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    It has been said the game of soccer could not be played appropriately without rules or rule enforcers. There is a lot of truth to that. That said, I have seen enough high school soccer games this year that it is time to make a couple of important obsevations reguarding the local rule keepers.
    This year I have seen too many players receive moderate to severe injuries with the player committing the foul receiving no consequence for the physical harm they bring to other players. While I know injuries are part of the game, I believe it is time for the referees to penalize players for obvious injurious play. When players walk off the field with concussions, finish the game with cleat marks on their upper thighs or back, and young players suffering broken collar bones or separated shoulders, offending players should walk off the same field with yellow and/or red cards for their actions. Instead, the cards given this year - while generally warranted - are for innappropriate verbal comments, pulling jerseys, or other less offensive penalties. I encourage the powers that be to put as much emphasis on the physical aspect of the game as they do on soccer's traditional "gentlemanly" aspect. I also encourage them to consider dropping their blatant biases toward certain teams. It only discredits your job as well as your respect.
    That said, I also want to also encourage the fans to conduct themselves appropriately while in the stands. While it is understandable you do not want your young ladies and gentlemen hurt due to missed calls of rough play, you still need to show the referees the correct respect. While referees will not see everything you see in the stands, students will see your example. Be sure it is positive.
    Good luck to all the teams as the season comes to a close.
[quote name="WellRead" post="774331" timestamp="1268203364"]
    It has been said the game of soccer could not be played appropriately without rules or rule enforcers. There is a lot of truth to that. That said, I have seen enough high school soccer games this year that it is time to make a couple of important obsevations reguarding the local rule keepers.
    This year I have seen too many players receive moderate to severe injuries with the player committing the foul receiving no consequence for the physical harm they bring to other players. While I know injuries are part of the game, I believe it is time for the referees to penalize players for obvious injurious play. When players walk off the field with concussions, finish the game with cleat marks on their upper thighs or back, and young players suffering broken collar bones or separated shoulders, offending players should walk off the same field with yellow and/or red cards for their actions. Instead, the cards given this year - while generally warranted - are for innappropriate verbal comments, pulling jerseys, or other less offensive penalties. I encourage the powers that be to put as much emphasis on the physical aspect of the game as they do on soccer's traditional "gentlemanly" aspect. [b]I also encourage them to consider dropping their blatant biases toward certain teams. It only discredits your job as well as your respect. [/b]
    That said, I also want to also encourage the fans to conduct themselves appropriately while in the stands. While it is understandable you do not want your young ladies and gentlemen hurt due to missed calls of rough play, [b]you still need to show the referees the correct respect[/b]. While referees will not see everything you see in the stands, students will see your example. Be sure it is positive.
    Good luck to all the teams as the season comes to a close.

So, Well, why don't you become a ref and correct all these wrongs? Stop just observing and do something about it, other than criticizing on a board.

In one paragraph you say [b]"I also encourage them to consider dropping their blatant biases toward certain teams. It only discredits your job as well as your respect"[/b] and then in the next you say [b]"you still need to show the referees the correct respect"[/b].  Seems to me that in the first comment that you are insinuating that refs are "helping" (in other words not calling the game fairly........or could be translated into "cheating") certain teams.  Are these comments showing "the referees the correct respect" that you are telling everyone else they need to do.  Sounds like one of those "do as I say, not as I do" comments.

Again, I challenge you to become a referee. You can stop all these wrongs and you can make the game better.

And no, I am not a referee.  I just get tired or reading over and over how bad officials are (in all sports and on all threads on this board) by people who just sit in the stands and don't have the b@!!s to put a shirt on and improve the officiating to the level that they believe it needs to be.

[quote name="Dogs2x2" post="774463" timestamp="1268236455"]
[font=Comic Sans MS]Couldn't agree more.  There is nothing worse than a blind or lazy ref and obnoxious fans.  :-\[/font]

I challenge you to become a ref Dogs, and you 2 can replace these "blind or lazy refs".

