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Why has there not been a unification or merger of the local clubs?  I am not talking about abolishing the recreational level organizations but funneling to a singular competitive entity.  I was in Dallas this past weekend at the Spring Classic and their was a rumor started of another club coming to town.... It seems to me the only way to really produce the best players is to get them all together and compete on the highest possible level.... similiarly as Mike Hughes has done. This is not a plug for Spindletop.... due to the fact my daughter and other players have recently left for Houston... but to compete against Houston we must have an All out Joint effort.
I am I right or wrong. I would really like to see this happen in my life time. I think it will benefit the kids. Because the truth be told girls like Chloe( Super Gold Player of the Year) are competing against other girls that are better prepared.... for those same Div1 scholarships....

It makes no sense for us to drive 1.5 hrs one way to practice on a school night... but it is what we must do to compete against the top tier players from around the state for those scholarships, not to mention the other girls from the other 49 states.

This is in no way a Spindeltop bashing... it is the best thing going... But it must improve and can with the willingness of the GREAT GOLDEN TRIANGLE! hince super GOLD! It does not matter what the name of the organization is or who is in charge. Heck Call it Super GOLD that has a nice ring to it!

ps. I thought i was finished with my rant or rally call but something else hit me that only goes to prove my point. The SSSC93 team has only been 2 or 3 players away in it's entire existance from being a truly elite team by EDDOA standards and has lost enough DIV1 players to create a whole new team... names the likes of Lauren Seawright, Julianna Cruz, Brittney Jeanis, Claire Dykeman, Bailey Fontenot, Mallarie Hearn and now add Zuri Prince and Aaron Strawser to that list... Which begs me to ask where has Great Players the likes of Lauren Washburn and others been hiding or filling their thirst for competition in the sport they love. Players of this caliber would have made a significant difference in the outcome of this team (SSSC93) accomplishments and probably helped to keep some of the others from leaving to go to Houston to play in premier... I am not naive to say it would have stopped all from leaving but funneling these girls, that were willing, to the best team that could afford them the best opportunities would have gave the team a better oppurtunity at staying entacted with most of it's original players.

Believe me the drive is wearing me out, not to mention the strain on the girls.

OK I am through.  

« Last Edit: Today at 10:48:01 AM by rip2506 »  Report to moderator

LW tried to play on a Houston team. The late nights and drive were a lot.  I congratulate your efforts and determination in continuing to drive to Houston several times a week.

We have had this debate about what it will take to be on the level and compete with Houston for some time now. ......and still no real change in the way we do things around here.  I haven't been active with the clubs in tha last 5 or so years, but back then, there was so many power struggles and in fighting between the different clubs that it made it hard to see 'the big picture'. Hopefully that is not what is still holding back the area.

Guest Newbie
The problem with local clubs IMHO is they are mostly parent ran.  To be truly competitive and run well, look at the Dallas Texans model.  They have professionals running the show and calling the shots.  Let them come and see what they can do with the talent.
[quote name="Newbie" post="786320" timestamp="1270502008"]
The problem with local clubs IMHO is they are mostly parent ran.  To be truly competitive and run well, look at the Dallas Texans model.  They have professionals running the show and calling the shots.  Let them come and see what they can do with the talent.

I think you are right Newbie, but I believe it has to be these professional ran clubs (ie Dallas Texans, Albion ...) objective to unify the community, not divide and conquer.

There is some good in all these organizations and those aspects should be perserved and shared.
Guest Newbie
Hassan Nazari runs his club as a business and he does a great job at it.  They only pick THE BEST talent.  Unifying the community shouldn't be a goal if you want to be competitive.  Leave that for the Rec clubs.  The common goal should be player development and playing good soccer.  If you have a winning organization, people will come.  The cream will rise to the top.
This  must be a really tired subject.... just Myself, Newbie and setxgal even interested in making a comment.

Newbie you made some very good points..... I believe what I meant to say was that it would be common knowledge or practice that the best players would play for one club.... We will see what happens.

