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Is this a new team or a team coming up under a new name and is filling spots?  Are all spots available and the girls will have to compete for the positions or are positions already taken?  Just would like to know what to expect before I bring (If I bring depending on the answer) my daughter to the tryouts.  Other parents are interested also. 

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From what I have heard it is a combination of GT shockers 10u coaches and Out of Control (OOC) 10u coaches making sure their daughters get the positions they want them to. The reason I know this is people very close to the situation are unhappy with the way things are being handled.
The GT Shocker 10u coaches are not going to be coaching this team, and I don't believe the OOC coaches will be either.  I believe that the posts tells you who will be coaching.  It is my understanding that Donald Fabriguze will have say over who plays what position.  Although there are some parents who would have liked the team that played in Lufkin to stay together and are disappointed that won't be happening, what you are saying is incorrect.
In reply to SETXchamp.  I will only speak on what I have complete knowledge.  We have always taught our daughter that she plays the position that the coach puts her in and she is to play that position to the best of her ability.  We would never get involved in a team just so our daughter can play a certain position. 
[quote name="bbharan" post="822671" timestamp="1280842047"]
In reply to SETXchamp.  We have always taught our daughter that she plays the position that the coach puts her in and she is to play that position to the best of her ability.  We would never get involved in a team just so our daughter can play a certain position. 

Guest hotty28
I believe that the team was not picked on talent, it was picked by who you know. The Coach from the old GT SHOCKER is one of the coaches for this new 12u team, and his girls that he formly coached came out to try out so yes he did picked all of his former players. Lets not forget about the out of control select team..one of the other coaches daughter played on that team so yes his daughter was picked was he is one of the new coaches but not only his daughter all of the other girls who played on that team with his daughter. because to say that those girls have played select ball before was not as good as the other girls who have never played on a select team but have played softball for many years >:( >:( >:( >:(
Ok, well tell me what team out there select or not, whose dad is a coach, that their daughter doesn't automatically get a spot on the team?  I believe that is everywhere, unless the coach has no children playing.
[quote name="hotty28" post="823846" timestamp="1281304096"]
I believe that the team was not picked on talent, it was picked by who you know. The Coach from the old GT SHOCKER is one of the coaches for this new 12u team, and his girls that he formly coached came out to try out so yes he did picked all of his former players. Lets not forget about the out of control select team..one of the other coaches daughter played on that team so yes his daughter was picked was he is one of the new coaches but not only his daughter all of the other girls who played on that team with his daughter. because to say that those girls have played select ball before was not as good as the other girls who have never played on a select team but have played softball for many years >:( >:( >:( >:(

Wow.. so you're saying the girls chosen were not chosen on their merits? I know all the girls from both teams mentioned and they are all strong players who could have been chosen on any select team they tried out for. As to the OOC girl and "others from her team" this goes to show how little you truly know because almost EVERY girl from OOC with exception to the ONE who is now on The Blast.. the rest are either on the New GT Shockers, staying with the OOC organization or not playing here at all. I know this because my daughter played for OOC and I know where all the girls are. There is only one on The Blast... the rest are in other places.

There are still teams trying out and just because a girl doesn't make a team doesn't mean she isn't good... it simply means there are only so many slots to fill. Rather than knocking the merits of girls who work their butts off take your child to another tryout with another team. OOC for one is having tryouts this week and looking for strong players. That would be the more positive, constructive way to handle the situation. Good luck.. and by the way.. my daughter is not on Blast, she's on the new GT Shockers.. but I know the girls who made the Blast team and am here to tell you they are all strong players and made the team on their merit. Which again, doesn't mean that anyone who didn't make the team isn't good. Call OOC  or young guns or orange crush.. they are all still looking. good luck.
I believe Dottie and setx99 are correct on this. I don't coach. I'm a dad that relies on the abilities of the coaches, and tries to follow through with whatever they say my daughter needs. I pray it's my daughters' ability that gets her a spot on a team, not anything about me. 

