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Can Nederland?!


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[quote name="Roughrider" post="852996" timestamp="1285095369"]
[quote author=Razor link=topic=72900.msg852946#msg852946 date=1285091813]
just curious, did you say that last year too, sfa?

SFA post on Nederland threads because he made himself look like a fool by bad mouthing "X BOX KENNY".

HA HA, you were dead on SFA. Memorial is not rolling everybody.   ;)

Not thread jacking, just responding.  Can't complain about Coach Harrison this year, those kids are being coached up and are prepared on Fridays.....

Nederland threads on a public forum are open to the public, no?
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My Bears??  What the heck???    ???    ???    ???

[quote name="elhector1" post="854286" timestamp="1285258076"]
Okay, Smitty, let me ask you this...is the coach who is the DC exclusively a DC, or does he have other duties as well?

In addition, does the DC go out and tackle, or blitz, or cover reveivers?  No, his team does.  In the world of high school football, you try to teach 15, 16, 17, and 18 year olds how to do all the above (if on defense).  In addition, you teach class.  SO basically, you are expecting pro results from teens who can't even join the military, drink a beer, and make life changing choices for themselves.  You are expecting a coach to get pro level results while at the same time, expecting him to be a heck of a teacher. 

Seriously, I'm glad most of the 'Dog faithful are more understanding about the realities of high school football than you are.  I'm glad most of the faithful of all the high school teams are more understanding than you are.  It's easy to sit on a perch and claim "a right" than it is to get down and dirty and teach kids, whether it be football, or history, or English.  Now, understanding that the answer to this question may be yes, have you ever volunteered as a coach, or a youth league official?  I have.  That is why I tend to be more understanding of those men who coach sports teams...because I have seen "fans" and "I pay my moneyers" such as yourself always being critical, yet never really understanding the dedication and work it takes to field teams year after year, and impart wisdom and desire into the young folk.  If you've never volunteered, try it sometime...not for the abuse, but to get a look at what it takes to make things happen on the field.   

Good luck 'Dogs...'cepting of course, for that one week against my Bears... :D
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He probably is a good person.  But IMHO the other part is questionable.  ::)  ::)

[quote name="James Mosley" post="854305" timestamp="1285259904"]
Nederland has a great DC, both as a person and as a coach. He gets the most out of what he has to work with. Injuries and ones ability have more to do with a coaches success than you give credit smitty. I have always believed you put Nederlands coaching staff across the field with the players that Ozen and Central field every year and they beat us hands down time after time. The boys at Nederland to me are always the ones who over achieve simply because of good coaching. I'm not sure why I gave you the time of day and responded to your post other than I know we have good men leading our boys. Let it go smitty, the cycle will turn, and all of a sudden our defense will be dominant again, and guess what, same coach!!!! For every bad fact you come up with, I can give you three good facts about our coaches. As far as middle school goes, Jack Lynch, ENOUGH SAID, coach like him and send them straight to varsity. If they don't leave middle school wanting to kick butt after playing for him they don't like the sport anyway....
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Oh, by the way, let me know what account YOUR tax dollars fund in particular.  Would love to know.  8)

[quote name="elhector1" post="854286" timestamp="1285258076"]
Okay, Smitty, let me ask you this...is the coach who is the DC exclusively a DC, or does he have other duties as well?

In addition, does the DC go out and tackle, or blitz, or cover reveivers?  No, his team does.  In the world of high school football, you try to teach 15, 16, 17, and 18 year olds how to do all the above (if on defense).  In addition, you teach class.  SO basically, you are expecting pro results from teens who can't even join the military, drink a beer, and make life changing choices for themselves.  You are expecting a coach to get pro level results while at the same time, expecting him to be a heck of a teacher. 

Seriously, I'm glad most of the 'Dog faithful are more understanding about the realities of high school football than you are.  I'm glad most of the faithful of all the high school teams are more understanding than you are.  It's easy to sit on a perch and claim "a right" than it is to get down and dirty and teach kids, whether it be football, or history, or English.  Now, understanding that the answer to this question may be yes, have you ever volunteered as a coach, or a youth league official?  I have.  That is why I tend to be more understanding of those men who coach sports teams...because I have seen "fans" and "I pay my moneyers" such as yourself always being critical, yet never really understanding the dedication and work it takes to field teams year after year, and impart wisdom and desire into the young folk.  If you've never volunteered, try it sometime...not for the abuse, but to get a look at what it takes to make things happen on the field.   

