables all segments of the community, parents, and professional staff to contribute meaningfully to achieving the district's vision.

• The board develops and adopts policies that provide guidance for accomplishing the district's vision, mission, and goals.

• The board adopts a budget that incorporates sound business and fiscal practices and provides resources to achieve the district's vision, mission, and goals.

• The board adopts goals, approves student performance objectives, and establishes policies that provide a well-balanced curriculum resulting in improved student learning.

• The board approves goals, policies, and programs that ensure a safe and disciplined environment conducive to learning.

• The board oversees the management of the district by employing a superintendent and evaluating the superintendent's performance in providing education leadership, managing daily operations, and performing all duties assigned by law.

•[ The board adopts policies and standards for hiring, assigning, appraising, and compensating school district personnel in compliance with state laws and rules.

III. Accountability - The board measures and communicates how well the vision is being accomplished.

• The board ensures progress toward achievement of district goals through a systematic, timely, and comprehensive review of reports prepared by or at the direction of the superintendent.

• The board monitors the effectiveness and efficiency of instructional programs by reviewing reports prepared by or at the direction of the superintendent and directs the superintendent to make modifications that promote maximum achievement for all students.

• The board insures that appropriate assessments are used to measure achievement of all students.

• The board reports district progress to parents and community in compliance with state laws and regulations.

• The board reviews district policies for effective support of the district's vision, mission, and goals.

• The board reviews the efficiency and effectiveness of district operations and use of resources in supporting the district's vision, mission, and goals.

• The board evaluates the superintendent's performance annually in compliance with state laws and regulations.

• The board annually evaluates its performance in fulfilling the board's duties and responsibilities, and the board's ability to work with the superintendent as a team.

IV. Advocacy - The board promotes the vision.

• The board demonstrates its commitment to the shared vision, mission, and goals by clearly communicating them to the superintendent, the staff and community.

• The board ensures an effective two-way communication system between the district and its students, employees, media and the community.

• The board builds partnerships with community, business, and governmental leaders to influence and expand educational opportunities and meet the needs of students.

• The board supports children by establishing partnerships between the district, parents, business leaders, and other community members as an integral part of the district's educational program.

• The board leads in recognizing the achievements of students, staff, and others in education.

• The board promotes school board service as a meaningful way to make long-term contributions to the local community and society.


V. Unity - The board works with the superintendent to lead the district toward the vision.

• The board develops skills in teamwork, problem solving, and decision making.

• The board establishes and follows local policies, procedures, and ethical standards governing the conduct and operations of the board.

• The board understands and adheres to laws and local policies regarding the board's responsibility to set policy and the superintendent's responsibility to manage the school district and to direct employees in district and campus matters.

• The board recognizes the leadership role of the board president and adheres to law and local policies regarding the duties and responsibilities of the board president and other officers.

• The board adopts and adheres to established policies and procedures for receiving and addressing ideas and concerns from students, employees, and the community.

• The board makes decisions as a whole only at properly called meetings and recognizes that individual members have no authority to take individual action in policy or district and campus administrative matters.

• The board supports decisions of the majority after honoring the right of individual members to express opposing viewpoints and vote their convictions.
Guest GCMPats
In most states, it is the local board that is charged with the responsibility to establish and maintain a basic organizational structure for the local school system, develop curriculum, meet federal and state mandates for public schools, appoint a superintendent and key members of the central office staff, adopt an annual budget, and create a climate that promotes educational excellence. Consequently, school boards initiate educational policies at the local level and have a responsibility for implementing a variety of state and federal policies. These boards provide important administrative oversight relative to the educational policies and programs they institute; play a central role in establishing systems and processes to ensure the school system's fiscal, programmatic, and outcome accountability[size=14pt];[u][b] and undertake broad human resource functions that include making crucial decisions regarding the district's top-level leadership and key staff.[/b][/u][/size] Finally, school boards provide leadership for the local school system, adopting a unifying vision and mission, soliciting and balancing the participation and input of members of the community, and advocating on behalf of the educational needs of children at the local, state, and national levels.

[size=12pt]Come on now! Do you really think the School Board has no say in the "hire/fire" aspect of the district. The Superintendent can make all the recommendations he/she wants in regard to "hire/fire", but the Board makes the ultimate decision![/size]
BH Eagles honor team leaders at banquet
By Dave Rogers
The Baytown Sun
Published December 9, 2009
MONT BELVIEU — Matthew Viverette combined to pass and run for nearly 3,000 yards in leading Barbers Hill’s football team to the playoffs this fall.

The senior quarterback was named his team’s Most Valuable Player at the Barbers Hill Fall Sports Banquet Monday night.

