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From reading the many posts about BH I think one of these should fit your thinking. Take your pick.

1) The offensive coordinator should be tarred and feathered for his 24-4 record as OC.

2) The defensive coordinator should have his home torched and his truck stolen because a player thought he was supposed to start.

3) A monkey should be hired to coach the kids at BH because that would provide proof of what many have been saying.

4) We should fire everyone at BH who was every a coach despite his current position.

5) The AD should be fired for not getting those players with the big stats a D1 scholarship even though they are 5'9" and weight 175.

6) The fans should have the head phones and the quarterback should get the signals from that weeks "anybody can call plays" fan.

7) The OC can put together a good game plan by throwing the ball to the wide receiver every stinking down.

8) The Baytown Sun should be bulldozed to the ground for not keeping track of every name that goes in to their paper and making sure know one is mentioned more than (lets say) twice.

9) Everybody on the message board should be made to double space and write stuff that belongs in the science fiction catagory.

10) Everybody in west Chambers County should be a politican because that is all BHISD is--politics.

11) No one should play sports at BH because those that don't play are the real experts.

12) Buy a billboard and put the coaches' pictures on it under the heading "Dead or Alive".

13) Other than maybe Lumberton, BH has to have some of the biggest idiots on this site.


Ok...waited as long as I could stand it to post on BH football, but guess I'll jump in. Good analysis of what's gone on this message board. Sad a few BH posters give "Eagle Nation" that bad rep, but there are some in every crowd. BH has awesome, dedicated fans, even if some just come to watch and not go nuts at games. As a player, it has to feel great to see the visitor side FULL at away games.

Funny list, cracked up on a couple. #7 is rediculous but might actually work (he is THAT good). As for double spaced posts, I don't even read them anymore, regardless of what the content is or what board they are on. They make my head hurt just trying to finish them. Go Eagles! from a dire-hard, longterm fan, parent of a player, and former Eagle.


I'm not responding because I'm not talking to you sticky!! :roll:


Sticky, you have just voiced what so many of us have thought and have not been able to put into words. There are so many of the fans that really support the whole system that the few should be able give a bad reputation to BH is ludicrous.

That post was just to funny. :lol:


What did I do? Not the Luke Scott thing is it?

I told you I'm not talking to you. :roll: Wait, I just did didn't I? Dangit!


I second that motion to make this "Post of the Year". This is hysterical! Nice job, sticky.

Numbers 5, 8, 9, 11, and 13 are just too good. I'd like to add some honorable mention points to the list:

14) BH fans are the ones most grateful that scrimmages don’t count in the record books.

15) When seeking intelligent predictions on games in SE TX, never use BH89 or BHFAN as a resource.

16) BH fans are the only ones who think living “west of the Trinity River†has some significant meaning.

17) BH fans were the first to submit petitions to the governing body of the Olympic Games to add fishing as a sanctioned sport.

18 ) BH cannot be categorized among “Golden Triangle†area schools, “Beaumont area†schools, or “Greater Houston†area schools. They’re simply thought of as “somewhere between Baytown and Daytonâ€, wherever that is.

19) The term “jaundice†has roots in the history of Mont Belvieu. An extended definition of the word means “a BH fan who despises WO-S for their success in football; an illogical resentment toward an unlearned sports phenomenon in Orange, TX; a frenzied perception of good people loyal to their alma mater.â€

20) If you’re prone to uncontrollable reactions that include foul language and hateful speech, change your username to save posting privileges.


That was really good Sticky.

You need a job, and if you have one you need to spend more time working and less time typing.

Maybe I should take that advise myself.

I am just glad I can give you all a little entertainment.

I really like BH's team and the staff.

But what is awesome is how upset you all get when I talk about them in the least.

I know our kids read this Blah, Blah, Blah!!

If they do then they will read this one.

I really think our coaches do as good as they can with what they have.

I also believe Coach Byrd should run for President.

I still think they should be linched since they have not lead us to a state title yet though. :P

What is even better is the way I, we are precieved by WOS posters who think they are never wrong and WOS is the greatest, just like we do BH.

Here is a hint for all the new guys that have not been reading my posts long.

