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I don't think the defense has been that far ahead of the offense. Except for this year. If you look at the year we went the farthest the last couple of years we had a dominant d. Have you heard the saying Offense puts people in the stand but d wins championships? So what does that mean we haven't won championships so. I am going to start a new line on here I blame the defensive coaches. lol.....Could we just possibly talk about the kid and be positive. Bhfan everone knows where you stand and your opinions. I for one don't agree but we have heard it every time we have had a bad game. I am just asking. I dont want to offend you.

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BH Fan

You are an IDIOT!!!! I bet you do your job so well no one ever grips about you. And that is being nice about it

I'm thinking you need to quit your JOB and come on down. I promise you' date=' you could never do there job. The hours that some of them spend up there, away from there families trying to please people like you.

Your comment "I understand that some of you know a coach on the team and that is why you are on here defending them (Which you should) , but these guys receive pay checks and have a job just like everyone else. If you don't perform then you look for the next job. I'm not saying these guys are bad people I'm sure they are all great, but again I work with some very nice people that don't do thier job. "


Blah Blah Blah :lol: just like a woman :wink:


I don't think the defense has been that far ahead of the offense. Except for this year. If you look at the year we went the farthest the last couple of years we had a dominant d. Have you heard the saying Offense puts people in the stand but d wins championships? So what does that mean we haven't won championships so. I am going to start a new line on here I blame the defensive coaches. lol.....Could we just possibly talk about the kid and be positive. Bhfan everone knows where you stand and your opinions. I for one don't agree but we have heard it every time we have had a bad game. I am just asking. I dont want to offend you.

Deal Bearkat, From now on I'll wait three days before posting after a bad game :wink: This is a touchy subject and I will let it die if everyone else will. New week, New game time to show New Caney who can hold the only title of Eagle!!!!


If you think the coach’s are catching it this year and we are 5-0.

Wait till next year when we are struggling, because we will be and it is going to get U.G.L.Y in EAGLETOWN.

I have had many, many arguments with posters on coaching, and play calling, and our playoff history.

I had an argument with one posters 2 years ago, I don't remember who he was.

He said the team last year would be our best ever.

I agreed with that.

He said we would go farther than any of the teams over the last few years..

I hated to disagree, but I did.

I told him if we keep doing what we are doing we are going to keep getting what we were getting.

I guess I was right!

I know we had some key injuries and that did not help any.

But none the less we would not have made it much farther last year either.

You people can say how great our staff is, and I think they are some real good coaches who do take us as far as they can every year.

But to say we don't have talent and it is all coaching is STUPID!

We may never have the D1 stand out, but I'll take a TEAM of D2 prospects over one player all day.

There have been a lot of factors that have lead to our early playoff exits over the years, fumbles, missed extra points etc.

I read where our D has cost us, bull crap.

If anything they are the constant.

That is what got us there.

Is there any way Coach Byrd can run the Offense?

It is not the D’s fault they get tired after staying on the field the entire game because the O can’t do the job.

When you get farther in the playoffs you start running up against teams that can put the points up and when you can’t you go home which we do.

I think if we did not do the same every year it would not be as obvious.

True it does come down to execution and coaches have no control of that.

It is just there are instances where it was not that.

I think it has to be funny when a team gets a film and the scouting reports.

They have no doubt what defensive play they are going to run the first time we get the ball.

Oh and wait here is the best part.

When you start getting into the playoffs there are teams that can stop play #1.

The reason we never make it any farther is we get out coached plain and simple on the offensive side.

I have been enjoying BH football for many years and will continue, but mark my words.

The next few years are going to test the true BH fans!

I hope to see you there I just hope you can stay on your side of the fence.

:shock: Oh and I think I want to coach High School football when I retire from my job I have now. :shock:

:P What do I have to do? :P


Thanks for jumping on Eagletown. I was starting to wonder were you where at.

We do have a bunch of talented players. And we do have some good coaches. But we do get out coached in the playoffs. The problem is when the other team watches our film they see that if a play dosen't work to the left then we run it to the right the next play. We have a great offensive scheme just the wrong person calling the plays. Do I think I am qualified to call the offenseive plays? No I dont. But i dont think little Price is either.


Get use to it, it ain't gonna change!

There is to much politics involved.

How do you think Skidmore came back from Anahuac.

That is why Mrs Goss was elected, to protect the teachers.

The guys we have, we are going to have.

There is not going to be any changes no time soon, unless they retire or die.

We won't fire them we would move them to just teaching and we have plenty of old coaches teaching.

We had our chance to get Dan Hooks a few years ago, but I guess the school board did not want to win a state title or two.

I guess you get what you pay for!


I have had arguments with WOS posters and they just can't believe he would ever leave their beloved town to come back to his home town.

Hey man you slipping? What happened with double spacing?


