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Conference realignment has exploded again....whooohoooo


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ESPN reporting BYU might leave the MWC and rejoin the WAC in all sports except football whereas the football
team will go Indy...

MWC has offered Fresno state, reports are they will accept.
MWC is talking to Houston, UTEP, and Nevada too.

I hope Tidwell has LU ready to jump if and when...
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I don't think you guys realize how this could impact LU.

Nevada and Fresno are planning news conference. So is BYU for Thursday.

The WAC is down to 6 football schools including La Tech.
So will the WAC take 4 SLC or Sunbelt teams? Should LU go? Should LU sit back to see if CUSA gets ripped apart?
TCU is very unhappy. They might bolt to the Big East.
Houston wants in on the action...
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[quote name="UNLV" post="827094" timestamp="1282183610"]
Hmmm, ok. Let me simplify it more.
If LU joins the WAC, BYU must play 4-6 WAC schools every year.
hint hint...BYU playing in Beaumont....

I'm sorry but LU isn't going anywhere for a couple of years. This doesn't even affect us. We don't have the Fan Base or the Money to go FBS. No one in the football world is seriously considering our move up to FBS at this point.(Just look at National College Football sites like AGS for example) I think we can do it in 5 to 10 years but honestly unless something earth shattering happens it wont be LU that is moving to FBS. TxSt, and UTSA will be gone long before us I'm sad to say.

We should be content with the SLC for now. It has some good schools as far as FCS is concerned. We have 2 teams in the top 12 FCS rankings.
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I agree with CardAmbassador as it will be at least 4-5 years down the road before Lamar makes a jump to FBS status. This is why it is so important that LU wins on the gridiron. We need to be competitive in the SLC NEXT season. Then by year 3-4 we need to be in the battle for the conference championship.

If that happens which honestly is a big "if" at this point, Lamar has several big time alumnus from engineer's, attorney's, doctor's and business owners who could support a move. That doesn't mention corporate philanthropy and a fan base growth due to starting a winning tradition.

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[quote name="bigred360" post="827267" timestamp="1282230538"]
...Lamar has several big time alumnus from engineer's, attorney's, doctor's and business owners who could support a move. That doesn't mention corporate philanthropy and a fan base growth due to starting a winning tradition.

That is the one reason we could make a move in 5 years. Our alumni are in the money. SHSU and TxSt love to talk about academics and act like LU is the ugly duckling of TSUS but we have very successful alumni. We were also more exclusive this year, LU only accepted 59% of applicants this year while SHSU was somewhere in the 70s. In fact I read an article about an accounting alumnus that just became the CFO of Lucas Energy!! So we can definitely throw together big buck when the time comes.
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You guys are clueless beyond clueless. The blind leading the blind.
The decision WHEN to go FBS is no longer LU's, or Texas st, or UTSA, or any other FCS.
New rules are in place. One of those rules says no FCS can go FBS unless a FBS conference
invites your school. Therefore if LU gets the call, LU must get itself ready ASAP...not in 5 years, not
in 10 years, but when LU gets the call. There won't be many opportunities in the next 30 years.
Currently LU has 3 possible  FBS choices.

1.CUSA.....very very very unlikely now or in the future because several schools are ahead of LU for a spot in CUSA.
2. Sunbelt....no openings right now.
3. WAC....Only 6 football schools. The WAC has 3 to 6 open FBS spots. The WAC might try to get
a few California schools and other west coast schools, however many west coast schools are
having financial troubles. They may not be able to afford FBS right now. LU must take advantage of this
situation because these schools may be ready in 5 years....more competition for few FBS spots.
The WAC next choice will look to Sunbelt and SLC schools to form a division around La tech.

This opportunity may not come again for LU. If the WAC raid a few teams from the Sunbelt, then
the Sunbelt will need members. LU is not ready for FBS, however future FBS spots are not guaranteed
in the future...5 or 10 to 30 years. A passed up opportunity for FBS may never come again for LU.
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UNLV, you are the leader of the blind...

Which Sun Belt schools would go to the WAC? North Texas turned them down when they were a much more impressive league. ULL and ULM do not have the financial means to play in a spread out WAC. They barely compete in the SBC!

If anything, La Tech - despite bad blood - will get over it and join the SBC (perhaps along with New Mexico State). La Tech' would get taken care of in expansion with nearby teams in Texas (TXST, UTSA) - but they know what's in front of them. Cheaper to play in the Sun Belt, a chance to be competitive in all sports and quite frankly - the WAC is weaker than the SBC now (and all the media is confirming it!).
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[quote name="TexasTerror" post="827767" timestamp="1282307517"]
UNLV, you are the leader of the blind...

Which Sun Belt schools would go to the WAC? North Texas turned them down when they were a much more impressive league. ULL and ULM do not have the financial means to play in a spread out WAC. They barely compete in the SBC!