So unless you have the b@!!s to put a shirt on..........well, you know the rest. ;)
[font=Comic Sans MS]Oh did we touch a cord? You a ref ??? If you cant take the truth then stop reading the board.  By the way that is what the board is for, stating our opinion. That being said I never said it wasn't a hard job. And no not just anyone can or should do it.  But come on don't all refs go to the same classes?? Aren't there rules for a reason?? When they let the game get too out of hand thats when the kids get hurt.  And after all isn't that what its all about the KIDS and keeping them SAFE!!! [/font]
[quote name="Dogs2x2" post="774480" timestamp="1268237366"]
[font=Comic Sans MS]Oh did we touch a cord? You a ref ??? If you cant take the truth then stop reading the board.  By the way that is what the board is for, stating our opinion. That being said I never said it wasn't a hard job. And no not just anyone can or should do it.  But come on don't all refs go to the same classes?? Aren't there rules for a reason?? When they let the game get too out of hand thats when the kids get hurt.  And after all isn't that what its all about the KIDS and keeping them SAFE!!! [/font]

I repeat, I am not a referee.  I just get tired of people getting on a board and "bashing" referees.  

Maybe refs should sit in the stands to call games, because the viewpoint is much better from there than on the field, I mean I read tons of things the refs missed from people on these boards.  You can see how "blind and lazy" refs are, you can see how bias they are, you can see all the things missed and bad calls (I should say calls that you don't agree with) from the stands.........I hope some refs are on here so they can consider this.......this would even keep them from getting in the way of the players that are competing.  Why haven't those blind, lazy, biased refs thought of this before?

In response to your comment "If you cant take the truth then stop reading the board", I can handle the truth, I just get tired of the bashing(which is not an opinion).  When was the last time you saw a comment on here about how well a game was officiated?  Or this would be great......... a comment saying "my team won because the refs were biased for my team" ;D

I still challenge you to put on a shirt and do the job (and you could get Well to help you), then you 2 could replace 2 lazy, blind, biased refs. :D and the world would be a better place.
[font=Comic Sans MS]I'm sure the refs are big boys and can take a little criticism, and I  really could argue with you allll day about this but this forum is not the place.  You are certanly intitled to your opinion as am I. [/font]
[quote name="Dogs2x2" post="774607" timestamp="1268247696"]
[font=Comic Sans MS]I'm sure the refs are big boys and can take a little criticism, and I  really could argue with you allll day about this but this forum is not the place.  You are certanly intitled to your opinion as am I. [/font]

I consider calling someone "lazy" or "blind" bashing and not an opinion.  I am sure the refs can take constructive "criticism" though, but I really haven't seen any of that.  Just name calling by people who do not have the guts to put on a shirt.

But I agree, we all have a right to our own opinions.........so state one
Alright, I've done both, been a player, and a ref. I think it gave me an advantage over other refs who have never played the sport but only officiate it, because of the fact that I played it and experienced the little things and what to look for or expect in a game. However, a ref only has a 180 degree plane of view (I know that is not the exact degree, but you get the point) and that leaves a whole 180 degrees "blind" to the center ref, regardless of how much of a swivel he keeps his head on. That's where good line judges come in handy because they can see the "blind" degrees. Yes I agree that the calls in this area have been lacking, I don't know why, but they have been.

@Xavierbreath: you are right, it's not right to bash the refs in excess, yet there have been a few at best posts bashing the refs, one of which I started. Because honestly, the lack or weakness of some of the calls in the area are appalling. And this is a public board that refs are well aware of, so it's not like they are being attacked in a way that they can't defend. Of course, there will always be people upset with the officiating at a HIGH SCHOOL soccer game, because let's face it, even the refs in national games miss calls, but the level of calls being missed here are below that of what they should be. Finally, you do indirectly point out an issue that usually falls upon deaf ears, lack of refs, because I know for a fact that there have been games officiated without a full staff, which contributes to missed calls, but it's all because there aren't enough refs.

I agree with the blatant injurious play, but I do not know about the gentleman part. I have been watching alot of GolTV lately and have been surprised by all the shirt pulling, two arm waist wrapping, flagrant forearms and shoves in the back from professional world class futbol-lers without even a nod from the refrees.. Locally we have always taught clean play, but when we leave this area and play in Houston and Dallas we seemed to be out physicalled quite a bit and now I know where they get their examples from.

