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Dayton @ Galena Park predictions


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[quote name="#1GalenaParkFan" post="861461" timestamp="1285858546"]
...They Couldve Put Up 80 Unlike Dayton Against The Hills When They Keep The Starters In THe Game!! Gp Took Theirs Out N THe 3rd Quarter On All 3 Except Magnoila!

Dear Grammatically challenged Galena Park Fan,

Dayton put in its back up QB with 4 minutes remaining in the 3rd quarter.

I am pleased that you think so highly of your team, nice to see school spirit and all. We will be waiting for you here on the boards at 11 pm tomorrow night, to here your explanation of what went wrong. Until, then do a Google search for, “Hooked On Phonics” and “Capital Letters Are Our Friends”.

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[quote name="bronco1" post="861473" timestamp="1285859894"]
[quote author=#1GalenaParkFan link=topic=73454.msg861461#msg861461 date=1285858546]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73454.msg861455#msg861455 date=1285857858]
[quote author=#1GalenaParkFan link=topic=73454.msg861452#msg861452 date=1285857208]
[quote author=knightrider link=topic=73454.msg856843#msg856843 date=1285439674]

[/quote]DO You Guys Really Think They Can Stop Our Offense Really!

[size=12pt][b]Maybe not completely, but this ain't Sharpstown or Rayburn you guys are playing. You haven't seen a D like this so far this year.[/b][/size]

They Couldnt Stop The HIlls

[size=12pt][b]Do What???[/b][/size]

If I May Recall Dayton's Offense Hasnt Put Up To Many Point On Offense Them selfs!

[size=12pt][b]...They Couldve Put Up 80 Unlike Dayton Against The Hills When They Keep The Starters In THe Game!! Gp Took Theirs Out N THe 3rd Quarter On All 3 Except Magnoila!

Dear Grammatically challenged Galena Park Fan,

Dayton put in its back up QB with 4 minutes remaining in the 3rd quarter.

I am pleased that you think so highly of your team, nice to see school spirit and all. We will be waiting for you here on the boards at 11 pm tomorrow night, to here your explanation of what went wrong. Until, then do a Google search for, “Hooked On Phonics” and “Capital Letters Are Our Friends”.

[/quote]Yes I Will Be Hear To Post The Good News For GP N The Bad 1-4 start For The Dayton Bronchoes!! N We Started Our Back up The Start Of The 3rd Need I Say Again! Not The End n Barley put up 50!
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[quote name="#1GalenaParkFan" post="861452" timestamp="1285857208"]
[quote author=knightrider link=topic=73454.msg856843#msg856843 date=1285439674]
Dayton 49 Galena Park 7
[/quote]Dayton By 32 Really DO You Guys Really Think They Can Stop Our Offense Really! They Couldnt Stop The HIlls N If I May Recall Dayton's Offense Hasnt Put Up To Many Point On Offense Them selfs! But The Hills Did Have Like 8 Turnovers So You Guys Did Get A Break But We Will See On Friday!!
[/quote] *sniffs* I smell BH all over this... to bad when someone gets ejected from the forum, the website doesn't track their ip address so they can't make a new account. just saying
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[quote name="#1GalenaParkFan" post="861465" timestamp="1285859144"]
[quote author=Backflipper link=topic=73454.msg861462#msg861462 date=1285858565]
Dear Mr. Over-user of capital letters,
Gotta say I really dont want to see the video of Sharpstown. Thats like having a highlight reel against a freshman team. Then you said that Dayton couldn't stop the Hill? Are you (insert your choice of word here) kidding me? GP has not ever seen a D like Dayton has this year. I think this is going to be a big let down for GP Dayton 38 GP 21
I still feel like this GPfan is a third grader that dont have a clue
[/quote]Dont Watch The Sharpstown One Watch CE Kings Game Its On There Its Called GP VS CE KING FOOTBALL ON SCHOOLTUBE! N I Seen Dayton Stats Not To Many Offenses Touchdowns If You Know What I Mean! GP Has Like [b]The Best QB n WRs Dayton Has Seen All Year I Mean The QB Is Number 2 N the State N GP Has 4 Great Wideouts n 2 of them Who Is top 5 In The State N Yards N Catches n TDs![/b] Anymore???????????

When you had a cupcake predistrict, those numbers can be expected. We have seen some of the best QBs and receivers in the state the past few years... I'd be very surprised if GP's kids are on that level. I'm not saying we have any kids that level either. Numbers don't mean a lot when you haven't played anyone formidable.

As far as the videos.... fantastic production!!! But, Dayton will tackle much better than those teams.

Lay off the shift key, or put your phone on the proper setting.
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[quote name="octfeb" post="861478" timestamp="1285860387"]
[quote author=#1GalenaParkFan link=topic=73454.msg861452#msg861452 date=1285857208]
[quote author=knightrider link=topic=73454.msg856843#msg856843 date=1285439674]
Dayton 49 Galena Park 7
[/quote]Dayton By 32 Really DO You Guys Really Think They Can Stop Our Offense Really! They Couldnt Stop The HIlls N If I May Recall Dayton's Offense Hasnt Put Up To Many Point On Offense Them selfs! But The Hills Did Have Like 8 Turnovers So You Guys Did Get A Break But We Will See On Friday!!
[/quote] *sniffs* I smell BH all over this... to bad when someone gets ejected from the forum, the website doesn't track their ip address so they can't make a new account. just saying