Coaches daughters have been/are usually on the teams that they coach, from what I see. The difference, this season, is who has the decision as to where, and how much that daughter will play. The coaches you speak of are now the asst.'s. Just like any mom/dad/parent can do to assist. They will follow the direction of Coach Donald.  They will have no more "say-so" than I would have in what, where, and when someone plays. I knew there had to be some changes this year for this group of girls to be competitive. It could not continue as it was. They have made necessary changes in the coaching, and decision processes, to satisfy us for this fall season. We will see how it all works as we begin to play. We are hoping for some success with these changes.

I'm not sure that they picked [i]all[/i] of the former players. There has been no notification as to the roster of this team, that I know of, as yet. Do you have info that has not been announced? How do you know who made the team?

This team, or the New GTS's, are only two of a few teams out there in this area. There are the others, that Dottie mentioned, that are still having tryouts. Continue to have your daughter try these teams. That, in itself, will make her stronger.

Guest hotty28
Well the team has been picked, and like I said it was girls out there
that should of made the team but didn't only because your didn't
Know them. Yes all the girls was good but I seen better in some that didn't
make the team
Guest hotty28
Sorry if I stepped on any body toes, but the truth will be
Guest sclifto27
Well my daughter tried out for that blast team and I felt real strong about
her making the team. No she never played select ball but she has been playing
For 3 years and always make the all star team, but if she didn't make the team
at least she know what to expect when she try out for another team. By the way
do any body know when the team will be announced or picked
[quote name="hotty28" post="823952" timestamp="1281330368"]
Sorry if I stepped on any body toes, but the truth will be

Tell us the truth about how you know this, please. I haven't seen or heard anything official.

[quote author=sclifto27 link=topic=71322.msg823953#msg823953 date=1281330919]
Well my daughter tried out for that blast team and I felt real strong about
her making the team. No she never played select ball but she has been playing
For 3 years and always make the all star team, but if she didn't make the team
at least she know what to expect when she try out for another team. By the way
do any body know when the team will be announced or picked

Hey, great attitude about your daughters abilities and willingness to continue to go forward. Well, according to hotty28 the roster has been done, and he/she knows the details. As I understand, the names will not be posted here in this forum. I don't believe they should be. I understand that an email will announce the team to the parents. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Guest hotty28
They know who made that team, I bet his or het daughter on there. Because
Donald said the teams was already picked Friday. Email sent to parents yea right that TRYOUT was nothing but a front. You can call bryan his number on this site and ask him if the team been picked.yes it has.
It's apparent that you are disappointed that your daughter did not make this team, but the way teams are picked isn't any different on any other team out there.  If a coach has a playing daughter and he has 2 or 3 assistant coaches and they have kids playing then that is 3 spots taken already, then if you have kids previously on the team they will pick from them before looking at others. If you look at the "new" GT Shockers, its the same.  It doesn't differ that much from rec ball either.  They need to do A and B teams so that more girls can play and if they aren't performing on the A-team and a girl on the B-team is performing they can switch them out.  I hear that they do this in Houston.  You might try OOC as far as try outs go and make sure you go to both, they lost a lot of girls.  I don't think personally that this team put up a front in having try outs, but I do understand where you are coming from, if you take a hard look at the other teams, you'll find it's not different.
Guest hotty28
Just like I said girls was picked because they was already on a select team before but is it fair to other girls that are better than most that already played. no its not if you going to pick a team like that then why have TRYOUT. because some of the girls that tried out that have never played select performed way better. So I should tell my child u are an awesome player but you didn't get picked because they look at former players first total not fair. You hear rumors about this kind of things go on with select teams but I didnt want to believe It but now I see for myself.  you can say what you want but my daughter is just as good as the other girls and I know that for a fact. Thank god they have real coaches that recognize real talent
Clearly you think your daughter should have been picked over other girls. Which is fine. But the tryout is not a sham. Even if a team basically keeps it's core players they will still need to "fill out" the team with other girls. As to whether one or another girl was better or worse than one another.. you can't really tell that with a tryout. My daughter is a clean up batter.. she is practically knocking the ball over the fence.. has had several grand slams this past season and almost always gets herself on base. And yet, at the Blast tryout she couldn't hit a ball to save her soul. For whatever reason she couldn't hit off the machine for anything. It was frustrating to her and it was not a true example of her ability. Yet, if you're a coach who has never seen her hit a grand slam you'd think she couldn't hit at all.