Again I do agree the offenders should not walk scot free, but I believe these guys do there best to keep it clean... At least most do.
Its funny yall  are blaming the referees for the injuries.  Why not put some blame on the players that are causing injury.  I can guarantee you that some players continue to do it game in and game out because they do not know how to play the game correctly.  OR because their coach doesnt correct thier actions.  After watching some games around here lately I have seen blatant ugly tackes and coaches do nothing to correct it but some give a cheer..  After all, if they are being taught to play the game correctly maybe they wouldnt be hacking or tackling from behind .  I cannot see blaming a referee for all of it.  A referees job is to go un noticed and to call a fair game.  However  that he calls the game its just suppoes to be the same for both teams.  Calling the foul after the injury occured,  that would be too late.    Our team played 31 games this season and had one injury that kept a player out for more than one game. And that was a game we played locally.  And only two others where the players had to leave the game.  Blame needs to be spread equally.  Coaches,  Players, and Refs that are scared to card a player who continues to play rough. 
Please take note Xavier,
    1) As to refereeing - been there, done that
    2) I'm busy watching my kid(s) play
    3) The "blatant bias" comment is not baseless. Another area ref told of one local referee who said prior to a game "I don't like ____________(school name)." The ref then proceeded to call 12 fouls and issue at least one yellow card against that school to two foul calls in their favor, despite several flagrant fouls injuring two of that school's players.
    Over the past several years I have observed particular players throughout the area appear (emphasis on appear) to be singled out by certain refs. They (the players) are consistently called (or carded) for minor (non injuring) fouls, but when they are seriously fouled (i.e. hip-checked or shoved to the ground) not even a call is made in their favor. Observing this makes one at least question the unbias attitude of the rule keepers.
    Oodoo is right, there is a problem having enough competent (my word added) refs available for games which contributes to this problem. And I do appreciate those who take on this thankless job - without them the games could not go on.
    My whole point of the post is this - any player, boy or girl, who intentionally fouls and seriously injures another player should experience an appropriate consequence (some form of card) The center referees with the aid of the ARs are responsible for this response. The response should be consistent from game to game and school to school. I would be naive to think all fouls will be called, but the above mentioned type of fouls being left unchecked can ultimately open the door to events such as happened at the recent Ned-Central game as well as other games.
IMO a serious part of the problem is that (In several HJ games i know for sure) there have only been 2 referees.. they both play as outside/center refs.. trying to judge the middle and line, and 80 percent of the time they are not in the position to make some calls that they do..

On the BIAS subject.. if you think that EVERY ref is COMPLETELY neutral and NEVER favors a team in a game they officiate then im sorry to say, but i believe you are sadly mistaken.. it happens... thats my opinion..

Refs will miss calls, as was said above, they can't see everything.. I do think some officials should read over what cardable offenses are, because i have seen some players get away with very serious fouls, and others get carded for a slight bump...

Also when the ball is kicked into a persons hand (Ball to hand = ballhand) it should not stop play...
When the players hand is moved into the ball (hand to ball = handball) then play is stopped...
I have seen quite a few times when a player could have in no way moved their hand out of the way when the ball was kicked very hard directly at them, and play was stopped.. I don't know what the refs expect you to do in that case...
[quote name="WellRead" post="774989" timestamp="1268282081"]
Please take note Xavier,
     1) As to refereeing - been there, done that
     2) I'm busy watching my kid(s) play
     3) The "blatant bias" comment is not baseless. Another area ref told of one local referee who said prior to a game "I don't like ____________(school name)." The ref then proceeded to call 12 fouls and issue at least one yellow card against that school to two foul calls in their favor, despite several flagrant fouls injuring two of that school's players.
     Over the past several years I have observed particular players throughout the area appear (emphasis on appear) to be singled out by certain refs. They (the players) are consistently called (or carded) for minor (non injuring) fouls, but when they are seriously fouled (i.e. hip-checked or shoved to the ground) not even a call is made in their favor. Observing this makes one at least question the unbias attitude of the rule keepers.
     Oodoo is right, there is a problem having enough competent (my word added) refs available for games which contributes to this problem. And I do appreciate those who take on this thankless job - without them the games could not go on.
     My whole point of the post is this - any player, boy or girl, who intentionally fouls and seriously injures another player should experience an appropriate consequence (some form of card) The center referees with the aid of the ARs are responsible for this response. The response should be consistent from game to game and school to school. I would be naive to think all fouls will be called, but the above mentioned type of fouls being left unchecked can ultimately open the door to events such as happened at the recent Ned-Central game as well as other games.

