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Rank your 2010 opponents

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I saw this on another board and liked it, and wanted to get some input from some of you. Starting with your most anticipated game, who do you think would win?

Here is my list of most anticipated/important games for West Brook next season:

[b]1) Katy[/b]-So far in our history, this is the team that we just haven't figured out a way to beat. The closest came in a 31-28 loss in the Regional round in 1994. Since then, Katy has owned us. THIS is the game that most Bruin fans want to win. True, that this game is being played in our brand new stadium, but Katy will have an extra week to prepare for us, so, I'm not comfortable in guaranteeing a win for the Bruins (not to mention that they'll bring 10,000 of their fans in support.  It's gonna be a tough game, but should be competitive.
[b]2) North Shore[/b]-I wont say we stole this game from the Mustangs last year, but I dont believe NS was playing their best football, either. This one could decide the district title in week 7. I feel more comfortable in saying this game SHOULD be one that the Bruins could win....but anything goes.
[b]3) Tyler Lee[/b]-With no history between the two schools, I have nothing to base any opinion on, other than it should be a very competitive game. Hopefully, we wont come out of the Katy game too banged up to compete in this one. Given the amount of starters we have returning compared to Lee's, I think this is a game WB should win.
[b]4) Aldine Ike[/b]-Another team that is typically loaded with D1 talent. This game will provide a stiff test for us. After being down 19-6 at the half in last years contest, we came back and made it a game in a losing 27-25 effort. I dont expect our boys to let that happen again this year. This game, WB should win.
[b]5) LaPorte[/b]-The Bulldogs haven't been in our district in several years, so nothing recent to base an opinion on. However, WB is like 8-1 lifetime against LaPorte and although they always play us tough, I expect for the Bruins to win this one.....UNLESS, by Week 10, we are too banged up to compete.
[b]6) PA Memorial[/b]-Since Stump took over in 2005, WB has owned the Titans having not lost to them in that time. I dont expect this year to be any different. WB should win this one.
[b]7) Bmt. Central
8) Channelview
9) Baytown Sterling
10) Bmt. Ozen [/b]

Likely finish 9-1.....unlikely finish 10-0....probable finish 8-2
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Who doesn't want to beat the #3 team in the state....  That puts a huge bullseye on our back and takes the pressure off of every that plays us, except maybe Lamar.

1. Lamar- Always a battle.  Instead of taking a knee last year, they scored in the last 2 mins after already being up 14.  We havn't forgot...  What makes it worse is this was a scheduled home game, but was moved to Delmar do to bad weather the night before.  Decission to play this game was made at 8AM Sat., and started at noon.  (It was what gave us the extra nudge we needed, to due away with our grass and bring in the turf in 2010) Probably wouldn't have played it at all, we had our district opener against Montgomery the following week and coach West wanted us to be ready.  It payed off cuz we only won 14-7 the following week.  Brenham by 3.
2. Montgomery- IMO, the most underrated 4A team in the area.  Dobbins will be a force as usual.  Lucky for us it's a home game.  (Brenham, Montgomery or Stratford will win the district) Brenham by 10.
3. Stratford- We end the season at Tully against the Spartans.  Could determine the district champ, and will be a very good tune up before the playoffs.  Brenham by 7.
4. Huntsville- We won by 16 last year and that was when they had Justin Gilbert.  Add in the fact that they have a new coach and it's the first game of the year...  It will be a game for us to try new things, as I think we should easily get the W this time.  Brenham by atleast 17.
5. Waller- As everybody knows, we blew a 14 point lead last year in the fourth quarter, losing 15-14 to a Waller team that started the season 0-6.  It cost us our undefeated run in district and our #10 ranking.  What a way to end the season...losing to our hated rival.  Their principal even mentioned the upset at their graduation before the seniors walked.  It caused alot of teams to underestimate us in the playoffs, but don't expect it to happen again.  Brenham brings down Waller ISD stadium winning by atleast 24, in what DC labeled the #2 revenge game next year.  That's right, this gets ugly, early and it will put Waller in a struggle for that fourth playoff spot.  
6. Lamar Consolidated- Our first victims on the new playing surface.  I'm sure the new scorboard will get broke in, due to the fact that the Mustangs are rebuilding.  Brenham by 17.
7. Magnolia- Beating us will be hard, with it being in Brenham and considering they lost their best player.  Brenham by 24.
8. Magnolia West- Even though they will have a new coach,  but they will still contend for the fourth spot in 17-4.  They play us in Brenham, and should start us off on the right foot in distict play.  Brenham by 31.
9. Spring Woods- They only won once last year and that was against Northbrook.  Seeing how they are our opponent for Homecoming, I don't see their first visit to Cub Stadium being a pleasent one.  Brenham by atleast 31.
10. Northbrook- Winless last year and even with the drop to 4A, I don't see them doing much better this year.  Beating them by less than 38 isn't acceptable.