Barbers Hill teams advanced past district competition in all five fall sports for 2009 — football, volleyball, boys and girls cross country and team tennis.

The football, volleyball and cross country teams were honored at the banquet held at the Barbers Hill High School cafeteria.

Tennis players, who also compete in a spring season, will be honored at the Spring Sports Banquet.

Also honored at the banquet were the school’s cheerleaders and student trainers and managers.

The Eagles volleyball team finished second in District 19-4A.

Kirsten Terry won the Queen of the Hill award for coach John Leonard’s team and Morgan Anderson took home the Dare to Soar award.

Barbers Hill’s girls finished second in the 19-4A cross country team standings, while the Eagle boys went to regional as the district’s third-place team.

The Lady Eagles girls, led by Larissa Rios, finished fifth in the regional meet, missing a trip to state by two places.

Rios was named MVP for the girls team and Brandon Rivera was named MVP for the boys. MacKenzie Daniels won the Leadership Award.

The awards for the football players were saved for last and presented by Eagles assistant coaches.

Sophomore linebacker Ryan Reuter was named Outstanding Defensive Player by defensive coordinator Bruce Taylor.

Senior receiver Carter Smith was named Outstanding Offensive Player by offensive coordinator Dwayne Nunez.

Senior linebacker Randall Adlong, who could not attend, was proclaimed the winner of the Fighting Heart award by Stephen Owens and Jackie Byrd presented senior center Chris Fechner the Kenneth Skidmore Courage award.

Fechner and Smith presented a gift from the players to outgoing head coach and athletic director Don Price, which drew a standing ovation and individual thank-yous from the players as the evening’s activities ended.

Looks like Price had the respect from his players....
   Wow... This is the one of the most illiterate comments yet. The Board does not Hire/Fire. The superintendent does that, It is very humorous reading these post. I am ashamed that some people say that graduated from BH. For everyone saying it was the " Board" go look at their job description.. Oh wait.. It is not a JOB. These individuals volunteer their time for the sake OUR children. For all of you "Talkers" go do something for your school district, and not just cause drama. It's apparent the "Talkers" have nothing else do with their time.

It has started, like I stated in my earlier post. The back stabbing and blame game has started. For you BH-Alum, you are obviously well connected to the board if not on it. Go find a new "volunteer job". It's no secret that certain people didn't like Price, they tried to this back in 2005 but then we had a superintendent that was loyal and told him what they were trying to do. The reason that sup left he got tired of the board and the same reason the prior sup retired before him. Go find someone else to lie too. Keep trying to convince yourself and the others what you all did was right, because deep down you all had no legitimate reason to get rid of Price, nothing more than personal dislike for the man. But what is done is done. Go out there and correct ya'lls problem and hire the best person for the KIDS. I'm ashamed you call yourself a BH Alum. Hopefully your not a Alum and just wishing you were from here.
Eagles gridders soar to academic awards
By Dave Rogers
The Baytown Sun
Published December 10, 2009
Seven Barbers Hill football players stood up Monday night at the school’s Fall Sports Banquet when it came time to recognize those picked to the All-District 19-4A first and second team for 2009.

That was by far the fewest players from any of the district’s four teams that went to the playoffs who were judged among the league’s elite by 19-4A’s eight head coaches.

But the Eagles stood head and shoulders above the rest of the playoff squads when it came time to celebrate achievers of a different – and not nearly as subjective – kind.

Twenty-six of the Eagles’ 44 football players stood and were saluted for making the District 19-4A Academic All-District team.

That’s 59 percent of the players suiting up for the Eagles – nearly six of every 10 – who achieved the standard of a 90 average in their core courses over a six-week period.

“That’s the largest number that I can remember,” said Don Price, Barbers Hill’s outgoing athletic director and head football coach.

“And eight of those have met the requirements for the all-state academic team, too.”

Not every UIL athletic district chooses to salute athletes for academic honors as well as on-the-field accomplishments, but Price said that as long as he can recall, Barbers Hill has been in a UIL district that did.

“We’ve been doing it even when we were in a 3A district,” he said.

Barbers Hill has always been at or near the head of every district it has competed in for the number of academic all-district representatives.

“We have pretty good students,” Price said, “And we always conduct study halls Monday and Tuesday before practice to give kids an opportunity to do their homework or go to their teachers for help.

“We don’t practice after school on Thursdays, so they can go see their teachers. We have to do it, because we don’t want to lose anyone to grades.

“We’ve always had a very cooperative faculty.”

In volleyball, in which the all-district team was announced last month, Barbers Hill had seven girls earn academic all-district honors compared to eight for Crosby and a district-high nine for Kingwood Park.