[b]"1) As to refereeing - been there, done that"[/b]............Great, then you should be able to step right in when your kid(s) finish their athletic careers and add 1 "competent" ref to the shortage of good refs........unless of course you are tired of being criticized at games and on some "opinion" message board

[b]"2) I'm busy watching my kid(s) play"[/b]............I don't blame you, that is where you should be, I respect that 100%, you are to be commended for that

[b]"3) The "blatant bias" comment is not baseless. Another area ref told of one local referee who said prior to a game "I don't like ____________(school name)." The ref then proceeded to call 12 fouls and issue at least one yellow card against that school to two foul calls in their favor, despite several flagrant fouls injuring two of that school's players"[/b]........................If what you say here is true, it should be easy to prove.  If indeed "another area ref told of one local referee who said prior to a game "I don't like ____________(school name)", then there should be witnesses that can back up that claim.  I would also imagine that there is video that can collaborate your allegation.  If these events happened as you claim then I agree it should be reported and the evidence presented to the UIL and the proper consequences for such actions should be handed down.  But it is easy to repeat "hear-say" that may or may not have any substance.  It could be a parent or player that is upset that their team lost and they are looking for someone to blame it on.  Bottom line is, if you are not going to take action to prevent these allegations that you are making, then just live with the consequences.

Bottom line is "The "blatant bias" comment is not baseless" is baseless unless you have evidence and can prove these accusations.

JMO of course.  :)
I like how sharkfutbol's comment was basically passed over or ignored. But yes I agree, it's a mutual responsibility, players are responsible for their play, whether it be intentional or not.
Ok, wondering if I should step off into this discussion or not because at times it really does not seem to be going anywheres but here goes anyways.

As some have said previously, I have had the luxury of playing, coaching, and also refereeing. I have seen all view points of the games. Yes referees will miss calls, soccer is a fast paced game and stuff will be missed. Are the rules enforced consistantly, no way, why because the game of soccer is one big gray area. When soccer becomes where it is not as much of a gray area sport, I think the enjoyment of the sport will truly deterroitate. Why? Because with hard stead fast rules such as the DGSO rule where a player is automatically red carded, someone is not going to be happy. Now I know you'll say, well the player committed a foul against an attacker who was one on one with the keeper, it should be a red card. You are correct! Now, what happens when the score is 8-0 and a defender from the losing team commits this foul? Still think that it will add to the spirit or the enjoyment of the game if he/she receives a red card in an already dire game? That is why it is not good for the  game for some of the descretion that the referees have be taken away.

Now, are the referees in this area lacking, of course. Is the knowledge, experience and skill of SOME of the referees in this area lacking, of course. Guess what, it is not different than any other area in the State of Texas. Having rubbed shoulders with many of those who still continue to do games (I do not) I know that there are some outstanding referees in this area. I know of a few who have gone on to do high levels of games and in my opinion are still some of the best referees I have seen. So do not say that the referees around here are not good, because believe me, there are some good ones.

To the comment about the referee saying he didnt like a particular school. His comment was probably based around the fact that ever time he goes to a particular school to do a game, he receives a ration of sh*t from the fans, coaches, and sometimes players who are not controlled by those in the stands or on the sidelines. Though referees know that they have to take some criticism or griping, or know that there are idiot fans up there who really dont know the game but think they do, it is disheartening to be on the field in any level of game (but happens more in High School) and have fans up in the stands screaming derrogatory comments at you, telling you that you "suck" "blow" or do nothing more than sit up in the stands and further insight the players on the field, from both teams i might add. It is disheartening because most of the times, it is ADULTS. Why do they do it, they do it because they know they can generally get away with it. Bad part is, who does it really affect, it affects the players. The players on the field hear the fans screaming and unfortunately, it is contagious. However, I do not think that the referee that made that comment purposely called fouls against a certain team because he/she did not like them. It is also silly to quote statistics because some teams are more physical than others so some teams will be called on more than others. Some teams player the advantage or take advantage of "advantage" situations than others. So yes the player may have gotten fouled, but the player continued through the foul and the foul was not called. Again, statistics are silly.