Pediction- 10-0
Possibly- 9-1
At Worst- 7-3
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1.West Brook *Ranked 10th in the State
3.P.A Memorial
4.Ozen *Being our Rivals always gonna be Dangerous on that Night
5.Livingston *Have Yet to Beat them

Prediction 9-1
Possible 10-0
At Worse 8-3
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[b]1. Beaumont Central Jaguars[/b]

They want revenge and we know it. This will be the toughest game for the Indians outside of the playoffs. This team may very well be undefeated marching into the Reservation on November 5th.

[b]2. Gregory-Portland Wildcats[/b]

I don't know much about this year's team, but from what I've read, last year's team was pretty good and they return several players. In addition, it's the first game of the year and we're playing in the Alamodome. That brings a whole new level of anxiety to the field that they can capitalize on.

[b]3. Nederland Bulldogs[/b]

It's Mid-County Madness. Anything can happen.

[b]4. Texas City Stingarees[/b]

A powerhouse team from a powerhouse district looking for a little payback after last year's 22-16 overtime loss.

[b]5. Crosby Cougars[/b]

Last year's 19-4A district champion team will be looking to avenge that pre-season 37-7 loss.

[b]6. Little Cypress-Mauriceville Bears[/b]

Another team looking for a little payback after last year's 27-20 nail-biter (the second-closest game in district play for PN-G).

[b]7. Beaumont Ozen Panthers[/b]

This team always has a lot of speed, second perhaps only to Central in 20-4A. Speed was a weakness for PN-G last year, and I expect that they'll be disciplined and trained enough to use it this year.

[b]8. Lumberton Raiders[/b]

A team with some talent that's looking to restore its short-lived glory and grab a playoff spot.

[b]9. Vidor Pirates[/b]

Another team looking to keep the good times rolling. Although inexperienced, this team normally has some talent and shouldn't be overlooked.

[b]10. Livingston Lions[/b]

Quinton Jackson stayed on his feet all the way across the stage at Livingston's graduation last year, but his team may be laid flat on the ground without him.


The Indians are walking into football season with a big target on their backs, having defeated nine of the ten opponents they are scheduled to play this year in the memorable 2009 season. That being said, our team has shown that they are capable of overcoming almost any obstacle and performing miracles on the field. In addition, many of our starters return from last year's varsity team and all open positions are to be filled with players from last year's undefeated JV team. So, without further adieu:

The Indians go 10-0 at best (hey, we've done it before ;D) and 8-2 at worst.
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[quote name="D3zii" post="816518" timestamp="1278478445"]
1.West Brook *Ranked 10th in the State
3.P.A Memorial
4.Ozen *Being our Rivals always gonna be Dangerous on that Night
5.Livingston *Have Yet to Beat them

Prediction 9-1
Possible 10-0
At Worse 8-3
I'd swap GBall with PAM.......
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1. West Brook - This team was possibly the best squad in the area and last year, the Jags lost by 6 points to them.  So, the Jags know they can beat this team.  Most of out team is back.  There will be a big rivalry thing going once again, since most of these kids all work out together. This game is winnable, but we will need to hope we can catch Brook befor they hit their groove. 

2. PN-G - That's right, revenge.  Players and coaches remember the bitter defeat and will come out strong.  Indians are a resiliant bunch and wil give us fits in the 4th until the Jags turn it back on.  Game will again determine the District title..

3. Vidor - Pirates always bring out all the stops when playing Central. However, they will not be as near as talented as last year. This should be a double digit win.

