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[quote name="pngfan1" post="872207" timestamp="1286815412"]
Man some of you guys are comical. I don't have daughters so , I may not understand. But I work with someone who does have girls playing therefore I follow sometimes. I just come over from the football forum just to keep up. I got to be honest it is entertaining at times. Some of you need to get a life. Notice I said some not all.

[i][b]I have noticed one group that gets on here immediately after a tournament and mention how well they did or how high they finished even if another local team finished higher with no mention.[/b][/i] There is another group that wants to be the premier organization , one that can compete with some of the better Houston orgs. But in reality I have only seen one group really do that(and i'm talking lately). That team was made up of mostly girls from one town ( yes, it pains me to say my arch rival  ;)). I even remember posts saying it couldn't be done with girls just from one town. Believe me I couldn't pull for them but it was fun watching them prove everyone wrong.

Well anyway , thanks for the entertaing reading. I work days and don't get to see any soap operas. ;) :) It is nice to hear of the increase in girls getting scholarships though , so those of you who volunteer your time should be proud and commended.

Well if you are referring to my post, yeah, I’m guilty and sorry to offend you, and I will continue to post as we go along.  ::) Personally I see nothing wrong in posting the scores, usually when we  complete a tournament we have numerous people texting me asking how we done.  With the use of this forum I have found it much easier to post what we have done other than texting everyone and also saving my minutes.  I tell you what, if it makes you happier, I will remove the Orange Crush and just post S.O.T.  ::)

I surely wished all local teams, posted what they did as they were playing, I for one would like to know.  If I knew the other scores I would surely post them, but I don’t.

Oh, to get on her and say that the softball forum is comical.  Apparently you have not been on your football forum lately, WOW…now that is a soap opera.
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[quote name="mj-7" post="873254" timestamp="1286913708"]
[quote author=pngfan1 link=topic=73946.msg872207#msg872207 date=1286815412]
Man some of you guys are comical. I don't have daughters so , I may not understand. But I work with someone who does have girls playing therefore I follow sometimes. I just come over from the football forum just to keep up. I got to be honest it is entertaining at times. Some of you need to get a life. Notice I said some not all.

[i][b]I have noticed one group that gets on here immediately after a tournament and mention how well they did or how high they finished even if another local team finished higher with no mention.[/b][/i] There is another group that wants to be the premier organization , one that can compete with some of the better Houston orgs. But in reality I have only seen one group really do that(and i'm talking lately). That team was made up of mostly girls from one town ( yes, it pains me to say my arch rival  ;)). I even remember posts saying it couldn't be done with girls just from one town. Believe me I couldn't pull for them but it was fun watching them prove everyone wrong.

Well anyway , thanks for the entertaing reading. I work days and don't get to see any soap operas. ;) :) It is nice to hear of the increase in girls getting scholarships though , so those of you who volunteer your time should be proud and commended.

Well if you are referring to my post, yeah, I’m guilty and sorry to offend you, and I will continue to post as we go along.  ::) Personally I see nothing wrong in posting the scores, usually when we  complete a tournament we have numerous people texting me asking how we done.  With the use of this forum I have found it much easier to post what we have done other than texting everyone and also saving my minutes.   I tell you what, if it makes you happier, I will remove the Orange Crush and just post S.O.T.  ::)

I surely wished all local teams, posted what they did as they were playing, I for one would like to know.  If I knew the other scores I would surely post them, but I don’t.

Oh, to get on her and say that the softball forum is comical.  Apparently you have not been on your football forum lately, WOW…now that is a soap opera.

I honestly can't argue about the football forum , pretty entertaining also. Addictive just like soap operas. :)
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[quote name="pngfan1" post="872207" timestamp="1286815412"]
Man some of you guys are comical. I don't have daughters so , I may not understand. But I work with someone who does have girls playing therefore I follow sometimes. I just come over from the football forum just to keep up. I got to be honest it is entertaining at times. Some of you need to get a life. Notice I said some not all.

I have noticed one group that gets on here immediately after a tournament and mention how well they did or how high they finished even if another local team finished higher with no mention. There is another group that wants to be the premier organization , one that can compete with some of the better Houston orgs. But in reality I have only seen one group really do that(and i'm talking lately). That team was made up of mostly girls from one town ( yes, it pains me to say my arch rival  ;)). I even remember posts saying it couldn't be done with girls just from one town. Believe me I couldn't pull for them but it was fun watching them prove everyone wrong.

Well anyway , thanks for the entertaing reading. I work days and don't get to see any soap operas. ;) :) It is nice to hear of the increase in girls getting scholarships though , so those of you who volunteer your time should be proud and commended.

I have to disagree with you on this one the GTS Shocker qualification for Gold Nationals is easily the biggest accomplishment lately, but like you said your not a softball guy and you don't understand the differences between the National Softball Organizations.
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Pretty funny/pathetic to see how easy it is to get panties in a wad.. there doesn't need to be any ONE team.. there are enough talented girls from this area to form several teams and yes... every year ONE of them will come out the most outstanding. That's just life. And luck of the draw on try outs/commitments. I think the WHOLE POINT of this thread from the very start was simply how cool it is that so many girls are now getting signed from this area due to softball.. I think we can ALL agree that's a wonderful thing.... pissing contests aside  ::)

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[quote name="Dottie" post="873595" timestamp="1286938163"]
Pretty funny/pathetic to see how easy it is to get panties in a wad.. there doesn't need to be any ONE team.. there are enough talented girls from this area to form several teams and yes... every year ONE of them will come out the most outstanding. That's just life. And luck of the draw on try outs/commitments. I think the WHOLE POINT of this thread from the very start was simply how cool it is that so many girls are now getting signed from this area due to softball.. I think we can ALL agree that's a wonderful thing.... pissing contests aside  ::)

After all our aim is to please/  ;D
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It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant.  Everyone plays a part in their own special way.  The post seemed so self-serving, give-me-some-praise type post (arrogance got in the way, I guess) that people would naturally be on the defensive and for sure would question why the post was really ever started.  And, if Tigers9 didn't want some pot stirring, then why did he put the water on to boil?  Maybe he was bored we don't have HS softball to "really" talk about yet? 