If anything, La Tech - despite bad blood - will get over it and join the SBC (perhaps along with New Mexico State). La Tech' would get taken care of in expansion with nearby teams in Texas (TXST, UTSA) - but they know what's in front of them. Cheaper to play in the Sun Belt, a chance to be competitive in all sports and quite frankly - the WAC is weaker than the SBC now (and all the media is confirming it!).

I agree with UNLV on this point for sure.  Invites the a FBC conference will not come around very often and if you pass it up, you may not get another chance.  I hope Jimmy Simmons is priming the pump of the major donors in anticipation that the "cards" may fall into place and LU gets the chance to move up.
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[quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="827809" timestamp="1282313666"]I agree with UNLV on this point for sure.  Invites the a FBC conference will not come around very often and if you pass it up, you may not get another chance.  I hope Jimmy Simmons is priming the pump of the major donors in anticipation that the "cards" may fall into place and LU get a chance to move up.

That was the lone point UNLV was right on...

There were be much more limited opportunities to move up. His thoughts on conferences was a bit off base, but then again - we're talking about UNLV!
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I think Nevada and Fresno won't leave until after the 2011 season so that gives Lamar some time to ramp up for FBS football.  Lamar has to play two years at the FCS level anyways before transitioning to FBS so they wouldn't join the WAC for two more years. 

Lamar's budget for '08-'09 was $8.2, before the athletic fee kicked in.  For the current year ending now I bet the budget was around $11 million.  This coming year with ticket sales and other football related income I bet the budget will be over $12 million.  In 3 or 4 years if they are in the WAC the budget should top $15 million, probably just enough to get by.

The WAC only makes sense for Lamar if there's 4 or 5 eastern based teams, like La Tech, NMSU, UTSA and Texas State.  Long term you could see the WAC turn into a southwestern-based conference if schools like Hawaii and SJSU leave.  It will also be a nice step up as far as basketball goes which would probably help attendance with the likes of La Tech, NMSU and Utah State on the schedule every year.
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[quote name="coachacola" post="827867" timestamp="1282317837"]Lamar's budget for '08-'09 was $8.2, before the athletic fee kicked in.  For the current year ending now I bet the budget was around $11 million.  This coming year with ticket sales and other football related income I bet the budget will be over $12 million.  In 3 or 4 years if they are in the WAC the budget should top $15 million, probably just enough to get by.[/quote]

La Tech's budget was $16M and they did not do so hot. Most of the other schools are in the upper 20s and could conceivably cut sports while not losing much of their budget, just making them stronger...

[quote author=coachacola link=topic=71805.msg827867#msg827867 date=1282317837]The WAC only makes sense for Lamar if there's 4 or 5 eastern based teams, like La Tech, NMSU, UTSA and Texas State.  Long term you could see the WAC turn into a southwestern-based conference if schools like Hawaii and SJSU leave.  It will also be a nice step up as far as basketball goes which would probably help attendance with the likes of La Tech, NMSU and Utah State on the schedule every year.

I think the WAC goes back to its Western roots. Whether that future plan includes schools like Cal Poly, Sacramento State, UC-Davis, Montana, etc. remains to be seen. It just seems the more viable option with schools like Utah State, San Jose State and Hawaii still around...
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Terror is shaken scared LU will move up, WITH SHSU.  :D

La Tech can't leave the WAC for 5 years without paying a $5 million exit fee. La tech is
already struggling financially. Tech is probably begging Karl Benson to build a eastern division around Tech...Lamar, Texas st,
UTSA, Ark st, and ULL. UNT is next in line for CUSA.

If LU get an invite, LU will have 2 years to get ready for FBS.

Like Cola said, LU must be part of a multi-school package. LU should not join alone.

WAC has an ESPN TV deal, the money from this deal will help out greatly in travel cost.
An Eastern division will also limit travel. This could work out very well for LU.
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Terror, the California schools you mentioned face huge budget cuts. Montana is the only likely
school to join the WAC.

A side note...Utah st rejected a MWC offer. If BYU remain MWC, Utah st will join the MWC and the WAC will
fold. Unlikely, but it is possible.
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[quote name="TexasTerror" post="827894" timestamp="1282320154"]
[quote author=coachacola link=topic=71805.msg827867#msg827867 date=1282317837]Lamar's budget for '08-'09 was $8.2, before the athletic fee kicked in.  For the current year ending now I bet the budget was around $11 million.  This coming year with ticket sales and other football related income I bet the budget will be over $12 million.  In 3 or 4 years if they are in the WAC the budget should top $15 million, probably just enough to get by.[/quote]

La Tech's budget was $16M and they did not do so hot. Most of the other schools are in the upper 20s and could conceivably cut sports while not losing much of their budget, just making them stronger...

[quote author=coachacola link=topic=71805.msg827867#msg827867 date=1282317837]The WAC only makes sense for Lamar if there's 4 or 5 eastern based teams, like La Tech, NMSU, UTSA and Texas State.  Long term you could see the WAC turn into a southwestern-based conference if schools like Hawaii and SJSU leave.  It will also be a nice step up as far as basketball goes which would probably help attendance with the likes of La Tech, NMSU and Utah State on the schedule every year.