4. Galveston Ball - Old rivalry here from when we were both 5a.  They don't like us and vise versa.  Plus, it's with Central's formor coach Suggs that's at Ball's helm.  Look for our kids to be on a high after the Brook game and put the Tors away early.

5. PA Memorial - They almost got us last year and the Titan players will be out to get sweet revenge.  Our young QB will be tested early and often in this game.  He will determine if we win or lose...

6. Livingston - Havn't beat them yet, but this will hange this year as Central knows that Livingston may not have much talent left in Livingston..

7. Nederland - Historically, Central is pretty good vs. Nederland. This year may be closer due to the emergence of a proven QB...

8. Lumberton - Central want to forget about the 2007 and 2008 season by beating a great coached Lumberton squad.

9. Ozen - this may be one of the tougher teams as they match us with speed.  But superior talent will prevail in this one.

10.  LC-M - The QB/reciever combo may be the best that Central faces, but due to the face that Central may be the most athletic team that the bears have faced, this game may be over in the 3rd quarter...

Honorable mention Friendswood - They have beaten us in the playoffsin the last 2 years.  They are probly the most well coached team that we may see.    Our defense will need t play perfect in this one to get the W. 

Prediction 8-2
Possible 9-1
@ worst 7-3
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[quote name="SFA85" post="816526" timestamp="1278483795"]
[quote author=D3zii link=topic=70876.msg816518#msg816518 date=1278478445]
1.West Brook *Ranked 10th in the State
3.P.A Memorial
4.Ozen *Being our Rivals always gonna be Dangerous on that Night
5.Livingston *Have Yet to Beat them

why do you say that?

Prediction 9-1
Possible 10-0
At Worse 8-3
I'd swap GBall with PAM.......
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[quote name="D3zii" post="816634" timestamp="1278536303"]
[quote author=SFA85 link=topic=70876.msg816526#msg816526 date=1278483795]
[quote author=D3zii link=topic=70876.msg816518#msg816518 date=1278478445]
1.West Brook *Ranked 10th in the State
3.P.A Memorial
4.Ozen *Being our Rivals always gonna be Dangerous on that Night
5.Livingston *Have Yet to Beat them

why do you say that?

Prediction 9-1
Possible 10-0
At Worse 8-3
I'd swap GBall with PAM.......
He hates "Sissy Ball"!
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As told by the stars, CLEO, and to my new friend MATTHEW 328 ($19.95 for the first minute...but if you want 'extreme access'(don't peak)...pay $199.50(make a donation) and.... I'll show you everything :P)
1.  [b]KATY[/b] - With out a doubt...a team that makes very few mistakes.  Last year we had a sophomore filled  OL(4-starters were out w/ staff) and still went toe to toe for one half of football.  This year it will be..."The revenge for the ages"[/size] [size=10pt]" The revenge for the ages", is a registered trademark of sgtrey. any reproduction, representation, proclamation, recreation, exclamation, devastation...of this product is prohibidabido.[/size][size=12pt](I'll be making "T" shirts....T-shirts are $9.99 for the first minute or you can buy them for $10.).  To every player that has worn a Bruin uniform....you may want to show up for this one.  It will be a dog fight!  WB - 35, Katy - 33[/size]

2.  [b]GP NORTH SHORE[/b] - A very respected opponent...you can not count these young men out.  I know they will be looking for revenge....this time in their home field.  A solid number of kids return from last year's squad.  WB - 35, NS - 24

3.  [b]IKE[/b] - Again, a very talented group of young men.  Look for the last minute heroics to be a sure one in 2010.  WB - 35, IKE - 21

4.  [b]Tyler Lee[/b] - as previously posted, not much known about this opponent(there ranked)...but they will learn a lot!....you don't travel near 69 and I-10...you may get "Butched", WB wins ( of course).