You just can't always tell from a tryout. I'm assuming a lot of girls that made the team were shockers girls from last season. To be honest, they earned their place on the team while working on the team all last season. Again, it goes back to the need to "fill out" a team. I'm sure your daughter is an exceptional player who will find a team that she will go on to do great with. But please don't feel the need to basically tell other girls they didn't earn the right to be on a team. That's just wrong on so many levels.

The advantage for a coach during a tryout with girls he's coached before is that if the girl has a bad day he knows it. He is already aware of her strengths and weaknesses. And yes, it's an advantage those girls have over girls who weren't on the team. It's an advantage your daughter will have on the team she ends up on over girls who come next summer to try out for that team. I don't think you'll feel your daughter is less talented because she gets a spot another person felt their daughter should have gotten.

Good luck to you and your daughter.. fortunately there are still many teams holding tryouts.. I'm sure she will end up on one of them :-)
[quote name="Dottie" post="824066" timestamp="1281376427"]
Clearly you think your daughter should have been picked over other girls. Which is fine. But the tryout is not a sham. Even if a team basically keeps it's core players they will still need to "fill out" the team with other girls. As to whether one or another girl was better or worse than one another.. you can't really tell that with a tryout. My daughter is a clean up batter.. she is practically knocking the ball over the fence.. has had several grand slams this past season and almost always gets herself on base. And yet, at the Blast tryout she couldn't hit a ball to save her soul. For whatever reason she couldn't hit off the machine for anything. It was frustrating to her and it was not a true example of her ability. Yet, if you're a coach who has never seen her hit a grand slam you'd think she couldn't hit at all.

You just can't always tell from a tryout. I'm assuming a lot of girls that made the team were shockers girls from last season. To be honest, they earned their place on the team while working on the team all last season. Again, it goes back to the need to "fill out" a team. I'm sure your daughter is an exceptional player who will find a team that she will go on to do great with. But please don't feel the need to basically tell other girls they didn't earn the right to be on a team. That's just wrong on so many levels.

The advantage for a coach during a tryout with girls he's coached before is that if the girl has a bad day he knows it. He is already aware of her strengths and weaknesses. And yes, it's an advantage those girls have over girls who weren't on the team. It's an advantage your daughter will have on the team she ends up on over girls who come next summer to try out for that team. I don't think you'll feel your daughter is less talented because she gets a spot another person felt their daughter should have gotten.

Good luck to you and your daughter.. fortunately there are still many teams holding tryouts.. I'm sure she will end up on one of them :-)

I couldn't agree more, Dottie. Once again you are the voice of reason. I'm not sure some of these folks want to hear reason though.  ;)
[quote name="hotty28" post="824016" timestamp="1281367755"]
Just like I said girls was picked because they was already on a select team before but is it fair to other girls that are better than most that already played. no its not if you going to pick a team like that then why have TRYOUT. because some of the girls that tried out that have never played select performed way better. So I should tell my child u are an awesome player but you didn't get picked because they look at former players first total not fair. You hear rumors about this kind of things go on with select teams but I didnt want to believe It but now I see for myself.  you can say what you want but my daughter is just as good as the other girls and I know that for a fact. Thank god they have real coaches that recognize real talent
Every Select Coach in this area reads this MB. Do you really think they will give your daughter a fair shot after your posts complaining about not making the first and only team she tried out for? ::)

Good Luck! And don't forget that it is not just the kids that are trying out. As it will be when colleges start recruiting. They look very hard at the big picture, attitudes on and off the field (parents included).
Well it seems that this team already has controversy surrounding it. I was told that the Blast was coming back, but I thought it would be a brand new team. But from the looks of things it just another team going under a new name. I really was hoping this was something like they had when I was at LU. My DD will continue to play in the metro area. Kind of disappointed that it is starting out with controversy. So correct me if I am wrong several dads have come under the umbrella of the blast, with girls that have been playing for them. If this is true the coaches should have posted this in the tryout info. Letting people think that this was a brand new team is completely wrong.