It is why they call it double spacing madness!

You cornfused yet.


Great job sticky! I couldn't agree more.

You know it's been 30 years sinse BH has had a group of coaches that

have done as much with our kids as these coaches we have now have done. Who do

ya'll want to go back to, Magalion? Skidmore? Hope? Edwards? None of

these coaches did anything with this program compared with what has been done the last 7 years. We are not just winning at football, we are winning at everything. How many other schools whould love to have what we have? It seems that other coaches know we have a great staff. One example: I was in Dallas and met a coach from Southlake Carroll, I started talking to him about how good they were and all that small talk. I told him I was from Barbers Hill and his words were" ya'll have a great group of coaches down there, and a great tradition" Oh I guess he doesn't know anything, they only have one of the best teams in the nation.

You know these guy's aren't perfect and never will be, and if you think anyone else would be you are decieving your self. I'll take what we have now, compared to what we had the last 30 years, thank you very much.


You know I probablly fit into this group as well. Probablly my problem is I am jealous and I am proud of it. I played through the Skidmore and Magallion years and we suck. We had 2 plays sweep to the right and sweep to the left. When skidmore left we had a chance to get one of the best coaches in the state and passed him up for Magallion. We even had the chance for Price to get the job which I would have thought would of been the one to get if Hooks turned us down. We do have a good group of coaches in BH and we have a great thing going on here through all sports. I bet you over half of the highschool's in the state wish they had the success we have had with sports over the past 8 years.

So I offer my apoligy here right now in front of every body.

Coaches I am sorry for the comments I have made in the past about your abilitys to caoch and lead our kids to championship after championship. And why I am at I would like to see us not come out of a game with 46 rushing attempts and 13 passing attempts. To me that is not a true spread offense. But from here on out I will not say anything about the coaches.





This is now turning into a rah, rah, rah forum!!

It won't be long and you will all be brain washed to be WOS lovers!

I agree with the constant bashing of our coaches and to ask why.

I hope I have not been lumped in with that.

Because I am not and all I have ever tried to emply is that it is OK to have a differance of opinion and question a play called or two with out getting bashed.

Other than that I try to keep everyone wound up.

Everyone questions the officials, but no one says hey why don't you just quit you job get a whistle and become one if you think you can do better.

It is just a matter of opinion.

96 you don't need to apoligize.

The people that get on here and hammer you need to do that.

They are the ones doing it with the wrong attitudes.

I like the fact that some of you are educating others on our stlye offense.

It is just the I am smarter than you people that PMO!

The only thing I disagree with some times is how you do it with a protect the coaches I am smarter than you attitude.

When obviously none of us know enough about football to think that or we would be coaching some where.

My hats off to the BH boys and coaches this year they are doing a fine job for their first year in 4A.

I just hope they can keep it up when the times get hard.

Only time will tell.

Besides if they don't we can always blame it on a lack of talent and the big jump to 4A and then 5A.



What is even better is the way I' date=' we are precieved by WOS posters who think they are never wrong and WOS is the greatest, just like we do BH.[/quote']

Can anyone point me in the direction of any post that gives this statement any validity?

WO-S smoked BH in the scrimmage and there was no doubt about it. So when anyone says WO-S is better then BH they are absolutely right.


Hey, 96 I'm with you on being jealous. I also played on teams that could have done a lot better and should have done better. I played for a guy( who shall remain nameless) that had such an ego that he wouldn't allow anyone any glory if it wasn't his direct involvment. So he hurt the program and us kids because of his ego. Oh we were in great shape but there is more to it than just being in shape. 96 the so called head coach you played under, took some of best talent that BH had seen and waisted it because he didn't want to work. I know for a fact that we lost one or two coaches because they couldn't take the sorry work ethic he had, I heard rumor Price almost quit also because he couldn't deal with the way the kids were being waisted. I don't want to go back to those day's.