Thanks All for the thoughts
[quote name="rip2506" post="786641" timestamp="1270577900"]
This  must be a really tired subject.... just Myself, Newbie and setxgal even interested in making a comment.

Newbie you made some very good points..... I believe what I meant to say was that it would be common knowledge or practice that the best players would play for one club.... We will see what happens.

Thanks All for the thoughts

One thing we can hope for - that the great soccer players we are from this area will come back and coach teams and help increase the love for the sport. For so many years it has been moms and dads (which are great!) that have coached and very few people who have actually played the game. (I also suggest people who love and care about the sport to get active in the soccer clubs and their boards. )
True we started SSSC 93g to compete with Houston clubs but have been rewarded with more than great soccer players, parents and assistant coaches. The head trainers Starting with Jorge Cruz and now Jan Van Beveren have truly been an inspiration to myself and the talent we put together.
Also High school coaches are doing great job on girls and boys teams.
Most encourage year round soccer ,camps and do great job with area talent.
I'm with "shoes"....believe that trainers we have had have been an inspiration for players and families...also the players and families have been an inspiration to one another.  My daughters high school coach has been an inspiration to  her, and helped her with tactics that she needed work on even after years of club ball.

I think I see a classic case of looking over the fence at "greener grass".  However, many people on the other side don't say that the grass is greener.  For one thing, you know that the fees for club ball (even for Spindletop) are higher than many people want to pay.  They may be higher than some people can pay.  But Hassan Nazari is all about the money, and the fees paid at these big business clubs are much higher!  Can't really see how the market will hold that up....

I believe LW is a 92...hence, was too old to play on the 93 team.  Actually, I think that many of the outstanding 93 players in all the area high schools did play on the 93 team at one time or another. 

There have been few other age group teams that have been able to bring together players from all the area towns, but I think that is what you need in this area.  A Beaumont only team is not going to be able to compete....there is not that much high interest at each age level.  How splintering things by adding another club will help is beyond me!
The local association (SYSA) which is made up of all the local clubs (BYSC, Spindletop Select, Hardin, Orange, Gulf Coast, and Seabreeze) will be having association wide tryouts for the first time ever.  All the kids in the area that want to play competitive soccer will be trying out together at the same time.  Teams will be formed based on talent and preferred level of play (D1, Super 2, D2).  This is a step in the right direction to get the best talent in the area playing on one team to compete in Houston.  Right now, the two most successful teams in the area, have most (not all) the talent in their age groups, the Spindletop Select 93 Girls & Spindletop Select 96 Girls.  They are both upper level Div 1 teams.
[quote name="82Champs" post="787413" timestamp="1270676417"]
The local association (SYSA) which is made up of all the local clubs (BYSC, Spindletop Select, Hardin, Orange, Gulf Coast, and Seabreeze) will be having association wide tryouts for the first time ever.  All the kids in the area that want to play competitive soccer will be trying out together at the same time.  Teams will be formed based on talent and preferred level of play (D1, Super 2, D2).  This is a step in the right direction to get the best talent in the area playing on one team to compete in Houston.  Right now, the two most successful teams in the area, have most (not all) the talent in their age groups, the Spindletop Select 93 Girls & Spindletop Select 96 Girls.  They are both upper level Div 1 teams.

82 Champ this is music to my ears.

I have to politely disagree with Stori however about looking and not finding greener pastures. My daughter has competed in only 2 showcase tournaments at the premier level in the past 2 months and she has had more serious contacts than in the past few years combined. The pasture is greener but the work that it takes to get there(driving to and fro to Houston to practice ) is what I would like to change for the future generations, In my daughters case I believe it is too late.