LU football is back 
[quote name="LU Cards Fan" post="824135" timestamp="1281388610"]
Well it seems that this team already has controversy surrounding it. I was told that the Blast was coming back, but I thought it would be a brand new team. But from the looks of things it just another team going under a new name. I really was hoping this was something like they had when I was at LU. My DD will continue to play in the metro area. Kind of disappointed that it is starting out with controversy. So correct me if I am wrong several dads have come under the umbrella of the blast, with girls that have been playing for them. If this is true the coaches should have posted this in the tryout info. Letting people think that this was a brand new team is completely wrong.

LU football is back  

This IS a new team (And no.. I'm not associated with them but know who they are) Coach Don who was a Blast coach from way back when.. has come back into coaching. Other coaches are from the 10U GT Shockers of last season and one of the coaches from OOC's 10U team last season.  I do not know who all made the team but I do know there were a few girls from the shockers team and one of the girls from OOC that most likely made this team.

There really isn't any controversy other than ridiculous stuff that needs to go away. They are bringing back "blast" but it stands to reason some of the girls will be girls who were on other teams from here as the original blast girls are all grown up. They had a pretty good turn out at tryouts and hopefully ended up with a really strong team of girls.

This IS a new team. There are simply some girls who had been team mates last season. But that happens with every team. It's really not a big deal.

It's kind of like the new 12U GT Shockers.. out of the 10 girls who made the team only 3 were not OOC girls.. the bulk of the team are girls who played at some point in 10U together on the same team. And yet, not one of the OOC coaches picked girls. Not one OOC parent was a coach on the team making decisions during tryouts. It just turned out that these are the girls the NON DAD coaches picked. It does not make it the same team under a different name.. changing out even just a few girls makes it a new team.. the whole dynamic will change. Same thing with Blast.. the decision was made by a non dad coach.

And I'm sure they will be a great team who will carry on the Blast pride!
[quote name="Dottie" post="824139" timestamp="1281389231"]
[quote author=LU Cards Fan link=topic=71322.msg824135#msg824135 date=1281388610]
Well it seems that this team already has controversy surrounding it. I was told that the Blast was coming back, but I thought it would be a brand new team. But from the looks of things it just another team going under a new name. I really was hoping this was something like they had when I was at LU. My DD will continue to play in the metro area. Kind of disappointed that it is starting out with controversy. So correct me if I am wrong several dads have come under the umbrella of the blast, with girls that have been playing for them. If this is true the coaches should have posted this in the tryout info. Letting people think that this was a brand new team is completely wrong.

LU football is back 

This IS a new team (And no.. I'm not associated with them but know who they are) Coach Don who was a Blast coach from way back when.. has come back into coaching. Other coaches are from the 10U GT Shockers of last season and one of the coaches from OOC's 10U team last season.  I do not know who all made the team but I do know there were a few girls from the shockers team and one of the girls from OOC that most likely made this team.

There really isn't any controversy other than ridiculous stuff that needs to go away. They are bringing back "blast" but it stands to reason some of the girls will be girls who were on other teams from here as the original blast girls are all grown up. They had a pretty good turn out at tryouts and hopefully ended up with a really strong team of girls.

This IS a new team. There are simply some girls who had been team mates last season. But that happens with every team. It's really not a big deal. And I'm sure they will be a great team who will carry on the Blast pride!

See, Dottie... This is exactly the nonsense I was referring to earlier. What did they think the players were going to all be league players? This area isn't that big...that means a limited talent pool. Any idiot could figure that out.  But I strongly suspect the "controversy" that supposedly surrounds this team comes from a few "daddies" that have their panties in  knot because they couldn't control all in the Golden Triangle softball world. I guess they thought they were "softball gods" and couldn't handle it when their underhanded tactics didn't pan out in their favor.

I've also noticed that a lot of these "controversial" posts come from fairly new users and most of their posts have been targeted at creating "controversy". If you ask me it is one or two people with an agenda posting under multiple names. 
I'm not sure what happened or what all is going on.. all I know is that this is supposed to be about the girls and the parents are all supposed to be adults. It's not just coaches and parents who read this board... a lot of the players do as well. And to speak of their team in the way I've seen some of the "adults" do is just shameful.
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