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Livingston vs PNG predictions


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[quote name="Lionfan" post="854643" timestamp="1285291701"]
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!   The Lions will have to do a good job of containing Steve Doty he is a decent QB!!!!   The disrespect showed to the Livingston Lions on this board never ceases to amaze me you guys can't even refer to Lion players by their correct name of identify the college they attend. Wait I guess you guys got Dustin Harris mixed up with all the former injuns playin the Big 12.

The Livingston Lions will pound the football right down them injun throats and win 31-21 mark it down.

Our quarterback's name is Brennan Doty.
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I'm having a hard time eating this crow....Good game Lions. Tonight I saw the best ground game I've seen in years. Maybe the best I've seen  in 20-4A? The Lion running backs are slippery BEASTS! Hard to bring down. They were running through holes big enough to drive the bus home through! The Lions are gonna make a mess of this district. Hard fought game and a good win for Livingston. Back to eating my crow....
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[quote name="shovelhead" post="856386" timestamp="1285390201"]
I'm having a hard time eating this crow....Good game Lions. Tonight I saw the best ground game I've seen in years. Maybe the best I've seen  in 20-4A? The Lion running backs are slippery BEASTS! Hard to bring down. They were running through holes big enough to drive the bus home through! The Lions are gonna make a mess of this district. Hard fought game and a good win for Livingston. Back to eating my crow....
Indians played well.. seems to me the indian nation wasnt ready for the livingston ground game and they had a hard time dealing with it tonight
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[quote name="Lionfan" post="854643" timestamp="1285291701"]
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!   The Lions will have to do a good job of containing Steve Doty he is a decent QB!!!!   The disrespect showed to the Livingston Lions on this board never ceases to amaze me you guys can't even refer to Lion players by their correct name of identify the college they attend. Wait I guess you guys got Dustin Harris mixed up with all the former injuns playin the Big 12.

The Livingston Lions will pound the football right down them injun throats and win 31-21 mark it down.
[/quote]  Hey next time this Lionfan provides analysis you better take it to the bank!!!!!!!
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Impressive ground game. Those hosses up front and the stable of backs, wow. We didn't tackle well either, especially on third downs for some reason.

I will make another prediction here and know...Livingston goes undefeated in this district. And no one from this district gets past the second round! Defenses are way too suspect (Lions fans gotta admit their team didn't fair very well defensively).

Another tough loss for Indian fans. Three losses in the last minute of the game. Begining to wonder when the trend is bucked and our boys make the play to win one of those games.

Hey Lionfan, see how we returned to the MB after a loss...Take note!
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That was a nerve racking game to watch.  The turning point, IMO was Liv's ability to stop us on that one 3 and out.  They got the ball back and score to take the lead.    Liv's 2 runners were quick, and deceptive.  We were tackling the wrong guy all night, while the guy with the ball ran around at will.  They didn't HAVE to throw much, but were effective when they did.
Another heartbreaker for the Indians...3rd loss in last minute, for a total of 10 pts.  Sux
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[quote name="Lionfan" post="854519" timestamp="1285277163"]
The Lions have a little surprise in store for you injuns can't reveal it just yet but by the middle of the third quater injun fans will be saying where did that guy come from?
[/quote] The surprise I was reffering to was #24 Devonte Mays 25 carries for `160 yards and 5 TD's you see I wouldn't lie to you guys.
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Great offensive game by both teams lions just cam out ahead  I was sitting in the stand and sometimes i couldnt even tell who had the ball very well excuted mis direction. As for the Indians Great running by 26 and doty and his receiving staff were on point. Now I dont know where either team hid there defense last night but it was not there Good Job Lions will see you next year
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Great job by Livingston. The running game was tremendous. All the backs ran with power and good speed. Many times PN-G had them trapped for apparent losses, only to have them get free for a big gain. Hats off to the Lions for a job well-done and a great team victory.PN-G offense looked super! Doty and the receivers were on the money. The O-line really gave Doty plenty of time to find his targets. Offense has played well all year--just need to work on the defense.
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