Good luck 'Dogs...'cepting of course, for that one week against my Bears... :D
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That would be the heavy medication for coaches fund...EVERY district has one

As to the Bears comment, my kids have all gone to LCM, which is why I posted the caveat about my two cents being "unwanted"...

[quote name="smitty" post="854376" timestamp="1285264290"]
Oh, by the way, let me know what account YOUR tax dollars fund in particular.  Would love to know.   8)

[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=72900.msg854286#msg854286 date=1285258076]
Okay, Smitty, let me ask you this...is the coach who is the DC exclusively a DC, or does he have other duties as well?

In addition, does the DC go out and tackle, or blitz, or cover reveivers?  No, his team does.  In the world of high school football, you try to teach 15, 16, 17, and 18 year olds how to do all the above (if on defense).  In addition, you teach class.  SO basically, you are expecting pro results from teens who can't even join the military, drink a beer, and make life changing choices for themselves.  You are expecting a coach to get pro level results while at the same time, expecting him to be a heck of a teacher. 

Seriously, I'm glad most of the 'Dog faithful are more understanding about the realities of high school football than you are.  I'm glad most of the faithful of all the high school teams are more understanding than you are.  It's easy to sit on a perch and claim "a right" than it is to get down and dirty and teach kids, whether it be football, or history, or English.  Now, understanding that the answer to this question may be yes, have you ever volunteered as a coach, or a youth league official?  I have.  That is why I tend to be more understanding of those men who coach sports teams...because I have seen "fans" and "I pay my moneyers" such as yourself always being critical, yet never really understanding the dedication and work it takes to field teams year after year, and impart wisdom and desire into the young folk.  If you've never volunteered, try it sometime...not for the abuse, but to get a look at what it takes to make things happen on the field.   

Good luck 'Dogs...'cepting of course, for that one week against my Bears... :D
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So, you admit you were wrong about the taxpayers dollars.  Good. 
Now tell now tell us why you think Nederland's DC is the best.  And/Or the original question: After this 1-2 start, can they make the top 4?

[quote name="elhector1" post="854409" timestamp="1285265971"]
That would be the heavy medication for coaches fund...EVERY district has one

As to the Bears comment, my kids have all gone to LCM, which is why I posted the caveat about my two cents being "unwanted"...

[quote author=smitty link=topic=72900.msg854376#msg854376 date=1285264290]
Oh, by the way, let me know what account YOUR tax dollars fund in particular.  Would love to know.   8)

[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=72900.msg854286#msg854286 date=1285258076]
Okay, Smitty, let me ask you this...is the coach who is the DC exclusively a DC, or does he have other duties as well?

In addition, does the DC go out and tackle, or blitz, or cover reveivers?  No, his team does.  In the world of high school football, you try to teach 15, 16, 17, and 18 year olds how to do all the above (if on defense).  In addition, you teach class.  SO basically, you are expecting pro results from teens who can't even join the military, drink a beer, and make life changing choices for themselves.  You are expecting a coach to get pro level results while at the same time, expecting him to be a heck of a teacher. 

Seriously, I'm glad most of the 'Dog faithful are more understanding about the realities of high school football than you are.  I'm glad most of the faithful of all the high school teams are more understanding than you are.  It's easy to sit on a perch and claim "a right" than it is to get down and dirty and teach kids, whether it be football, or history, or English.  Now, understanding that the answer to this question may be yes, have you ever volunteered as a coach, or a youth league official?  I have.  That is why I tend to be more understanding of those men who coach sports teams...because I have seen "fans" and "I pay my moneyers" such as yourself always being critical, yet never really understanding the dedication and work it takes to field teams year after year, and impart wisdom and desire into the young folk.  If you've never volunteered, try it sometime...not for the abuse, but to get a look at what it takes to make things happen on the field.   