I think the WAC goes back to its Western roots. Whether that future plan includes schools like Cal Poly, Sacramento State, UC-Davis, Montana, etc. remains to be seen. It just seems the more viable option with schools like Utah State, San Jose State and Hawaii still around...

I think La Tech's decline is due mostly to the all the traveling their teams must do.  What Tech does is related to the direction that the WAC takes.  If the WAC tries to stay a western conference then it makes no sense for Lamar to join and La Tech will probably try to find a home in the CUSA.  I've read the UNT wants no part of the WAC due to all the travel and middle of the night flights back to Denton.  I think we're all in agreement that the WAC only makes sense if they invite a group of Texas schools.
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[quote name="UNLV" post="827897" timestamp="1282320448"]La Tech can't leave the WAC for 5 years without paying a $5 million exit fee. La tech is already struggling financially. Tech is probably begging Karl Benson to build a eastern division around Tech...Lamar, Texas st, UTSA, Ark st, and ULL. UNT is next in line for CUSA.[/quote]

1) La Tech and any other WAC schools (outside of Nevada and/or Fresno State) do not have to pay the exit fee. Benson said so on his press conference.

2) La Tech would love to see a WAC Eastern Division formed, but would prefer C-USA. Problem is, if Hawaii or another school moves, it negatively impacts the WAC's ability to gain an automatic bid.

[quote author=UNLV link=topic=71805.msg827897#msg827897 date=1282320448]WAC has an ESPN TV deal, the money from this deal will help out greatly in travel cost. An Eastern division will also limit travel. This could work out very well for LU.[/quote]

The WAC's current deal with ESPN has a clause that they have the right to negotiate. Without Boise State, Nevada and Fresno State, the deal will be far less attractive. Even from a basketball standpoint, the league has lost most of its appeal. That money won't help much from ESPN.

[quote author=UNLV link=topic=71805.msg827900#msg827900 date=1282320745]Terror, the California schools you mentioned face huge budget cuts. Montana is the only likely school to join the WAC.[/quote]

The California schools can make FBS work if they have to. They have ample room to cut sports in order to bring down the budget and a more 'western' league would be really affordable for them.

Montana is conducting a study and has no interest in FBS per the last study. I figure that is the same today.

[quote author=UNLV link=topic=71805.msg827900#msg827900 date=1282320745]A side note...Utah st rejected a MWC offer. If BYU remain MWC, Utah st will join the MWC and the WAC will fold. Unlikely, but it is possible.[/quote]

Utah State rejected the bid because they would have had to pay the fee. They would not today if they were to leave, just like all the other schools.

[quote author=coachacola link=topic=71805.msg827923#msg827923 date=1282322784]I think La Tech's decline is due mostly to the all the traveling their teams must do.  What Tech does is related to the direction that the WAC takes.  If the WAC tries to stay a western conference then it makes no sense for Lamar to join and La Tech will probably try to find a home in the CUSA.  I've read the UNT wants no part of the WAC due to all the travel and middle of the night flights back to Denton.  I think we're all in agreement that the WAC only makes sense if they invite a group of Texas schools.[/quote]

La Tech's decline is because they went to a conference in which schools have budgets nearly twice the size of theirs. With travel the way it is for LTU compared to the others, it further cripples their budget.

You are right about UNT and that remains the same. They would take the Sun Belt as is over a WAC that adds TXST and UTSA. They've looked down upon those schools in the past. LTU has as well, but will either have to stomach it in the WAC or in the SBC. The SBC is the cheaper option and will make them more competitive - best going there.
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The WAC as it stands now...glad to see someone being absolutely frank!

[quote]Championships in this depleted WAC? It's like winning the three-legged race at fifth-grade field day. Here's a ribbon. Move along.

Football championships in this WAC won't earn you a BCS spot or even a Top 25 ranking. [b]The league, which just two years ago claimed to be No. 1 among non-BCS leagues, is likely No. 5 now.[/b]

Basketball titles will still earn you an NCAA Tournament berth - and maybe a No. 13 seed. [b]Respect for the league will be at an all-time low, no matter who commissioner Karl Benson digs up as additional members.[/b]

Texas State? Texas-San Antonio? UC Davis? Cal Poly?

Are you rushing to buy season tickets for those opponents or watching New Mexico State-Texas State on television?

That tearing sound you hear is ESPN ripping up its paltry television contract for an even smaller one.
"We need to be realistic about what will happen with the ESPN package," said Spear, who also must factor in less lucrative bowl arrangements, fewer NCAA basketball tournament units and less BCS money. "The revenue for us is a concern."[/b]

The biggest concern.[/quote]

Read more: http://www.idahostatesman.com/2010/08/20/1308853/gap-grows-between-haves-have-nots.html#ixzz0xARl01m4
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Future opportunities for FBS will be very slim. When the economy turns around, more FCS will be looking
to move up. That means more schools competing for 1 or 2 spots. On the other hand, would this be a
bad move for LU?

UTSA don't think it is a bad move.
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