5.  [b]La Porte[/b] - I know they beat PAM last year....but, there is only one reigning district champ right now.  WB 28, La Porte 18

6. [b]PAM[/b] - NUFF said...our local 5A rivalry starts slow...and ends slow...Defensive battle all the way, down in PA.  WB 21, PAM 10

7. [b]LITTLE SISTER IN OLD TOWN[/b] - What can you say about the Nurses by the hospital....they will need all the medical magnetic attention after this game!! lol.. seriously, what cross town rivalry isn't tough ( don't answer that)..I think this year will be...a record 6 BMT BOWL for WB - 45, Cen - 17

8. [b]Baytown Sterling[/b] - It just gets worse from here...look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Ross 0

9. [b]LITTLE STEP SISTER FROM THE SOUTH SIDE[/b] - Cross town battle...they will challenge for a play off spot...but, unfortunately, have to open with a team that has too many weapons...after playing WB...they will be ready for district.  WB-33, Ozen 0

10.  [b]Channelview[/b] -  look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Bayou View 0
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'Little Sisters'...'Nurses from by the Hospital'...  45-17...  Bwaaaahahaha!!!  :D :D :D Sounds like you need more than a nurse after reading that!    :D :D[quote name="SgtRey" post="816641" timestamp="1278538612"]
As told by the stars, CLEO, and to my new friend MATTHEW 328 ($19.95 for the first minute...but if you want 'extreme access'(don't peak)...pay $199.50(make a donation) and.... I'll show you everything :P)
1.  [b]KATY[/b] - With out a doubt...a team that makes very few mistakes.  Last year we had a sophomore filled  OL(4-starters were out w/ staff) and still went toe to toe for one half of football.  This year it will be..."The revenge for the ages"[/size] [size=10pt]" The revenge for the ages", is a registered trademark of sgtrey. any reproduction, representation, proclamation, recreation, exclamation, devastation...of this product is prohibidabido.[/size][size=12pt](I'll be making "T" shirts....T-shirts are $9.99 for the first minute or you can buy them for $10.).  To every player that has worn a Bruin uniform....you may want to show up for this one.  It will be a dog fight!  WB - 35, Katy - 33[/size]

2.  [b]GP NORTH SHORE[/b] - A very respected opponent...you can not count these young men out.  I know they will be looking for revenge....this time in their home field.  A solid number of kids return from last year's squad.  WB - 35, NS - 24

3.  [b]IKE[/b] - Again, a very talented group of young men.  Look for the last minute heroics to be a sure one in 2010.  WB - 35, IKE - 21

4.  [b]Tyler Lee[/b] - as previously posted, not much known about this opponent(there ranked)...but they will learn a lot!....you don't travel near 69 and I-10...you may get "Butched", WB wins ( of course).

5.  [b]La Porte[/b] - I know they beat PAM last year....but, there is only one reigning district champ right now.  WB 28, La Porte 18

6. [b]PAM[/b] - NUFF said...our local 5A rivalry starts slow...and ends slow...Defensive battle all the way, down in PA.  WB 21, PAM 10

7. [b]LITTLE SISTER IN OLD TOWN[/b] - What can you say about the Nurses by the hospital....they will need all the medical magnetic attention after this game!! lol.. seriously, what cross town rivalry isn't tough ( don't answer that)..I think this year will be...a record 6 BMT BOWL for WB - 45, Cen - 17

8. [b]Baytown Sterling[/b] - It just gets worse from here...look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Ross 0

9. [b]LITTLE STEP SISTER FROM THE SOUTH SIDE[/b] - Cross town battle...they will challenge for a play off spot...but, unfortunately, have to open with a team that has too many weapons...after playing WB...they will be ready for district.  WB-33, Ozen 0

10.  [b]Channelview[/b] -  look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Bayou View 0
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[quote name="SgtRey" post="816641" timestamp="1278538612"]
As told by the stars, CLEO, and to my new friend MATTHEW 328 ($19.95 for the first minute...but if you want 'extreme access'(don't peak)...pay $199.50(make a donation) and.... I'll show you everything :P)
1.  [b]KATY[/b] - With out a doubt...a team that makes very few mistakes.  Last year we had a sophomore filled  OL(4-starters were out w/ staff) and still went toe to toe for one half of football.  This year it will be..."The revenge for the ages"[/size] [size=10pt]" The revenge for the ages", is a registered trademark of sgtrey. any reproduction, representation, proclamation, recreation, exclamation, devastation...of this product is prohibidabido.[/size][size=12pt](I'll be making "T" shirts....T-shirts are $9.99 for the first minute or you can buy them for $10.).  To every player that has worn a Bruin uniform....you may want to show up for this one.  It will be a dog fight!  WB - 35, Katy - 33[/size]