Good luck 'Dogs...'cepting of course, for that one week against my Bears... :D

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nope, I wasn't wrong...what I posted is that you DON'T know where your tax dollars go...read my original post again.  You are the one positing that because you are a taxpayer, you can criticize a coach's win loss record.  I think most people without a Napoleon complex of "being right" understood that. 

As to you post, he preforms his duties as well as he can.  His past record on his defensive squads speak for themsleves, just like your record on "dogging" the 'Dogs speaks for itself.  Understand, I am a supporter of the LCM Bears, without taking my taxpayer dollars into account.  You?  Well, your posts speak for themselves...you are pretty much just a hater, and that is pretty consistent.

Now, answer my question...have you ever volunteered for anything, done anything in support of youth?  Or do you just like to dog and complain?  Seriously, I don't know what bugs me about you, and why I should be defending the Nederland Bulldogs, their won/loss record, or their coaches.  They have a great fan base, and are more than enough to counter your negative influence.  So, I will leave it up to them.  I think the team will speak for itself in the district race, and I reaaallllly hope they push you off the bandwagon when that happens... 
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Oh, wait, you are not even a Nederland taxpayer.  I see.
Nobody says this DC is not doing the best he can.  But his record: he had a short period of good defenses but that's all.  Remember, again, he was the DC under DeRouen in the 80's.  Not much there.  We'll be talking about this until he retires or the HC does something about it. 
If you've been around awhile, you would know I never blame the kids. 
As a matter of fact I have been involved more than you think.  This is what gives me the educated thoughts on this DC.  I may know that of which I talk about.  How about you? 

[quote name="elhector1" post="854465" timestamp="1285271137"]
nope, I wasn't wrong...what I posted is that you DON'T know where your tax dollars go...read my original post again.  You are the one positing that because you are a taxpayer, you can criticize a coach's win loss record.  I think most people without a Napoleon complex of "being right" understood that. 

As to you post, he preforms his duties as well as he can.  His past record on his defensive squads speak for themsleves, just like your record on "dogging" the 'Dogs speaks for itself.  Understand, I am a supporter of the LCM Bears, without taking my taxpayer dollars into account.  You?  Well, your posts speak for themselves...you are pretty much just a hater, and that is pretty consistent.

Now, answer my question...have you ever volunteered for anything, done anything in support of youth?  Or do you just like to dog and complain?  Seriously, I don't know what bugs me about you, and why I should be defending the Nederland Bulldogs, their won/loss record, or their coaches.  They have a great fan base, and are more than enough to counter your negative influence.  So, I will leave it up to them.  I think the team will speak for itself in the district race, and I reaaallllly hope they push you off the bandwagon when that happens... 
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Congrats for being involved...but at the same time, if you did know what these men go through, you would be more balanced in your judgements.  So far, all I see from you is criticism.  Anyone who has ever dealt with that sports teams knows that most who consistently criticize are usually not involved as much, and therefore, don't understand the daily preparation and dedication that it takes to field a team, or a squad within that team.  Again, looking at most posters responses to you, you seem to be more of a complainer, than a doer.

[quote name="smitty" post="854495" timestamp="1285274914"]
Oh, wait, you are not even a Nederland taxpayer.  I see.
Nobody says this DC is not doing the best he can.  But his record: he had a short period of good defenses but that's all.  Remember, again, he was the DC under DeRouen in the 80's.  Not much there.  We'll be talking about this until he retires or the HC does something about it. 
If you've been around awhile, you would know I never blame the kids. 
As a matter of fact I have been involved more than you think.  This is what gives me the educated thoughts on this DC.  I may know that of which I talk about.  How about you? 

[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=72900.msg854465#msg854465 date=1285271137]
nope, I wasn't wrong...what I posted is that you DON'T know where your tax dollars go...read my original post again.  You are the one positing that because you are a taxpayer, you can criticize a coach's win loss record.  I think most people without a Napoleon complex of "being right" understood that. 