Being on the 93 team (as a parent and assistant to Mike) since it's inception I believe I can speak for Mike on why this team has achieved the level of success that it has achieved and sustained for so many years. And the 96 team used it as a model and followed suit.
First Mike started scouting for talent when they were 6 and 7yrs old. I'll never forget our first road trip was to the outskirts of Austin and they were just 7yrs old and playing in a 3v3 tournament. Then he got organized with Jorge and began special training at a set time, usually Sunday for an hour or so. Then he began taking them to Austin, Houston and Dallas to compete against the best competition. U11 they qualified for Div1 out the box. 92 and 93 have some special kids, I donot know why but even the ODP trainers said there was something special  about the 92 group... must have been what the parents were drinking.... So this created and even better competitive base.
Many parents that had older children that had played said wait til U15-U16 the wheels are going to fall off... They always do here in Beaumont.... The great thing about it, because of the success....3 Pres Cup State titles and 2 back to back regional appearances.... girls that really got serious about their soccer and wanted to play beyond high school found the team (Chloe, Stowe, Natalie Hagar (2 tours of duty) Haley Shipman,Bianca Garza and others) gave the team the boost it needed to continue on. For the first time in it's history there were so many girls at tryouts, they formed two teams hince the U18 team which the majority are 93,94 and 95 birthdays. The team has girls from LC-M, Westbrook,Jasper, Silsbee,Kelly, PN-G, Nederland, Hardin Jefferson and Lumberton. All serious girls that what to compete and win. So there it is a unified team, girls from every rec club in the area playing under one umbrella. It works, they just have to start earlier and have the total support of the coaches and parents that gave them their first intiation into soccer. Mike is a genius and he proved his method would withstand the test of time. We just need to take it to the next level...Premier (which we did qualify for at U12) and stay there. You have a guy here with World Class Experience.... He may not be the businessman as Hussan....but he does love the kids and it is a start!
[quote name="the iceman" post="787511" timestamp="1270695357"]
If we unify the best talent from this area, girls and/or boys; we can WIN BIG against the fragmented Houston teams.  UNIFICATION is the key.

agreed.  and compete against the best teams they have. 
[quote name="the iceman" post="787511" timestamp="1270695357"]
If we unify the best talent from this area, girls and/or boys; we can WIN BIG against the fragmented Houston teams.  UNIFICATION is the key.

Right ON! Iceman I love your thinking.
when i was sophomore, i played on a U-18 team that was made up mostly of some of the best players from WB, Kelly, and Lumberton (which were all stacked at the time), with a few other players from the area who were from smaller schools but were all really talented.  We had a record of something like 30-1-3 on the season, won several tournaments against teams from houston, dallas, and san antonio, and finished 2nd in the state only because for some reason they had the state tournament set up in a round robin format, and we tied for first in our group and lost by one in goal differencial.  there's no reason at all that if you took the best players off our best teams, and a few standouts from the smaller schools, that we couldn't have great teams come out of this area.
;D bump. last round for rip, before I let this thread rest in peace.... Holler at me if ya'll want to try.

I did want to touch on something Shoes brought up earlier.  Big Applause and Kudos to the high school coaches that are promoting their players to play year round club ball. It did not seem like this was permissable in the past, I even heard of coaches forbidding their players to play club while they were in season. It is the Div 1, S2, D2 competition that has made these players what they are. Let them continue to play and improve and see what kind of HS program you will have.

Guest Newbie
Fees for the big clubs are usually based on what the local market can stand.  Dallas Texans took over Austin United, Aggieland, and Pursuit.  Sting took over West Texas Heat, and some East Texas team that I can't remember.  I googled fees for the Aggieland division and they're comparable to what Spindletop has on their website, if that's current.  For the premier level player, you have the opportunity to guest play with the national league teams if you're that good, Disney cup, etc. I can only see this as being a good thing for D1 teams though.  One team per age level.  Anything more than that for this area would be watered down.
[quote name="Newbie" post="789313" timestamp="1271112061"]
Fees for the big clubs are usually based on what the local market can stand.  Dallas Texans took over Austin United, Aggieland, and Pursuit.  Sting took over West Texas Heat, and some East Texas team that I can't remember.  I googled fees for the Aggieland division and they're comparable to what Spindletop has on their website, if that's current.  For the premier level player, you have the opportunity to guest play with the national league teams if you're that good, Disney cup, etc. I can only see this as being a good thing for D1 teams though.  One team per age level.  Anything more than that for this area would be watered down.