And lastly, yes the referees here do go to the same classes. It has been a while but when I sat in them, they are told the same information at each one, but as with most soccer referees nationwide, each sees the game in a different light based on their skill, experience, knowledge etc. I agree with those who say if you want to change how games are called in this area, join up, and see how well you do.

If you're wondering why I do not referee anymore. Well here is my quick soapbox on that issue. I refereed for many years, did some of the bigger games in this area. However, I found myself dreading going to certain schools like the official mentioned in a previous post because of the constant badgering I received by students and fans. I found myself in situations at times where fans had followed me out into the parking lot. Ask yourself, why are there cops at UIL events, well that is why. Because some people take it past extreme and do silly stuff like that. After figuring out that I was tired of the badgering, that I was getting to where I did not want to go to many schools around here, I found that I was not enjoying it anymore. It is not worth doing it if you do not enjoy it, believe me, the money is not that good. Was I a great referee, by no means, but I think I was a good one. However, I did not feel that any human deserved to be treated or talked to the way I would be talked to by spectators and coaches. So once I figured out that I wasnt enjoying it, I hung up my jersey and stuck with the coaching aspect of it. I still cringe today when I hear some idiot on the sidelines of my sons youth soccer game ranting and raving over a hand ball that was not a hand ball and verbally abusing a referee. I see young children who are refereeing games that are getting talked to the same way I was when I was refereeing many moons ago. This too is disheartening to watch adults talk to a teenager or even worse, threaten a teenager in that way. Do they mess up, yes, but what is yelling at them, no matter what age going to get you, nothing more than a pissed off referee!

So for those of you who are up in the stands and are unhappy with the level of officials on your games, look around and watch the guy who you think to yourself, oh that's just "that guy" who likes to jack with the referees. You may not like the level of officials on your childs games because the high level of officials walked and said "no way, I'm not going there to deal with that, I'll go somewhere else or quit".

Ok I have writer's cramp now, enjoy your evenings.
[quote name="soccerguy1" post="775890" timestamp="1268371980"]
Ok, wondering if I should step off into this discussion or not because at times it really does not seem to be going anywheres but here goes anyways.

As some have said previously, I have had the luxury of playing, coaching, and also refereeing. I have seen all view points of the games. Yes referees will miss calls, soccer is a fast paced game and stuff will be missed. Are the rules enforced consistantly, no way, why because the game of soccer is one big gray area. When soccer becomes where it is not as much of a gray area sport, I think the enjoyment of the sport will truly deterroitate. Why? Because with hard stead fast rules such as the DGSO rule where a player is automatically red carded, someone is not going to be happy. Now I know you'll say, well the player committed a foul against an attacker who was one on one with the keeper, it should be a red card. You are correct! Now, what happens when the score is 8-0 and a defender from the losing team commits this foul? Still think that it will add to the spirit or the enjoyment of the game if he/she receives a red card in an already dire game? That is why it is not good for the  game for some of the descretion that the referees have be taken away.

Now, are the referees in this area lacking, of course. Is the knowledge, experience and skill of SOME of the referees in this area lacking, of course. Guess what, it is not different than any other area in the State of Texas. Having rubbed shoulders with many of those who still continue to do games (I do not) I know that there are some outstanding referees in this area. I know of a few who have gone on to do high levels of games and in my opinion are still some of the best referees I have seen. So do not say that the referees around here are not good, because believe me, there are some good ones.

To the comment about the referee saying he didnt like a particular school. His comment was probably based around the fact that ever time he goes to a particular school to do a game, he receives a ration of sh*t from the fans, coaches, and sometimes players who are not controlled by those in the stands or on the sidelines. Though referees know that they have to take some criticism or griping, or know that there are idiot fans up there who really dont know the game but think they do, it is disheartening to be on the field in any level of game (but happens more in High School) and have fans up in the stands screaming derrogatory comments at you, telling you that you "suck" "blow" or do nothing more than sit up in the stands and further insight the players on the field, from both teams i might add. It is disheartening because most of the times, it is ADULTS. Why do they do it, they do it because they know they can generally get away with it. Bad part is, who does it really affect, it affects the players. The players on the field hear the fans screaming and unfortunately, it is contagious. However, I do not think that the referee that made that comment purposely called fouls against a certain team because he/she did not like them. It is also silly to quote statistics because some teams are more physical than others so some teams will be called on more than others. Some teams player the advantage or take advantage of "advantage" situations than others. So yes the player may have gotten fouled, but the player continued through the foul and the foul was not called. Again, statistics are silly.