2.  [b]GP NORTH SHORE[/b] - A very respected opponent...you can not count these young men out.  I know they will be looking for revenge....this time in their home field.  A solid number of kids return from last year's squad.  WB - 35, NS - 24

3.  [b]IKE[/b] - Again, a very talented group of young men.  Look for the last minute heroics to be a sure one in 2010.  WB - 35, IKE - 21

4.  [b]Tyler Lee[/b] - as previously posted, not much known about this opponent(there ranked)...but they will learn a lot!....you don't travel near 69 and I-10...you may get "Butched", WB wins ( of course).

5.  [b]La Porte[/b] - I know they beat PAM last year....but, there is only one reigning district champ right now.  WB 28, La Porte 18

6. [b]PAM[/b] - NUFF said...our local 5A rivalry starts slow...and ends slow...Defensive battle all the way, down in PA.  WB 21, PAM 10

7. [b]LITTLE SISTER IN OLD TOWN[/b] - What can you say about the Nurses by the hospital....they will need all the medical magnetic attention after this game!! lol.. seriously, what cross town rivalry isn't tough ( don't answer that)..I think this year will be...a record 6 BMT BOWL for WB - 45, Cen - 17

8. [b]Baytown Sterling[/b] - It just gets worse from here...look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Ross 0

9. [b]LITTLE STEP SISTER FROM THE SOUTH SIDE[/b] - Cross town battle...they will challenge for a play off spot...but, unfortunately, have to open with a team that has too many weapons...after playing WB...they will be ready for district.  WB-33, Ozen 0

10.  [b]Channelview[/b] -  look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Bayou View 0

LMAO!!!! I nominate this post as one of the funniest posts of all time on this site!!

The costs references I really love and the "little sister" and "step sister" are classics!!!

Truly, truly great stuff Sgt. Rey!
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[quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="816693" timestamp="1278555870"]
[quote author=SgtRey link=topic=70876.msg816641#msg816641 date=1278538612]
As told by the stars, CLEO, and to my new friend MATTHEW 328 ($19.95 for the first minute...but if you want 'extreme access'(don't peak)...pay $199.50(make a donation) and.... I'll show you everything :P)
1.  [b]KATY[/b] - With out a doubt...a team that makes very few mistakes.  Last year we had a sophomore filled  OL(4-starters were out w/ staff) and still went toe to toe for one half of football.  This year it will be..."The revenge for the ages"[/size] [size=10pt]" The revenge for the ages", is a registered trademark of sgtrey. any reproduction, representation, proclamation, recreation, exclamation, devastation...of this product is prohibidabido.[/size][size=12pt](I'll be making "T" shirts....T-shirts are $9.99 for the first minute or you can buy them for $10.).  To every player that has worn a Bruin uniform....you may want to show up for this one.  It will be a dog fight!  WB - 35, Katy - 33[/size]

2.  [b]GP NORTH SHORE[/b] - A very respected opponent...you can not count these young men out.  I know they will be looking for revenge....this time in their home field.  A solid number of kids return from last year's squad.  WB - 35, NS - 24

3.  [b]IKE[/b] - Again, a very talented group of young men.  Look for the last minute heroics to be a sure one in 2010.  WB - 35, IKE - 21

4.  [b]Tyler Lee[/b] - as previously posted, not much known about this opponent(there ranked)...but they will learn a lot!....you don't travel near 69 and I-10...you may get "Butched", WB wins ( of course).

5.  [b]La Porte[/b] - I know they beat PAM last year....but, there is only one reigning district champ right now.  WB 28, La Porte 18

6. [b]PAM[/b] - NUFF said...our local 5A rivalry starts slow...and ends slow...Defensive battle all the way, down in PA.  WB 21, PAM 10

7. [b]LITTLE SISTER IN OLD TOWN[/b] - What can you say about the Nurses by the hospital....they will need all the medical magnetic attention after this game!! lol.. seriously, what cross town rivalry isn't tough ( don't answer that)..I think this year will be...a record 6 BMT BOWL for WB - 45, Cen - 17

8. [b]Baytown Sterling[/b] - It just gets worse from here...look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Ross 0

9. [b]LITTLE STEP SISTER FROM THE SOUTH SIDE[/b] - Cross town battle...they will challenge for a play off spot...but, unfortunately, have to open with a team that has too many weapons...after playing WB...they will be ready for district.  WB-33, Ozen 0

10.  [b]Channelview[/b] -  look for the defense to pitch a perfect game.  WB 42, Bayou View 0

LMAO!!!! I nominate this post as one of the funniest posts of all time on this site!!