Good Stuff Newbie.  I googled topdrawersoccer.com.... And your Dallas Texans (Hussan and co.) had more players nation wide than any other in Texas and probably more per capita nation wide. I'll I have to check that last stat, but it felt good saying it.  Bottom line Dallas Texan players Kick Butt!

When you google something like top drawer and Texas A&M player profile... It really put things in perspective about playing for a top 100 NCAA team. Heck SMU women's incoming 2010's were some very stout players. I heard it from two trainers from two different clubs that forget about A&M unless you are the best player in the state... and then they followed with but maybe you could make SMU..... so therefore the google search and the rude awakening. 2 were in the top 100 in the nation and one forgo playing highschool to go to the IMG academy in Fla...

playing college ball is no joke folks.

You cannot be a south east texas high school stand out and think you have made it.

It takes  more work and dedication to the game than that.

ps We play DT Aggieland in two weeks in National Cup.  We will see then what they are working with.  Actually I saw a 94 Dallas Texan (B) team take on the AHFC top 94 team at the Spring Classic and they (DT) was too much for them.... Remember this was the 94 B team... Good thing they did not see the A team.
I heard that Albion was going to open a club here....

Nice post Rip -- the realities of playing college ball (especially for a major college) need to be considered by parents.  I think the important part of soccer is to enjoy the ride.  I enjoy the competitive side of it, but there are limits.  I think the idea of trying to compete with the best Texan team or the best Lonestar team or the best North Carolina team is tough coming from our population base and access to instruction.  But, as long as the ride is fun for the kids and they build lots of good memories, that is the most important.  Very few of these kids will go on to play DI soccer.  And, there really isn't anything beyond that (except for the very rare).  I think the club experience in soccer is great in that the kids get to build networks of friends and build memories that can last for them.  If you are hoping for more than that, I would reconsider and spend some time on math, science, shakespeare, etc. 
Guest Newbie
Considering how many players from this area have moved on to play for Albion(2 from Kelly, 3 from WB, 1 from HJ, 1 from Kountze) that comes as no surprise.
[quote name="Newbie" post="790767" timestamp="1271371388"]
Considering how many players from this area have moved on to play for Albion(2 from Kelly, 3 from WB, 1 from HJ, 1 from Kountze) that comes as no surprise.

Newbie, You are well versed in the topic of soccer and you probably already know. Watching the 93g blue team practice is a thing of beauty... I get a buzz just sitting there... I do not think I could contain myself watching a #1 Texan team in action.

I guess I am just a soccer junkie and a SETX junkie as well.

I tell you however that Challenge South team with the Tatum twins has really cranked it up.. They have booted the perrenial Eclipse Black out of Premier and have Denied thier Cousins Challenge 93 from getting a glimpse.. And I really like Roy over there at Challenge 93 as well as Mike at Eclipse... Speaking of Challenge their 94 team has a stud ( if that is appropiate for a young lady) Jordan Hatler that has moved up to 27th in the nation for the 2012 recruits and is playing at 10:00am at burroughs this weekend.. I am going to stay after our 8:00am and watch her work her Jelly.. You only think you have watched a good soccer player until you have seen a nationally ranked player perform.
What a fix for a soccer junkie.... Then I will go watch Hughes and his girls lay the smack down at lindsey lyons for a lunch special at 12:00pm... Oh life is Good.
Guest Newbie
Jordan Hatler is a [b]beast[/b]  ;D  a member of the Region 3 ODP team.  As a sophomore,she led the Cinco Ranch Cougars to the area championship and were favored to make it all the way to state, but she missed the region quarterfinal round to play out of the country.  The Lady Cougars beat eventual state champs, TWHS girls in preseason play.  Would her presence have made a difference on how far her team made it?  Quite possibly, but she had to do what she had to do.
Wanted to add that a lot of really good club players don't play HS ball their senior year especially after they've committed to a college for fear of injury.  Recent South Texas premier level players that would have made  an impact o their HS teams but chose to stay off include Megan Kinneman(committed to LSU) and Brenda Salazar (SFA).  From what I hear, several Eclipse Black players will not be playing for FB Austin next year their senior year.  That changes the playoff scene.
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