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Vidor At Lumberton


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answer the question Diva!!

Well...even though you didn't show my LCM Bears much love with your prediction of PNG by 7 this Friday, I'm still gonna' go with Vidor on this one by 10. I can't help myself...I like to root for the underdog. :wink:

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You know what, I can honestly say several people, mostly other lumberton fans, need to take a class in trash talk. Its gonna be a good game. Lumberton is gonna beat vidor like they stole sumthin. It is an opinion for at least another 25 hours before it becomes fact. That is a valid trash talk comment. But man all this talk about us beating dayton again if we played them...come on guys, we lost fair and square. Take it like men. and most importantly, At the end of the week I would shake the hand of every man in this room. If you can't do the same, then sommeone has gone too far.

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How can you possibly think Slumberton is going to win. That run defense is scary........444 yards rushing......vidor scores early and often. Hopefully after this week we can all forget about these silly posts about slumberton being good.

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How can you possibly think Slumberton is going to win. That run defense is scary........444 yards rushing......vidor scores early and often. Hopefully after this week we can all forget about these silly posts about slumberton being good.


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Why is Dayton such a good team now......they are 2-2 right.........Do you think just because they spanked yall that they are some great team. Let them play a real opponent in district before we crown them state champs. Beating down lumberton means nothing to me......It will be an every week thing.

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i would love to meet you tonight piratefan...
Well I will take that as a compliment..(I guess)..

i will be there..probably get there around 7..I remember yall dont have the most largest stands..And yalls ticket takers i think they come from the local nursing home..They take there sweet time checking tickets

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Vidor may have defeated Nederland, but I say so what? You seem to forget that we are NOT the Nederland Bulldogs, but we are the Lumberton Raiders. No true Raider fans had any doubt that we would win, especially after the onside kick that we recovered in the last minute of the game :P. As for the Dayton game, they were good, real good. Just wait until any of you go against Dayton, because maby then others will rub the score in your face over and over again. You might as well think of excuses for yourselves for why you lost to Dayton already, because after all the ragging you've done on us about OUR score, you'll need it. But just incase any of you manage to beat Dayton I want to give you an early Congrats, but after seeing how Dayton dominated Ozen, that may not happen. After all of this "Lumberton had an easy pre-district", I agree we did, but that didn't stop us from beating Vidor. (which I must add that Vidor played a VERY good game). One last thing, We may not have the best atheletes in our district, in fact I'll say right now that we don't, but I'll also say that we lay down the hat and bring it hard, and will NEVER just give up and let you step on us.

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