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UFC 116 Lesnar vs Carwin


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Big fight Saturday night. Certainly a bid for top heavy weight in the world since Fedor lost.

I'll go out on a limb and pick Carwin for the upset. Why not two upsets in a row?

I saw Lebon on the fight card. He just fought two weeks ago and had a tough first round. That's pretty impressive.
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Guest baseball25
Mmmm good fight right here, carwin has never ever faced anyone like lesnar remember gonzaga almost ground n pounded carwin out, so of gonzaga had is way on the ground with carwin just think what lesnar would do, I think bigger,faster, stronger wins this fight and the better athlete I'll go with lesnar jab jab jab being very patient and then shooting and getting carwin on the ground, I really believe lesnar won't try and stand up with carwin long and will find a way to pound him out.
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[quote name="baseball25" post="815342" timestamp="1277868139"]
Mmmm good fight right here, carwin has never ever faced anyone like lesnar remember gonzaga almost ground n pounded carwin out, so of gonzaga had is way on the ground with carwin just think what lesnar would do, I think bigger,faster, stronger wins this fight and the better athlete I'll go with lesnar jab jab jab being very patient and then shooting and getting carwin on the ground, I really believe lesnar won't try and stand up with carwin long and will find a way to pound him out.
i agree 100%
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well brock won and ol carwin has his first loss. that was a nice choke but dang he looked bad in that first round. everytime carwin hit him he covered up and ran backwards. i think carwin may have punched himself out.

seems like brock turned over a new leaf since his illness.
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Carwin jumped on him just like I thought he would. He just didn't finish him off like I thought he would. Props to Lesnar for lasting the first round and coming back though. I don't know if Lesnar will be in a big hurry for a rematch.

Some other really good fights last night. Lebon had a great fight and showed his toughness. Bonner took some shots and still won. I didn't expect either of those two to win.

A really good night of fights
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i found this on another site--- kinda sums it up.

"Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan called Brock Lesnar's title defense against the relatively unknown Shane Carwin the biggest heavyweight promotion in MMA history. We'll know next week whether that was true when the pay per view numbers trickle out, but certainly Fedor-Cro Cop and even Sylvia-Couture had significantly more buzz in the community. Goldberg made another claim I think we can dispute right away: he said these were the two best heavyweights in the world. I saw something different. I saw a wildly entertaining fight between two guys who are still nowhere near finished products in the cage. To channel Georges St. Pierre for a moment, while I was entertained, I was "not impressed with their performance."

We learned a few things about Brock Lesnar tonight. We confirmed what many suspected: Brock Lesnar doesn't like to get hit. As soon as Carwin touched him, Lesnar did more than cover up. He flat cowered against the cage. He wasn't hurt as much as terrified. Make no mistake-Carwin had that fight won. Against anyone who isn't the promotion's heavyweight champion, that fight gets stopped due to some brutal ground and pound.

Lucky for Lesnar, Carwin is merely a one-round fighter. He doesn't even have that much in him. Three minutes into the bout and Carwin's heaving breaths couldn't feed his mammoth muscles. Lesnar survived, less because of his own defensive prowess and more because Carwin gassed and gassed bad.

We learned a few things about Shane Carwin, too. When the fight went to the second round, Carwin was no longer participating. He looked like he was approaching a heart attack and was like a spectator at his own execution. Lesnar took him to the mat with a sloppy tackle and shortly thereafter finished him with an arm triangle. It was hardly a display of technical prowess. Carwin had either checked out mentally or simply couldn't summon the energy to defend himself.

As a spectacle, it was amazing. Lesnar's display of fortitude will become a big part of his legend. But this fight still leaves tons of lingering questions about what kind of fighter Lesnar will become. He looked helpless against Carwin, scared and desperate. His standup game is still rudimentary. He got tagged with everything and landed almost nothing. If he gets hit by Cain Velasquez, one thing is for certain. We know Cain won't falter, will never quit that prematurely. This is a winnable fight for Cain Velasquez and one I'm looking forward to very much."
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Guest baseball25
Lesnar will dominate velesquez, he weights 243, and has the height and lentht advantage, this fight will be just like the Mir fight and coutore fight velesquez is just to little.
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I have to somewhat agree with the article. A quick opponent with a heavy fist and a little better indurance could be Lesnar’s fall. The final arm triangle was his only highlight of the fight.

I don’t know how it promotionally compares with other fights but I know I sure was looking forward to it and really enjoyed most of the fights

Neither fighter can compare to GSP or Silva
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Guest baseball25
If carwin can't finish lesnar I don't think velesquez can we seen what carwin can do when he knocks out people and finishes them I can promise you Cain isn't stronger and he isn't a better athlete than than carwin I feel that carwin is the only guy that can give Brock a loss in the ufc and fedor could beat him and that's it...lesnar showed heart last night and showed his true competitivness last night and that's what champions do, people got to realize carwin prob has the best stand up as a heavyweight div
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