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Guest bleed orange

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Guest bleed orange
I am sorry, I know you did not bash Orangefield but others did and that is who I should have directed my post at. Just do not believe in the ethnic issue plain and simple. Would not care if my son went to the mall at night. He can take care of himself. Women are more vunerable to an overpowering attacker.

Good for you, your kids have traveled. Mine have too but I will still not let my wife or daughter go to parkdale alone at night. Your right, if I know about it. ;D Also I am a father and husband who is concerned about the society we live in. It was much simpler in my day. Do I think it is just Beaumont? Come on, it is every city, town and small community. I mean a 76 year old man is beaten to death at an insurance agency in Orange. Why would someone try to rob an insurance agency. There is no money there. A man died for nothing. Just don't understand the society we live in. I will worry about my daughter every day of her life. I know I cannot control it but I will still worry.  I worry every time she gets behind the wheel. Texting is all I have to say about that.
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[quote name="bleed orange" post="795169" timestamp="1272334382"]
I am sorry, I know you did not bash Orangefield but others did and that is who I should have directed my post at. Just do not believe in the ethnic issue plain and simple. Would not care if my son went to the mall at night. He can take care of himself. Women are more vunerable to an overpowering attacker.

Good for you, your kids have traveled. Mine have too but I will still not let my wife or daughter go to parkdale alone at night. Your right, if I know about it. ;D Also I am a father and husband who is concerned about the society we live in. It was much simpler in my day. Do I think it is just Beaumont? Come on, it is every city, town and small community. I mean a 76 year old man is beaten to death at an insurance agency in Orange. Why would someone try to rob an insurance agency. There is no money there. A man died for nothing. Just don't understand the society we live in. I will worry about my daughter every day of her life. I know I cannot control it but I will still worry.  I worry every time she gets behind the wheel. Texting is all I have to say about that.

Your good post has inspired me to share my thoughts. A couple of years ago, my daughter asked us to host a meal for several homecoming couples from West Brook.  At the same table in our living room sat a Jewish girl with her Arab date, A Puerto Rican girl with her date, A black couple, and my daughter who brought the bottomless pit.  All of these kids remain friends today and all graduated very high in their class. Amoung these friends, we had an athelete, some band kids, a drama student, class president, an other very involved students.  I agree, football was not well represented, but I worked on it with them ;D.  (Our floor actually was damaged by hurricane Rita  and we ripped it up and painted and striped a football field for the occasion and called it the end  zone. )

One can always argue that ethnic diversity has its problems, but when you put the cream of the crops together, you have a very special thing taking place.  The best way I can put this is that when these kids work, study and play together, the prejudices instilled within them is weakoned.  I have witnessed this greatly, by watching three of my own go through Da Brook.  It has given me a feeling of hope that I would not have received at a school that has a huge majority of one race or culture.  I refuse to attack any community just because of the bad news that comes out of it.  There are always those that remain there to help it mend its ways. 
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Guest Newbie
Apology accepted  ;)  That thread got way out of topic.  It turned into a bashing of not just our superintendent, but our school and our community as a whole.  The only reason I raised the ethnic (not racial) issue is, the TEA website breaks down the results by ethnicity for statistical purposes (link supplied previously).  I agree with your post, all races were created equal, in the image and likeness of God.  Communities, no matter how big or small have their own problems.  That goes with schools too.  Sending my children to West Brook is a conscious choice on our part.  I am a product of public education and proud of it.  Although we can afford to send our kids to private school, they chose to go to WB and have thrived quite well may I add  ;D Their circle of friends looks more like an add for Benetton.  We all want what's best for our children and we all worry about our children.  I worry more about my son than my daughter though.  My daughter is more level headed like her mother, while my son, though very kindhearted, is more prone to act on pure instinct than reason. 
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Guest bleed orange
Good post from both of you. 50 years ago race would have been an issue but now IMO race is not as much. Most kids and adults see the person not the color of their skin. They see the person from the inside not the outside. You still have your haters out there but they are few. While Orangefield is not as diverse as Westbrook but we are diverse. As far as education goes, it is how a student applies themselve. Does not really matter what ethnic group you are from. I do agree the other thread got way off base. But that was no reason to lock it. There are a lot sick people (Hateful) in this world. That has my attention not Westbrook or Beaumont.
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I'm i tears :'( :'( :'(....that was beautiful....just kidding...(Sgt Jerk)...lol. ;D :D

Seriously, good posts by all....

IMO I hate to say, but I belive race is still an issue...it is NOT quite as public as it use to be in the 1900's....IMO, society has twisted and reversed the racial publicity to favor "Minoritys"......

  The electrical contractor from this site that was not considered by the school board, with a 300k contract, instead it was awarded to a black electrical contractor for 4 times the amount at 1.2 mil....

  Nobody has said anything about this to the public, i.e. CNN, FOX, etc....

  As a "minority", ...hmmm, maybe that's the problem...we have developed a classification for the color of people's skin, whether or not eyes are slanted, accents, American Indian(are you serious?)...the "American Indian are probably more American than anyone in this hemisphere, yet we refer to them as minority.