And lastly, yes the referees here do go to the same classes. It has been a while but when I sat in them, they are told the same information at each one, but as with most soccer referees nationwide, each sees the game in a different light based on their skill, experience, knowledge etc. I agree with those who say if you want to change how games are called in this area, join up, and see how well you do.

If you're wondering why I do not referee anymore. Well here is my quick soapbox on that issue. I refereed for many years, did some of the bigger games in this area. However, I found myself dreading going to certain schools like the official mentioned in a previous post because of the constant badgering I received by students and fans. I found myself in situations at times where fans had followed me out into the parking lot. Ask yourself, why are there cops at UIL events, well that is why. Because some people take it past extreme and do silly stuff like that. After figuring out that I was tired of the badgering, that I was getting to where I did not want to go to many schools around here, I found that I was not enjoying it anymore. It is not worth doing it if you do not enjoy it, believe me, the money is not that good. Was I a great referee, by no means, but I think I was a good one. However, I did not feel that any human deserved to be treated or talked to the way I would be talked to by spectators and coaches. So once I figured out that I wasnt enjoying it, I hung up my jersey and stuck with the coaching aspect of it. I still cringe today when I hear some idiot on the sidelines of my sons youth soccer game ranting and raving over a hand ball that was not a hand ball and verbally abusing a referee. I see young children who are refereeing games that are getting talked to the same way I was when I was refereeing many moons ago. This too is disheartening to watch adults talk to a teenager or even worse, threaten a teenager in that way. Do they mess up, yes, but what is yelling at them, no matter what age going to get you, nothing more than a pissed off referee!

So for those of you who are up in the stands and are unhappy with the level of officials on your games, look around and watch the guy who you think to yourself, oh that's just "that guy" who likes to jack with the referees. You may not like the level of officials on your childs games because the high level of officials walked and said "no way, I'm not going there to deal with that, I'll go somewhere else or quit".

Ok I have writer's cramp now, enjoy your evenings.

great post Soccerguy, I am glad to hear from a ref.........someone who has been there and can express what it must feel like to be constantly harassed and insulted when you are trying to do a job the best that you can.  You have my utmost respect.  Sorry you decided to give it up.  Your post, I think, explains why there is a shortage of referees in soccer and in most sports.  It is a shame, because as we know, you cannot play the games without referees.
I too like hearing from local refs such as oodooo.  I'm going to go with his statement about local refs im afraid.  I too have had the pleasure of playing, refereeing, and coaching in the area and sorry, but when it comes down to it, this area does have more weak officials than strong ones.  And yes Soccerguy1, it is different than a lot of other areas in the state of Texas.  Not that they're not good people or not trying to do their best and all that good stuff, but some that i know personally could care less and that's a fact.  I cant tell you how many times after asking a ref about a certain call or tried to get a better understanding of a rule i get the old shoulder shrug or an "Im not sure about that one" answer.  More times than i get a good answer, thats for sure.
And seriously, when i became a ref at 16, i knew i was going to be criticized.  I STILL TOOK THE JOB knowing that.  I knew as a coach, i was going to be criticized and I still took that job too.  Some people can handle it and some cant.  If you can't, then i dont think you're too smart to take such a job.  Are there boundaries and breaking points? Certainly!  But you have to do something about it!  If some fan or coach is badgering you past your limit, throw the fan out or card the coach.  No they cannot "generally get away with derrogatory remarks"!  And thats what i mean by weak and someone earlier referred to as "lazy".  I'm rooting for our local refs to tighten up, gain some respect, and get control back.  Before you can be unseen, as Shark said, you have to set the guidelines and have control. 