So yal are still on the we only run a couple plays thing. Before Lil Price started calling the plays we just ran sweep right sweep lift you said, he opens the offensive up immensely and you still say the same thing. We have one of the more complicated offensive around whether you can see it or not. Just because two plays we run to the right doesn't mean it is the same play. Next game why don't you try and watch some of the blocking schemes or other parts of the team. Not just what direction someone takes the ball. The team has lost the playoff games with turnovers, blown assignments, etc. You mentioned a team full of D2s over one D1. Please tell me all these smaller school players we have had. I missed them. The coaches run a great system. For whatever reason us players just don't get the job done come playoff time. You can see in films, which I'm sure you've never really analyzed, that the plays called in these should have worked. We didn't execute, plain and simple.

And please explain how a team last year can run the Wing T offense go the length of the field in 40 seconds without a timeout and score on us...go to blame the offense I guess, should have called plays that would let us kick the field goal as time expired.


So yal are still on the we only run a couple plays thing. Before Lil Price started calling the plays we just ran sweep right sweep lift you said' date=' he opens the offensive up immensely and you still say the same thing. We have one of the more complicated offensive around whether you can see it or not. Just because two plays we run to the right doesn't mean it is the same play. Next game why don't you try and watch some of the blocking schemes or other parts of the team. Not just what direction someone takes the ball. The team has lost the playoff games with turnovers, blown assignments, etc. You mentioned a team full of D2s over one D1. Please tell me all these smaller school players we have had. I missed them. The coaches run a great system. For whatever reason us players just don't get the job done come playoff time. You can see in films, which I'm sure you've never really analyzed, that the plays called in these should have worked. We didn't execute, plain and simple.

And please explain how a team last year can run the Wing T offense go the length of the field in 40 seconds without a timeout and score on us...go to blame the offense I guess, should have called plays that would let us kick the field goal as time expired.[/quote']

First of all I agree with the fact that Lil Price has opened up the offense more.

I for one think we have made a huge turn around with the play calling.

The fact is he is still getting defensive layout from up top from who?

And he still works for the same AD who is the Boss.

So many things are still the same.

I know he would open up things more if he could, but he is kind of being held back.

Now if you know any thing about past BH football you would know some of the players I was talking about.

Now true not all of them played D2, but like I said many, were prospects.

I will try to name as many as I can back to 98.

Trey Saunders, Little Price, John Sproat, Mikey Sproat, had he not got hurt in the car wreck, Matt Henajosa, left to Lee, Kyle Kaderli, Jordan Byrd, Boss Douchette, John Arnett, Thurman Blake of who is still playing now at a four year school and the coach that help him to the college level was from Liberty(?) Jared Dolan, Jeremy Merek, Perry Carrington, Brian Cummings, Brandon Hickey, The red headed monster from the year ago, Brian Gilbert, and the back the year before him can’t remember his name, Chris Daniels, Pat Cook, Adam Aycock, this year both Pattons, Mason Fisher, Big Cox, #84 sorry I can’t remember his name.

I know there are even more I have missed and if it was you I apologize.

I hope that clears it up for you a little.

Now… on to the K-Ville loss if I may.

We definitely beat ourselves in that one with mistakes, but we were going to fall in the next round more than likely.

Now had we not have lost Chris we would have really made some noise.

I still question why he was still in that game.

I also tend to think the right QB was in the back field at the end of the season and had Chris been in a T. Blake position we probably would not have lost him and we would have been a whole lot more deadly of an offense if you can imagine that.

Man I have been watching way to much EAGLE FOOTBALL!!


hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....I had to get that out of my system sorry


For one thing I don't understand what it matters who is telling the OC the defensive layout.

He is just relaying what he sees, not what play to call.

And yes he is still under the head coach, but I really cannot understand how the offensive has not been opened up greatly.

Last year we had two quarterbacks listed in the areas top 15 or 20 (Chronicle's 3A and others) only playing a half a season each.

This year we are throwing much more than in the past and it is a quarterback just this year converted from running back.

We stay in a spread shotgun and usually have 4 receivers.

That's pretty opened up if you ask me.

Now all these D2 caliber players we have had.

I'm obviously not going to call anyone out, but I'm sorry to say these are not all kids who could have played at the next level.

Not D1 or 2.

But, even if they were, that is not a whole lot when you are talking about your POSSIBLE D2 players from 8 years.

And only 4 actually have (2 walk-ons).

You mentioned something about the Liberty coach being the one that helped Thurman.

I'm assuming that was supposed to be a shot at our coaches not helping people get to schools..?

That's a whole other discussion in itself.

And I will say there were and are several in last year's class and this year's.

These two years have probably had the most athletes.

And look, last year we had a team that could really go on and do some damage (even had a great offense, check those numbers out if you'd like), and this year they are doing very well at the 4A level.