  If you were born here, then you are an american....PERIOD!!....Oh, but now I want to apply for a Job...now I am Hispanic (Where's Hispania at?)...I am no longer an American....I served 8 yrs in the Armed service....but labeled as a minority....I am an American citizen, but catagorized as a hispanic, or Mexican American...we created those lines of ethnic diversity by allowing us to maintain all these catagories....I can understand male and female, and even that to an extent...you want to stop this racism back and forth...don't segregate everyone into classifications....I'd prfer we rank our society like the military...atleast then you'd respect the rank and not be so into how many minorities MUST we promote this year to meet quota...
  This has weakend our Country more than anything....I mean raise your hand if you were born if you participated in Slavery,the Alamo, were a Slave,any of the Indian wrs...Battle of Chapultepec, ...how many time have you visited your "mother land"( like I said I dont know anything about hispania)...can an African American tell me about what part of Africa they are from??? How about the White guys from Caucasia? NOW...all these races....try this...tell me about where you were born...your favorite NFL team...your school, your favorite place to shop...all these things will have one thing in common....THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA....We are AMERCAN.

  and of course...there is the freedom of speech.... that feels like it doesn't have very much freedom anymore because .....this is what we have limited our society to....I may be Sgt Jerk....but I believe this hit home to someone other than my crazy A__....
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Guest bleed orange
[quote name="SgtRey" post="795306" timestamp="1272386667"]
I'm i tears :'( :'( :'(....that was beautiful....just kidding...(Sgt Jerk)...lol. ;D :D

Seriously, good posts by all....

IMO I hate to say, but I belive race is still an issue...it is NOT quite as public as it use to be in the 1900's....IMO, society has twisted and reversed the racial publicity to favor "Minoritys"......

  The electrical contractor from this site that was not considered by the school board, with a 300k contract, instead it was awarded to a black electrical contractor for 4 times the amount at 1.2 mil....

  Nobody has said anything about this to the public, i.e. CNN, FOX, etc....

  As a "minority", ...hmmm, maybe that's the problem...we have developed a classification for the color of people's skin, whether or not eyes are slanted, accents, American Indian(are you serious?)...the "American Indian are probably more American than anyone in this hemisphere, yet we refer to them as minority.

  If you were born here, then you are an american....PERIOD!!....Oh, but now I want to apply for a Job...now I am Hispanic (Where's Hispania at?)...I am no longer an American....I served 8 yrs in the Armed service....but labeled as a minority....I am an American citizen, but catagorized as a hispanic, or Mexican American...we created those lines of ethnic diversity by allowing us to maintain all these catagories....I can understand male and female, and even that to an extent...you want to stop this racism back and forth...don't segregate everyone into classifications....I'd prfer we rank our society like the military...atleast then you'd respect the rank and not be so into how many minorities MUST we promote this year to meet quota...
  This has weakend our Country more than anything....I mean raise your hand if you were born if you participated in Slavery,the Alamo, were a Slave,any of the Indian wrs...Battle of Chapultepec, ...how many time have you visited your "mother land"( like I said I dont know anything about hispania)...can an African American tell me about what part of Africa they are from??? How about the White guys from Caucasia? NOW...all these races....try this...tell me about where you were born...your favorite NFL team...your school, your favorite place to shop...all these things will have one thing in common....THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA....We are AMERCAN.

  and of course...there is the freedom of speech.... that feels like it doesn't have very much freedom anymore because .....this is what we have limited our society to....I may be Sgt Jerk....but I believe this hit home to someone other than my crazy A__....

I agree with everything you said but you were a little nicer than I would have been. I guess you are just SgtRey now. ;D ;D
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[quote name="WeedBegone" post="795199" timestamp="1272338625"]

[quote author=bleed orange link=topic=69127.msg795169#msg795169 date=1272334382]
I am sorry, I know you did not bash Orangefield but others did and that is who I should have directed my post at. Just do not believe in the ethnic issue plain and simple. Would not care if my son went to the mall at night. He can take care of himself. Women are more vunerable to an overpowering attacker.

Good for you, your kids have traveled. Mine have too but I will still not let my wife or daughter go to parkdale alone at night. Your right, if I know about it. ;D Also I am a father and husband who is concerned about the society we live in. It was much simpler in my day. Do I think it is just Beaumont? Come on, it is every city, town and small community. I mean a 76 year old man is beaten to death at an insurance agency in Orange. Why would someone try to rob an insurance agency. There is no money there. A man died for nothing. Just don't understand the society we live in. I will worry about my daughter every day of her life. I know I cannot control it but I will still worry.  I worry every time she gets behind the wheel. Texting is all I have to say about that.