Well, not as short and sweet as i like to keep it, but, for all its worth, thats my two cents.
Yes that has always been a some what of a problem here, that SOME officials in this area do not see the need to better themselves or reach for high levels. That has always been the accepted "norm". However, I still do not like generalizing all of our local officials as week. I have been to various parts of south texas for tournaments and can honestly say it is the same as here for the most part. Some of our officials on our games were excellent, some were good, some were mediocre.

and Yes, I knew that I would receive "criticism" when I began officiating. I did not however, know that I would be called a variety of names including vulgar names, slurs, a cheater, etc just because some goof ball in the stands or on the sidelines "thinks" they know the rules. As far as ejecting the fans or coaches, sometimes it is just best as an official to not do such a thing as it will deterioate the game and that too will spill onto the field. Soccer is a huge game of psychology. Coaches use it with their players, players use it against each others, and referees use it to get desired outcomes from the game such as keeping players in control. Talking to some who still officiate, I think it has gone way across the line of the "norm" or acceptable. I would love to see the reaction of players, coaches and fans if a referee reverses the role and starts commenting and dogging a player for their performance on the field each time they miss a shot, miss a pass, are called off-side. The coaches, players, and fans would erupt saying how "unacceptable" that is. Well, it is the same, for those three groups as well. We all know you are going to get the "aww come on ref" or the "thats a handball". But when either of the three groups or like people on this post have done, start questioning an officials integrity, it begins to cross the line or when they make it personal towards the referees in the games, it crosses the line.

I feel that this post could go on for months and we could probably say that though we agree on some issues most will just agree to disagree.
I got evaluated once while I was doing alot of reffing.  The ref told me them to make my calls like i am positive they are correct.  Scream into the whistle and point with authority.  Now half the stands hates you and half love you.  However when you call your calls with authority and you point like your sure.... then one of the ones who hates you comes to your side thinking maybe he is correct, he is closer and seems sure of his call.  So now you have more than half on your side hahaa.  Makes sense.  Next I agree with the above and as a referee if your spending your time listening to the ridiculing and or name calling, maybe thats the reason so many people get mad, because your not watching the game.  Several refs do worry more about the stands than they do the field.  I have had horrible refs here , there and everywhere we have played.  I have won games with horrible refs and lost games with horrible refs.  Its a non stop argument that goes with EVERY SPORT.  An umpire calls a strike on the corner,,,,  the batters team and parents are screaming that itwas horrible... while the pitchers parents and mates are screaming great pitch... haha. it ainnnnnnnnnnnnnnt gonna change.  Keep doing what u do refs.  The team and the coaches , just like with the weather have to change their styles for that game.  Simple.. just be consistent.
[color=red][font=Comic Sans MS]I wanted to say that the Center Ref for the Nederland vs LCM did a Great Job.  He kept complete controll of the game and didn't let it get out of hand.  Of course both sides played with great sportmanship so there really wasn't an issue of dirty fouls.  He has been the 1st Ref all year in MY OPINION that we have experienced that  has been consistant with his calls, calling fairly both ways.  He let the boys play a good solid game.  Great job Ref!  You could definately teach some of the others a thing or two.  [/font] [/color] 
  • 1 month later...
I think it starts at a young age.  Too many refs allow illegal play early on and it continues.  Once in competitive soccer, it is hard to break a kid from those habits.  Multiple times, I have had a striker behind the defense with only the goalie left and have the kid taken down from behind.  The rules of soccer contemplate this very play.  It is a send off foul.  While that may be harsh at the younger ages, at least stop the game, walk the kid to the sideline and tell them to take a break (often, the person committing the foul was the last one beaten, hence, there is also some retaliation in it).  I think if that is done enough times when they are younger, they can understand the limits better.

As they get older, they will tend to do what they are allowed.  In Houston area games, blatant fouls are more likely to be called (even as the games are more physical).  But, even there, the refs have not been willing to card kids for the play I described.  In the semi-finals of a tournament, a ref gave us a direct free kick 1/2 a yard outside the box as a compromise.  I see that a lot. 

My point is, start instructing the players when they are young on the proper ways to use your body against an opponent.  As a referee, you can reinforce that by asking a kid out of control to sit out for a while. 
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