I don't agree with everything our coaches do, and I question them from time to time. One thing I alway's try to remember is, I'm not out there dealing with these kids and all thier problems and personalities every day. A coach has to make a game plan based on a lot of factors, and what we see from the stands doesn't tell the whole story. So I try to look at the overall picture. The picture I see is this: Since 1999 we have been to the playoffs every year. We have been to the playoffs when we were in rebuilding years. We are winning at all levels, from football to girls softball. Our school has never been as succesful as it is right now. So looking at the big picture, I'll take what we have now, and forgive them a little when things aren't done the way I think they should be done. So when they don't run the play's I think they should run, I try to think there may be a reason. Hey it's almost Friday, let's behind this team as a whole because they are doing some great things. GO EAGLES!


woshigh, the bottom line is some of these guys just don't get it. They don't understand WO-S fans. We love our team just as much as they love theirs. The fact that we've been successful in football, we're proud of it, and we beat the pants off of BH does NOT mean we think we're "the greatest" and we're "never wrong", as Eagletown says. It's ridiculous...I know, but that's the prism a few BH fans look through. Hang around here for a while and you'll see what I mean.


Why is WOS even on this thread??? You guys look for any opprotunity to get on here an kick a BH poster!! Get a life GRIFF!!! you just can't leave it alone! WOS Beat BH congradulations now go win a State Championship!!

Sticky nice post :lol: no apology from me either! Eveyone has opinions some are right and some are off the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I'm done with all of this bickering and it should be left alone. I don't think either side is going to prove to the other anything.

Ps. Sticky the post really wasn't that funny, but I guess the good thing is you got WOS to crawl out from under a rock :D



Obviously you have not been around long enough to understand so trying to get you to see what I am saying is like mixing oil and water.

It all stems back from our past on the Downlow, as far as WOS being the greatest.

If you were not one of them than you may be OK, but there were many of them that gave YALL a bad wrap.

If you want to pull the scrimmage trump I will give you that like I already have, but you obviously missed BHFANS post on who has the better over all school.

:roll: We smoke WOS in everything from academics to basket weeving. :roll:

:P The girls are even prettier. :P

Guest Wildcat 08

Not in Baseball or Football. :D And no way can you beat Kirbyville, don't even go there either.


Not in Baseball or Football. :D And no way can you beat Kirbyville' date=' don't even go there either.[/quote']

Ouch.. their is that K-Ville crap again.

OK well our girls are prettier than yours to!!!


Why is WOS even on this thread??? You guys look for any opprotunity to get on here an kick a BH poster!! Get a life GRIFF!!! you just can't leave it alone! WOS Beat BH congradulations now go win a State Championship!!

Sticky nice post :lol: no apology from me either! Eveyone has opinions some are right and some are off the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I'm done with all of this bickering and it should be left alone. I don't think either side is going to prove to the other anything.

Ps. Sticky the post really wasn't that funny' date=' but I guess the good thing is you got WOS to crawl out from under a rock :D[/quote']

Good lord BHFAN what are you doing up at this time of the morning.

I bet you were having setxsports night mares about WOS posters thinking they are better than BH or maybe you had a bad call dream.

Even worse you could of had a dream of BH actually beating K-Ville.


Just one thing to say to Sticky, you should remember that the players read

these message boards and if the parents are gonna bash the coaches it's going to make the players lose respect for them. Then your players are not going to work as hard for someone that they don't respect. And if you thnk you can do better than what these coaches have done, perhaps you should have been a coach yourself.


Just one thing to say to Sticky' date=' you should remember that the players read

these message boards and if the parents are gonna bash the coaches it's going to make the players lose respect for them. Then your players are not going to work as hard for someone that they don't respect. And if you thnk you can do better than what these coaches have done, perhaps you should have been a coach yourself.[/quote']

You must not have been on the site long, the things that Skicky addressed are all the things that others have been complaining about on the site. And he was answering tongue in cheek so to speak.


Why is WOS even on this thread??? You guys look for any opprotunity to get on here an kick a BH poster!! Get a life GRIFF!!! you just can't leave it alone!

This is an open public forum. Anyone can join in on any topic at any time' date=' so chill out. You've done the same think to posts that involve WO-S in the past, so get over it...and you can thank your buddy Eagletown for his comments to invite our participation. Sticky, I’m still laughing over your post.

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