Your good post has inspired me to share my thoughts. A couple of years ago, my daughter asked us to host a meal for several homecoming couples from West Brook.  At the same table in our living room sat a Jewish girl with her Arab date, A Puerto Rican girl with her date, A black couple, and my daughter who brought the bottomless pit.  All of these kids remain friends today and all graduated very high in their class. Amoung these friends, we had an athelete, some band kids, a drama student, class president, an other very involved students.  I agree, football was not well represented, but I worked on it with them ;D.  (Our floor actually was damaged by hurricane Rita  and we ripped it up and painted and striped a football field for the occasion and called it the end  zone. )

One can always argue that ethnic diversity has its problems, but [b]when you put the cream of the crops together, you have a very special thing [/b] [b]taking place.[/b]  The best way I can put this is that when these kids work, study and play together, the prejudices instilled within them is weakoned.  I have witnessed this greatly, by watching three of my own go through Da Brook.  It has given me a feeling of hope that I would not have received at a school that has a huge majority of one race or culture.  I refuse to attack any community just because of the bad news that comes out of it.  There are always those that remain there to help it mend its ways.  

So true.
This is one of the best posts that I've read on this board since becoming a member. Nice job, Weed.
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[quote name="SgtRey" post="795306" timestamp="1272386667"]
I'm i tears :'( :'( :'(....that was beautiful....just kidding...(Sgt Jerk)...lol. ;D :D

Seriously, good posts by all....

IMO I hate to say, but I belive race is still an issue...it is NOT quite as public as it use to be in the 1900's....IMO, society has twisted and reversed the racial publicity to favor "Minoritys"......

  The electrical contractor from this site that was not considered by the school board, with a 300k contract, instead it was awarded to a black electrical contractor for 4 times the amount at 1.2 mil....

  Nobody has said anything about this to the public, i.e. CNN, FOX, etc....

  As a "minority", ...hmmm, maybe that's the problem...we have developed a classification for the color of people's skin, whether or not eyes are slanted, accents, American Indian(are you serious?)...the "American Indian are probably more American than anyone in this hemisphere, yet we refer to them as minority.

  If you were born here, then you are an american....PERIOD!!....Oh, but now I want to apply for a Job...now I am Hispanic (Where's Hispania at?)...I am no longer an American....I served 8 yrs in the Armed service....but labeled as a minority....I am an American citizen, but catagorized as a hispanic, or Mexican American...we created those lines of ethnic diversity by allowing us to maintain all these catagories....I can understand male and female, and even that to an extent...you want to stop this racism back and forth...don't segregate everyone into classifications....I'd prfer we rank our society like the military...atleast then you'd respect the rank and not be so into how many minorities MUST we promote this year to meet quota...
  This has weakend our Country more than anything....I mean raise your hand if you were born if you participated in Slavery,the Alamo, were a Slave,any of the Indian wrs...Battle of Chapultepec, ...how many time have you visited your "mother land"( like I said I dont know anything about hispania)...can an African American tell me about what part of Africa they are from??? How about the White guys from Caucasia? NOW...all these races....try this...tell me about where you were born...your favorite NFL team...your school, your favorite place to shop...all these things will have one thing in common....THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA....We are AMERCAN.

  and of course...there is the freedom of speech.... that feels like it doesn't have very much freedom anymore because .....this is what we have limited our society to....I may be Sgt Jerk....but I believe this hit home to someone other than my crazy A__....

GREAT POST, AWESOME!!! One of the best ever on this site regarding these issues.

Would love to see SFA85's rubbuttal.
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and one more thing....

You got Sgt Rey on a boat....this year's Hurricane destroyed SETX....Sgt Rey is on the prowl for survivors....Sgt Rey comes up on a black, a white, a mexican, a jew, a oriental, a Midle eastern....who does Sgt Rey pick up first?................

I tell them all to grab one another by the hand, we're all comming out TOGETHER, no one left behind....this is AMERICA....

Don't wait for catastrophe to unite us(911, All huricanes, tornados, etc...).....we have to learn to do it "year around"...

Semper Fi
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[quote name="SgtRey" post="795378" timestamp="1272394803"]
and one more thing....

You got Sgt Rey on a boat....this year's Hurricane destroyed SETX....Sgt Rey is on the prowl for survivors....Sgt Rey comes up on a black, a white, a mexican, a jew, a oriental, a Midle eastern....who does Sgt Rey pick up first?................

I tell them all to grab one another by the hand, we're all comming out TOGETHER, no one left behind....this is AMERICA....

Don't wait for catastrophe to unite us(911, All huricanes, tornados, etc...).....we have to learn to do it "year around"...

Semper Fi

Take us all fishing.  We can catch a jew fish, white bass, black drum, his-spanish mackeral, red, and a ..... um and a ...hmm. and a SUSHI !!!  ;D
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[quote name="westend1" post="795413" timestamp="1272399555"]
Dont listen the the Sgt.  He is one of those westies driving around in a fancy sports car.  What is that thing , Rey?   It's a dang nice ride!


Does it have a furry dash, dice hanging from the rear view mirror, and hydrolics for bouncing?

Wait, that's racial profiling. Sorry. ;D
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