that crossed my mind last night as well...
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[quote name="#1GalenaParkFan" post="861465" timestamp="1285859144"]
[quote author=Backflipper link=topic=73454.msg861462#msg861462 date=1285858565]
Dear Mr. Over-user of capital letters,
Gotta say I really dont want to see the video of Sharpstown. Thats like having a highlight reel against a freshman team. Then you said that Dayton couldn't stop the Hill? Are you (insert your choice of word here) kidding me? GP has not ever seen a D like Dayton has this year. I think this is going to be a big let down for GP Dayton 38 GP 21
I still feel like this GPfan is a third grader that dont have a clue
[/quote]Dont Watch The Sharpstown One Watch CE Kings Game Its On There Its Called GP VS CE KING FOOTBALL ON SCHOOLTUBE! N I Seen Dayton Stats Not To Many Offenses Touchdowns If You Know What I Mean! GP Has Like The Best QB n WRs Dayton Has Seen All Year I Mean The QB Is Number 2 N the State N GP Has 4 Great Wideouts n 2 of them Who Is top 5 In The State N Yards N Catches n TDs! Anymore???????????

If these WR's & this QB are so good, why havn't I heard of them.  Our QB and WR's, their known.  I'd bet our third WR could easily be yalls #1.  I don't mean to talk down your team, but your placing them so high, it's ridiculas.  It sounds like the GP offense could be used as the all state team.  Give us yalls preseason schedule and look at what our stats would be.  I wish we could play y'all in the playoffs so you could see your QB & WR's get shut down by our defense.  Good luck this season though.  The Dayton defense won't be a cakewalk.  That QB will need to be able to throw on the run.
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[quote name="dayton" post="861481" timestamp="1285860594"]
[quote author=octfeb link=topic=73454.msg861478#msg861478 date=1285860387]
[quote author=#1GalenaParkFan link=topic=73454.msg861452#msg861452 date=1285857208]
[quote author=knightrider link=topic=73454.msg856843#msg856843 date=1285439674]
Dayton 49 Galena Park 7
[/quote]Dayton By 32 Really DO You Guys Really Think They Can Stop Our Offense Really! They Couldnt Stop The HIlls N If I May Recall Dayton's Offense Hasnt Put Up To Many Point On Offense Them selfs! But The Hills Did Have Like 8 Turnovers So You Guys Did Get A Break But We Will See On Friday!!
[/quote] *sniffs* I smell BH all over this... to bad when someone gets ejected from the forum, the website doesn't track their ip address so they can't make a new account. just saying

that crossed my mind last night as well...
[/quote]well when someone from the bump can stoop so low to accuse a team of something because they got trucked by the Bronco Stampede it wouldn't surprise me
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Ok I just watched the GP V Sharpstown video and umm I'm no wheres close the football experts as most of yall on here, BUT No wonder GP beat Sharpstown. Sharpstown look like that was the first time they ever seen a football field. IMO that is.
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[quote name="octfeb" post="861553" timestamp="1285864762"]
Ok I just watched the GP V Sharpstown video and umm I'm no wheres close the football experts as most of yall on here, BUT No wonder GP beat Sharpstown. Sharpstown look like that was the first time they ever seen a football field. IMO that is.

I just watched the Rayburn video, I thought Rayburn was an old school but obviously this was their first year to field a football team. That was one of the worst defensive displays I have ever seen. Dayton should be a little better than that.
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I think we all would acknowledge that GP has a better team this year. Kudos to them for that. It takes alot of hard work by the kids and coaches. Just how much better they are is the question. I'm sure they are looking forward to playing Dayton to find out themselves. But regardless of the score tomorrow, I still congratulate GP on the improvement. It's good for the kids, the school and the community. (It's where I grew up  ;)) So good luck GP but the Broncos are coming for ya!
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[quote name="FOOTBALLFEVER99" post="862034" timestamp="1285897406"]
Gotcha, ,I understand, grew up over that way myself...about 101 years ago...We may know some of the same people...

Come tomorrow night at 7, I don't have any affilliation whatsoever with that area.  ;D Let's get em' Broncos!
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[quote name="bandgeekforlife" post="862068" timestamp="1285899575"]
Question for the Galena Park fan.  Is it safe to say that your JV team runs the same offense as the varsity?
[/quote]Its as safe as yall want it to be but i seen a team that couldnt stop the pass so tomorrow i think it will happen again but this time Gp will come out on top! Sorry Dayton Fans!
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[quote name="#1GalenaParkFan" post="862148" timestamp="1285902596"]
[quote author=bandgeekforlife link=topic=73454.msg862068#msg862068 date=1285899575]
Question for the Galena Park fan.  Is it safe to say that your JV team runs the same offense as the varsity?
[/quote]Its as safe as yall want it to be but i seen a team that couldnt stop the pass so tomorrow i think it will happen again but this time Gp will come out on top! Sorry Dayton Fans!

Smoking baby, is that you?
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[quote name="#1GalenaParkFan" post="862148" timestamp="1285902596"]
[quote author=bandgeekforlife link=topic=73454.msg862068#msg862068 date=1285899575]
Question for the Galena Park fan.  Is it safe to say that your JV team runs the same offense as the varsity?
[/quote]Its as safe as yall want it to be [b]but i seen a team that couldnt stop the pass[/b] so tomorrow i think it will happen again but this time Gp will come out on top! Sorry Dayton Fans!

What team was that? GP JV scored twice and both against back ups JV safeties. So try again, young whipper snapper!
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