Coincidence?..I think not

And for the record I do not think we would have lost next round to a Cameron Yoe team playing with a third string QB.

Lastly I don't really see why you argue Daniels being in the game when he was hurt since it was something like the fourth offensive play of the game.

What position he should have been playing is, once again, a whole other discussion.


As far as many of these kids not being able to play at the next level that is your opinion, but I think they could have had they wanted to and if I am not mistaken many of them did, they just did not stick with it.

I did fail to mention several players so I think the odds are in my favor that we have had plenty of talent since 98.

I could be wrong, but I thought when he got hurt the score was like 35 to nothing.

I had heard that is how T. Blake went.

Take it as you may, but if a coach from Liberty helped him out why did he have to?

Just a Question.

We will see what happens in the future when the talent level starts to drop.


As far as many of these kids not being able to play at the next level that is your opinion' date=' but I think they could have had they wanted to and if I am not mistaken many of them did, they just did not stick with it.

I did fail to mention several players so I think the odds are in my favor that we have had plenty of talent since 98.

I could be wrong, but I thought when he got hurt the score was like 35 to nothing.

I had heard that is how T. Blake went.

Take it as you may, but if a coach from Liberty helped him out why did he have to?

Just a Question.

We will see what happens in the future when the talent level starts to drop.[/quote']

No disrespect intended here so do not take it that way . That is an impressive list of names....How many were Division I? Any Big 12?


Ok last post on coaching!! You have your Opinions and I have mine. I'm completly wrong the Coaching is great and we have no atheletes. Goodluck Eagles and Coaches 8)



When people usually discuss playing at the next level, they are referring to atleast D1 AA. D2 or 3 is more about just wanting to play. If it is really what you want to do alot of people can get on the teams. Now actually being a producer on those teams is different. I don't want to sound like I am degrading anyone who has done that. There is a big difference at those levels in "making the team" and really playing. This is not a load of talent for a team to have since 98. You could name maybe 9 or so that could possibly play D1 AA. And several of those as walk-ons. I don't want to be downing walk-ons because that means you can play. I am just saying that because it means it wasn't a standout athlete or they would have been seen and given a scholarship, which is the arguement. And on the coaches not helping, if you are good enough they find you. Our coaches actually do work very hard to get people to schools, but it is hard to build up an undersize kid that doesn't have great speed, regardless of how good of a player they are. If the players met what the colleges wanted, they would be there. Scouts don't have to be called anymore they are at every high school in the area in the springs to check it out for themselves. Apparently they don't like what they see. I think T. Blake was a great player, I say best running back we have had. Could he play, yes. But, it was a hard sell for our coaches because he was a little slow for tailback and a little small for protypical fullback (also few teams use a true fullback anymore so that limited the opportunities). It's just not easy to get kids to the next level unless they've got the God-given abilities. And Daniels was injured at the beginning of the game, just finished the half.

To McHale..none were D1 A, two were D1 AA both walk-ons


When people usually discuss playing at the next level' date=' they are referring to atleast D1 AA. D2 or 3 is more about just wanting to play. If it is really what you want to do alot of people can get on the teams. Now actually being a producer on those teams is different. I don't want to sound like I am degrading anyone who has done that. There is a big difference at those levels in "making the team" and really playing. This is not a load of talent for a team to have since 98. You could name maybe 9 or so that could possibly play D1 AA. And several of those as walk-ons. I don't want to be downing walk-ons because that means you can play. I am just saying that because it means it wasn't a standout athlete or they would have been seen and given a scholarship, which is the arguement. And on the coaches not helping, if you are good enough they find you. Our coaches actually do work very hard to get people to schools, but it is hard to build up an undersize kid that doesn't have great speed, regardless of how good of a player they are. If the players met what the colleges wanted, they would be there. Scouts don't have to be called anymore they are at every high school in the area in the springs to check it out for themselves. Apparently they don't like what they see. I think T. Blake was a great player, I say best running back we have had. Could he play, yes. But, it was a hard sell for our coaches because he was a little slow for tailback and a little small for protypical fullback (also few teams use a true fullback anymore so that limited the opportunities). It's just not easy to get kids to the next level unless they've got the God-given abilities. And Daniels was injured at the beginning of the game, just finished the half.

To McHale..none were D1 A, two were D1 AA both walk-ons[/quote']

bheaglefan, I will revisit this comment at the end of the season. I'm superstitious and don't want to discuss it during the season, but you and I will chit chat at a later date. :wink:


Nope sorry I don't think any were.

John Arnet played and graduated from SFA, I think he walked on.

Brian Cummings had a chance to go to Rice, but his Senior year he was moved from a starting D end which he had held down since his Sophmore year and was recruited for his junior year to a RB which he had little experience at but did fairly well.

I believe several of them chose baseball but not at the D1 level.

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