The costs references I really love and the "little sister" and "step sister" are classics!!!

Truly, truly great stuff Sgt. Rey!

Hmmmmm....okay...now everybody PAY UP!!! lol! :D
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[quote name="D3zii" post="816634" timestamp="1278536303"]
[quote author=SFA85 link=topic=70876.msg816526#msg816526 date=1278483795]
[quote author=D3zii link=topic=70876.msg816518#msg816518 date=1278478445]
1.West Brook *Ranked 10th in the State
3.P.A Memorial
4.Ozen *Being our Rivals always gonna be Dangerous on that Night
5.Livingston *Have Yet to Beat them

why do you say that?

Prediction 9-1
Possible 10-0
At Worse 8-3
I'd swap GBall with PAM.......

First, Suggs is the coach.  Secondly, the run the Wishbone.  3rd, they did make the 5A playoffs last year in a far tougher district and I look for the drop to 4A to help more than hurt.....
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1.West Brook- Their The Best Team were gonna play Next Year with out a doubt, If we beat them I think we Go Undefeated
2. P.N.G - Will IMO Decied the District Title Plus Like Soulja said 'Revenge'
3. Nederland -We've had thier number recently, But they looked real strong at the end of last year.
4. Vidor- They always play us close, no matter who they have comeing back
5. L.C.M- Has High expectations this year, Im sure they'll give us Everything they got.
6. Ozen- RIVALRY' what more to say
7.Lumberton -Darkhorse Team of the District to me,
8.Livingston - No Excueses this year were 0-3' We have to win
9.P.A.M -Not that you guys arent good, But its Non district so Wont hurt or help us
10. Galveston Ball -Same goes for Them

My Prediction -10-0 :)
At Best- 10-0
At Worse- 7-3
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[quote name="BHFAN" post="816783" timestamp="1278607048"]
1. Crosby
2. Dayton
3. Nederland
4. Lumberton
5. Goose Creek Memorial
6. Houston C.E. King
7.Baytown Lee
8. Sante Fe
9.Galena Park
10.Houston North Forest


I'd rank Santa Fe a little higher, like 4 or 5...no worse than 6.  They had an ok year in a tough district last year...  It should be a close game against y'all. 
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[quote name="BrenhamFan" post="816825" timestamp="1278614908"]
[quote author=BHFAN link=topic=70876.msg816783#msg816783 date=1278607048]
1. Crosby
2. Dayton
3. Nederland
4. Lumberton
5. Goose Creek Memorial
6. Houston C.E. King
7.Baytown Lee
8. Sante Fe
9.Galena Park
10.Houston North Forest


I'd rank Santa Fe a little higher, like 4 or 5...no worse than 6.  They had an ok year in a tough district last year...  It should be a close game against y'all. 

They did have a good year last year ,but it looks like they are favored for last place in district this year. Don't beleive the Dayton Hype Brenham BH has had a couple of weaker classes come through the last two years we are note as bad as Dayton thinks.
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[quote name="cougars08" post="816856" timestamp="1278620532"]
3.Pearland Dawson
5.Goose Creek Memorial
6.Barbers Hill
8.C.E. King
9.Galena Park
10.North Forest

i am not trying to be cocky, but you might want to move PN-G up on that list. Just wait and see ;)
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it takes some sick individuals to even think on doing something like that. i remember when i was with vidor and we went to longview to play the lobos. after the game, besides getting beat by 40 points, they rocked our buses while we were leaving the stadium. that was rubbing salt in the wound. pretty sick individuals. these are kids doing what they like to just have fun and enjoy the sport. some fans are just bias. wished good sportsmanship would rub off on everyone. these aren't the pros, just kids trying to have fun and enjoy the sport. >:( :-[
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