As to you post, he preforms his duties as well as he can.  His past record on his defensive squads speak for themsleves, just like your record on "dogging" the 'Dogs speaks for itself.  Understand, I am a supporter of the LCM Bears, without taking my taxpayer dollars into account.  You?  Well, your posts speak for themselves...you are pretty much just a hater, and that is pretty consistent.

Now, answer my question...have you ever volunteered for anything, done anything in support of youth?  Or do you just like to dog and complain?  Seriously, I don't know what bugs me about you, and why I should be defending the Nederland Bulldogs, their won/loss record, or their coaches.  They have a great fan base, and are more than enough to counter your negative influence.  So, I will leave it up to them.  I think the team will speak for itself in the district race, and I reaaallllly hope they push you off the bandwagon when that happens... 
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[quote name="smitty" post="854495" timestamp="1285274914"]
Oh, wait, you are not even a Nederland taxpayer.  I see.
Nobody says this DC is not doing the best he can.  But his record: he had a short period of good defenses but that's all.  Remember, again, he was the DC under DeRouen in the 80's.  Not much there.  We'll be talking about this until he retires or the HC does something about it. 
If you've been around awhile, you would know I never blame the kids. 
As a matter of fact I have been involved more than you think.  This is what gives me the educated thoughts on this DC.  I may know that of which I talk about.  How about you? 

[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=72900.msg854465#msg854465 date=1285271137]
nope, I wasn't wrong...what I posted is that you DON'T know where your tax dollars go...read my original post again.  You are the one positing that because you are a taxpayer, you can criticize a coach's win loss record.  I think most people without a Napoleon complex of "being right" understood that. 

As to you post, he preforms his duties as well as he can.  His past record on his defensive squads speak for themsleves, just like your record on "dogging" the 'Dogs speaks for itself.  Understand, I am a supporter of the LCM Bears, without taking my taxpayer dollars into account.  You?  Well, your posts speak for themselves...you are pretty much just a hater, and that is pretty consistent.

Now, answer my question...have you ever volunteered for anything, done anything in support of youth?  Or do you just like to dog and complain?  Seriously, I don't know what bugs me about you, and why I should be defending the Nederland Bulldogs, their won/loss record, or their coaches.  They have a great fan base, and are more than enough to counter your negative influence.  So, I will leave it up to them.  I think the team will speak for itself in the district race, and I reaaallllly hope they push you off the bandwagon when that happens... 

Smitty - give it up - we all know you think the DC is not any good, Ok! Nothing else to say. Some folks disagree with you, that is clear.  The court of popular opinion is against you continuing to rail on this guy! Please show some restraint. Your feelings have been clearly understood, capice?!
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with that, fwstangs, I'm out.  Like you so beautifully posted in another thread, there are so many things that better exemplify the game of football than this.  Had an emotional time with a lot of my kids in church last night with dealing with Reggie's passing.  I think Ill deal with that instead...

Good luck 'Dogs... 

[quote name="fwstangs" post="854520" timestamp="1285277310"]
[quote author=smitty link=topic=72900.msg854495#msg854495 date=1285274914]
Oh, wait, you are not even a Nederland taxpayer.  I see.
Nobody says this DC is not doing the best he can.  But his record: he had a short period of good defenses but that's all.  Remember, again, he was the DC under DeRouen in the 80's.  Not much there.  We'll be talking about this until he retires or the HC does something about it. 
If you've been around awhile, you would know I never blame the kids. 
As a matter of fact I have been involved more than you think.  This is what gives me the educated thoughts on this DC.  I may know that of which I talk about.  How about you? 

[quote author=elhector1 link=topic=72900.msg854465#msg854465 date=1285271137]
nope, I wasn't wrong...what I posted is that you DON'T know where your tax dollars go...read my original post again.  You are the one positing that because you are a taxpayer, you can criticize a coach's win loss record.  I think most people without a Napoleon complex of "being right" understood that. 

As to you post, he preforms his duties as well as he can.  His past record on his defensive squads speak for themsleves, just like your record on "dogging" the 'Dogs speaks for itself.  Understand, I am a supporter of the LCM Bears, without taking my taxpayer dollars into account.  You?  Well, your posts speak for themselves...you are pretty much just a hater, and that is pretty consistent.

