CoachBrown Posted December 4, 2009 Report Posted December 4, 2009 I just thought I would let you know that the Jasper coaching staff is once again putting on their winter camp. Last year we had a great turnout and we hope to do so again this year.Jasper Bulldogs Winter Baseball CampAges 8-14Hitting and Skills CampJanuary 16th8-10 years old 9:00am – 12:00pm (limited to first 25 only)11-14 years old 1:00pm – 4:00pm (limited to first 25 only)Camp will cover: hitting, defense, and other baseball specific skillsCost: $45.00Pitching Camp with Chad Beck(professional pitcher in the Toronto Blue Jays organization)January 16th11-14 years old 9:00 am - 10:30 am(limited to 12 only)11-14 years old 10:30am- 12:00pm(limited to 12 only)8-10 years old 1:00pm -2:30pm(limited to first 12 only)8-10 years old 2:30pm- 4:00pm(limited to first 12 only)Cost: $45.00Camp will cover: fundamentals of pitchingRegistration forms can be found at:www.jasperisd.netJasper Bulldog ClubhouseIf you have any questions contactPaul Trevino 739-3316 or Joey Brown 466-1380BASEBALLCAMPChild’s Name:________________________________________ Age:_______________Primary Position:_____________________SecondaryPosition:_____________________Parent or Guardian:________________________ Email(optional)___________________Address:________________________________________________________________City:_________________________ State:_________ Zip code:____________________Home Phone: _____________________ Work Phone:____________________________Emergency Contact: ______________________________ Phone #:_________________Each Camper needs to bring- glove, hat, baseball pants, cleats, tennis shoes, bat and batting helmet, long sleeves shirt or jacket.Camps- Circle the camp or camps that you plan to attend Hitting and Skills Camp Pitching Camp Hitting Camp fee: $45 before 1/6/10(cash, check or money order)After 1/6/10: $50(cash only)Pitching Camp fee: $45 before 1/6/10(cash, check or money order)After 1/6/10: $50(cash only)Jasper Bulldog Baseball Camp Liability Waiver FormI verify that my child has been checked by a licensed physician prior to attending the Jasper Bulldog Baseball Camp and is physically able to participate. I allow the camp coordinators to act on my child’s behalf and to obtain medical care if required. In addition, I understand and assume all risks resulting from the participation in the baseball camp and will hold harmless Jasper Bulldog Baseball, Jasper Youth Baseball Association, the camp coordinators or its employees of any liability, action, causes of actions, claims, and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise in connection with or resulting from participation in any of Jasper Bulldog Baseball Camp activities.Parent/Guardian Signature DateInsurance Carrier & Policy NumberPlease list any allergies or medical conditions your child may suffer from:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mail registrations to Joey Brown PO Box 323 Jasper, Texas 75951. Make checks payable to Joey Brown.
bkatdog Posted December 8, 2009 Report Posted December 8, 2009 It's almost that time of the year again, where the rest of the sports world starts thinking about baseball again. Looks like another good year of Bulldog Baseball is on tap for this spring. What a great oppurtunity to learn from the Dog Coaches in Brown and Trevino( playoffs since 1994,deep runs in last few years). It has been really good for the players to workout in offseason with a pro pitcher ( Beck) and learn from his journey. It is also good to have Coach Trevino back in Jasper looking for another trip to Austin. Maybe Jace T. and Austin B. can stand in the pictures this time. Have a good camp and get the young Dogs off in the right direction.
CoachBrown Posted December 11, 2009 Author Report Posted December 11, 2009 Registration forms are now posted at
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