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    • I try not to let my dislike for Trump and his braindead followers cloud my judgment, but here goes.    I expect a repeat of the returns from 2020, with slightly improving numbers for Harris and slightly worse numbers for Trump.    Harris was on the ballot in 2020-most people realized that Biden would like fail to finish his term and Harris would end up as POTUS-and 81 million voted for them anyways. They were, and will be, okay with her being President. You hear plenty of loud complaints about Biden/Harris, but they’re always from Rs… not Ds, not undecideds. Inflation at the grocery store doesn’t matter to people whose food is free. Gas prices rise and gas prices fall-it’s what happens. Sadly, we’re all used to $3 gasoline.    I think the real problem is this. Trump is a badly flawed candidate. When all he had to do was be quiet and let Biden implode, it would work. But now he’s forced to fight if he wants to win-he can’t just stay quiet and lose now that she’s in control. And a threatened Trump is a stupid trump. He’s going to say things that make people like Reagan and Englebert cheer, but makes undecided voters RUN the other direction.  That’s the problem with saying dumb things-it might make your stupid followers cheer, but it also makes people who don’t love you run out and vote against you.    At this point (7/28/2024) it’s Kamala’s race to lose, and Trump’s strategy seems to be “say anything to make sure my base turns out to vote for me” while not recognizing that  saying anything that motivates your base also motivates the other base to vote for their guy, AND turns the ones in the middle back towards the other side.    Kamala hasn’t done much in four years, but she hasn’t done much wrong, either. 
    • Just my opinion, but I think Sealy is gonna give Bellville some trouble, they might be the team that surprises everybody.  Giddings will be much better, but they don't have the skill kids to compete with the Bellvilles of the world. They use to, but not anymore, demographics now, and based on what's in the elementary level, not so good.  Rumer has it, HC didnt get renewed, and that could be good or bad, depending on your way of thinking? 
    • Y’all were all crying week before last that he was too old, senile, etc…. Then he quits and you’re crying louder than ever.     In retrospect… The early debate was a disaster for Trump AND Biden.. it was devastating for Biden because it became obvious that he couldn’t physically perform the duties of a President… but the timing of the debate was crushing to Trump as well, because it gave the Ds time to switch horses before their convention-and that change is the reason Trump is going to lose for certain. There was a window between the debate and Biden dropping out where Trump actually had a chance-but that’s come and gone.    And for what it’s worth, the Ds are just smarter.  If the debate had occurred in an opposite fashion- Biden was sharp and Trump acted like he’d lost his marbles- MAGA would never switch horses.    Someone told me a while back the difference between the Tea Party and MAGA. The Tea Party was about a set of ideas and principles-MAGA is about one man. I guess the only real question is whether we nominate Trump again in 2028… or does the MAGA mob find some other lunatic to blindly support?
    • What happened there?
    • Lots of crying about how the Dems chose Kamala… but do you know who isn’t complaining? Democrats.    I haven’t heard a single democrat voter complaining, nor have I heard a single democrat say “I’d also like to be the democrat nominee for President.  Not a single potential candidate has spoken up and said “wait… what about me?”   Not a single one. It’s all fake outrage from the right.    Kamala beats trump’s head in… watch and see.     Are you going to bury your head in a big pile of election fraud lies after this election, too?   And didn’t speak up on the question at hand. Do you also support the idea of voting trump in 2024, then him fixing things so you never have to vote again.     My opinion is that IF this story takes off, trunk loses 43-55 ish, and with Kamala taking 300+ electoral college votes. Both candidates floor is around 40% of the vote- those are locked in votes that are never going to change. The rest are undecided or votes that could potentially go either way-those are the ones (like myself) whose opinion matters. We decide elections-not the mindless drones who support x or y “no matter what.”  Trump basically told free thinkers that if they vote for him, their opinion will never matter again. It’s a huge turnoff. If a person is trying to pick the lesser of two evils every four years, then gets told by Trump “choose me, and you’ll never get to make another choice” they’re going to vote the other way. Not just stay home-vote the other way.    Trump is just doing what he does best-getting the opposition to get out and vote against him. The second best thing he does is get his followers to buy his merch. 
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