Now, answer my question...have you ever volunteered for anything, done anything in support of youth?  Or do you just like to dog and complain?  Seriously, I don't know what bugs me about you, and why I should be defending the Nederland Bulldogs, their won/loss record, or their coaches.  They have a great fan base, and are more than enough to counter your negative influence.  So, I will leave it up to them.  I think the team will speak for itself in the district race, and I reaaallllly hope they push you off the bandwagon when that happens... 

Smitty - give it up - we all know you think the DC is not any good, Ok! Nothing else to say. Some folks disagree with you, that is clear.  The court of popular opinion is against you continuing to rail on this guy! Please show some restraint. Your feelings have been clearly understood, capice?!
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[quote name="WeedBegone" post="854535" timestamp="1285279681"]
Hey Smitty and [s]El heckler  [/s] Elhector LOL  J/k

You guys need to go the link below to learn how to quote then post ---all of your stuff is upsidedown.

Go to :
[email protected]


Oh, i know how to do it the "right" way, but for some reason, when quotes get too long, I can't see what I'm typing...wait, that's BEYOND that fact that I'm blind.  What happens is the comment screen won't go down any further...

And besides...I took that class...all I remember was some "weeds" guy, and beer...lots of beer...
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Dang, it's even the educated from other school districts who see Smitty's AGENDA... I wish they all had the facts to argue with when Smitty said he's had a couple of good defenses... I don't call a decade a couple... but hey that's me.  Carry on Smitty, the board will continue to humor you.
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A decade is 10 years!  Didn't happen!!  But, I'm ALWAYS open to proof.   ;D
BTW:  You say an educated person is when someone says your school tax dollars go in to segregated accounts?  Therefore, one can't complain about a certain aspect of a school district because your funds may not have gone to that particular section.  Really?   ???
You might want to rethink your definition of educated!!    ::)

[quote name="Penny" post="854820" timestamp="1285300460"]
Dang, it's even the educated from other school districts who see Smitty's AGENDA... I wish they all had the facts to argue with when Smitty said he's had a couple of good defenses... I don't call a decade a couple... but hey that's me.  Carry on Smitty, the board will continue to humor you.
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PS - This individual that you praised as educated, doesn't even know who I have been talking about. He thought I was talking about HC.  I had to educate him!  Or did you not see this??  This makes me wonder about your, well, I'll not get personal.  Never have, never will.   ;D

[quote name="Penny" post="854820" timestamp="1285300460"]
Dang, it's even the educated from other school districts who see Smitty's AGENDA... I wish they all had the facts to argue with when Smitty said he's had a couple of good defenses... I don't call a decade a couple... but hey that's me.  Carry on Smitty, the board will continue to humor you.
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[quote name="football04" post="845568" timestamp="1284320860"]
 Yes. But I do think the district race is wide open exept for Vidor, sorry Vidor  I can't see it , but everyone else has a shot Ozen, Central, Nederland, LCM, Lumberton, and Livingston with PNG probably on top. Probably the most balanced district in the state.
[/quote]WOW you missed it big!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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To answer your questions directly smitty, Yes they can. Fact is, and you do like facts, the success rate of them making the top four has been pretty good over the past 15 or so years, actually the correct facts would be the top three over the past 15 or so years. Therefore I'll stick with, Yes, Yes they can still make the top four.
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[quote name="smitty" post="856558" timestamp="1285411703"]
WOW!   322 yards rushing given up by Nederland's defense to Vidor!  OUCH!!  Again, the main question here:  Can Nederland be in the top 4?    ???

Maybe not, but is 4th place good enough?  There's a slim to none chance that Ned will be there THIS year (I hope I am wrong).  

I would rather WIN district and advance to play-offs.  Back in the day, only the district winner moved on to play-offs.  Now, we can settle for 4th place to advance.  4th place, really?  

Look ahead, I think this is one of those growing years - accept it, and look ahead.  Like I said before, Ned has a lot to look forward to in the next few years.  Great things are ahead.  Let's unite and promote what our program stands for - that is the NEDERLAND WAY.  

Go Dogs!
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