Kingwood Park actually had the most football players from 19-4A earn academic all-district honors with 29. After Barbers Hill with 26, Crosby was next with 15 and Goose Creek Memorial next with 10.

Thank You GCMPats and Bobcat!!!  I have not heard anything else out of BHALUM.  But he dose sound like one of those "volunteers" to me also.  If not he is an ex board member or a friend of one who tells the board what they need to do.

axe em jacks
2009 SLC Champions!!!
[quote name="BHtheHill" post="727420" timestamp="1260419494"]
I hope the next AD can keep these numbers up.... ??? ??? ???

I don't think the AD is making the kids smart! The Parents and Teacher may have something to do with this ::)
Guest GCMPats
[quote name="BHFAN" post="727573" timestamp="1260467562"]
[quote author=BHtheHill link=topic=62612.msg727420#msg727420 date=1260419494]
I hope the next AD can keep these numbers up.... ??? ??? ???

I don't think the AD is making the kids smart! The Parents and Teacher may have something to do with this ::)

No he is not "making the kids smart". He did provide them with an environment that was conducive to mainting a high level of education.
[quote name="GCMPats" post="727577" timestamp="1260467830"]
[quote author=BHFAN link=topic=62612.msg727573#msg727573 date=1260467562]
[quote author=BHtheHill link=topic=62612.msg727420#msg727420 date=1260419494]
I hope the next AD can keep these numbers up.... ??? ??? ???

I don't think the AD is making the kids smart! The Parents and Teacher may have something to do with this ::)

No he is not "making the kids smart". He did provide them with an environment that was conducive to mainting a high level of education.

True, but these kids are maintaining their grade levels because of the Parents and Teachers not the AD's. The AD's giving the kids the opprotunity to study more does make it easier for them to maintain these grades. I'm just saying it isn't then next AD's resonsibility to keep our grades high! He has enough to do just getting BH football back to where it needs to be.
Guest GCMPats
[quote name="BHFAN" post="727598" timestamp="1260470092"]
[quote author=GCMPats link=topic=62612.msg727577#msg727577 date=1260467830]
[quote author=BHFAN link=topic=62612.msg727573#msg727573 date=1260467562]
[quote author=BHtheHill link=topic=62612.msg727420#msg727420 date=1260419494]
I hope the next AD can keep these numbers up.... ??? ??? ???

I don't think the AD is making the kids smart! The Parents and Teacher may have something to do with this ::)

No he is not "making the kids smart". He did provide them with an environment that was conducive to mainting a high level of education.

True, but these kids are maintaining their grade levels because of the Parents and Teachers not the AD's. The AD's giving the kids the opprotunity to study more does make it easier for them to maintain these grades. I'm just saying it isn't then next AD's resonsibility to keep our grades high! He has enough to do just getting BH football back to where it needs to be.

So, are you saying that as long as BH is 10-0, you have no problem if the student-athlete's are not taking care of business in the classroom?

Trust me. I do not need the AD/HC to motivate my son (who just happens to be on the Academic All-district team) to get his education. It is, however, vital that the AD/HC is "in my corner" when it comes to expectations about grades, etc...
[color=blue][b]So, are you saying that as long as BH is 10-0, you have no problem if the student-athlete's are not taking care of business in the classroom?

Trust me. I do not need the AD/HC to motivate my son (who just happens to be on the Academic All-district team) to get his education. It is, however, vital that the AD/HC is "in my corner" when it comes to expectations about grades, etc...[/b][/color]

It's nice to see someone from outside of the program WITHOUT ANY BIAS who realizes what is really going on.
[quote name="BHFAN" post="727598" timestamp="1260470092"]
[quote author=GCMPats link=topic=62612.msg727577#msg727577 date=1260467830]
[quote author=BHFAN link=topic=62612.msg727573#msg727573 date=1260467562]
[quote author=BHtheHill link=topic=62612.msg727420#msg727420 date=1260419494]
I hope the next AD can keep these numbers up.... ??? ??? ???

I don't think the AD is making the kids smart! The Parents and Teacher may have something to do with this ::)

No he is not "making the kids smart". He did provide them with an environment that was conducive to mainting a high level of education.

True, but these kids are maintaining their grade levels because of the Parents and Teachers not the AD's. The AD's giving the kids the opprotunity to study more does make it easier for them to maintain these grades. I'm just saying it isn't then next AD's resonsibility to keep our grades high! He has enough to do just getting BH football back to where it needs to be.
Back from where?  9 years of 90+ wins.  You have the guy that was responsible for setting the standard of excellence in the football program and all others as well.  There is something definately strange about all this.  What is the truth?
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