What drives college coaches away, well, except a JUCO or CC here or there, are those arrogant coaches who think they know so much and are supposed to be there to push their kids, instead, those college coaches sometimes get to hear more about how good the coach is instead of how good the players are that are on the field. 

All of our GT area teams have had success at varying levels.  We just need to keep improving our kids so the college coaches know to come look at our kids' talents.  That will give us more than 4 scholarships a year.

Long ago, the Nederland teams were ranked high on the totem pole of softball.  Those girls were coached well and loved the game.  They, in my opinion, set the tone for people to know the GT area girls were for real.  They moved on, from this team to that team, but their success was instilled early and they are having success at the collegiate level and some now at the Gold level.

As someone said...all our teams have made sigificant contributions.  I doubt the college coaches are just there to see the GTS girls.  They were probably there for the girls who invited the coaches and got down to some business on the dirt and showed their stuff.

Good luck to ALL girls and teams from the GT.  May you keep the fire burning that many ahead of you started.

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[quote name="SETXSPORTSJUNKIE" post="876807" timestamp="1287217709"]
It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant.  Everyone plays a part in their own special way.  The post seemed so self-serving, give-me-some-praise type post (arrogance got in the way, I guess) that people would naturally be on the defensive and for sure would question why the post was really ever started.  And, if Tigers9 didn't want some pot stirring, then why did he put the water on to boil?  Maybe he was bored we don't have HS softball to "really" talk about yet? 

What drives college coaches away, well, except a JUCO or CC here or there, are those arrogant coaches who think they know so much and are supposed to be there to push their kids, instead, those college coaches sometimes get to hear more about how good the coach is instead of how good the players are that are on the field. 

All of our GT area teams have had success at varying levels.  We just need to keep improving our kids so the college coaches know to come look at our kids' talents.  That will give us more than 4 scholarships a year.

Long ago, the Nederland teams were ranked high on the totem pole of softball.  Those girls were coached well and loved the game.  They, in my opinion, set the tone for people to know the GT area girls were for real.  They moved on, from this team to that team, but their success was instilled early and they are having success at the collegiate level and some now at the Gold level.

As someone said...all our teams have made sigificant contributions.  I doubt the college coaches are just there to see the GTS girls.  They were probably there for the girls who invited the coaches and got down to some business on the dirt and showed their stuff.

Good luck to ALL girls and teams from the GT.  May you keep the fire burning that many ahead of you started.


WOW....I thought and thought about what to say about all of THIS.......only one thing comes to mind......

Better to keep silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt........did I say WOW! or better yet LOL!
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After a little more thinking.

It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant.  [color=red] cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence[/color]

Everyone plays a part in their own special way.  [color=red]Yes, there are programs that are consistantly successful and there are others who have occasional success, the only ones that are offended by this are the ones that are on the trailing end.....I assure you the top programs in any sport or event will agree with this and not be bothered by the latter[/color]

The post seemed so self-serving, give-me-some-praise type post (arrogance got in the way, I guess) that people would naturally be on the defensive and for sure would question why the post was really ever started.  And, if Tigers9 didn't want some pot stirring, then why did he put the water on to boil?  Maybe he was bored we don't have HS softball to "really" talk about yet?  [color=red]I dont need to be self serving, you do not ever see anyone from GTS on here boasting or talking about anyone else, even during all the pissing contest I controled the members of GTS, I will handle all comments directed toward us......Not to mention OUR accomlishments speak for themselves. The defensive part seems to be a personl problem, no one ever bothers to comment toward people, teams or organizations that are absolutely horrible and pose no threat....if people are talking about you....then you probably are doing some things right.....ever wonder why people are always hating WOS, Newton, and others....Oh by the way....dont put to much into that "high school season thing.....LOL" It really wont do much for your kid getting to play college softball[/color]

What drives college coaches away, well, except a JUCO or CC here or there, are those arrogant coaches who think they know so much and are supposed to be there to push their kids, instead, those college coaches sometimes get to hear more about how good the coach is instead of how good the players are that are on the field.  [color=red]you are probably right, but I assure you our kids have many more options than that, and those options are increasing with each event we enter.....I doubt your accessment of us (me) is why we are in the Ronald McDonald, Louisville Slugger and many other top events in the state, even country[/color]

All of our GT area teams have had success at varying levels.  We just need to keep improving our kids so the college coaches know to come look at our kids' talents.  That will give us more than 4 scholarships a year.[color=red]Again we can agree here[/color]

Long ago, the Nederland teams were ranked high on the totem pole of softball.  Those girls were coached well and loved the game.  They, in my opinion, set the tone for people to know the GT area girls were for real.  They moved on, from this team to that team, but their success was instilled early and they are having success at the collegiate level and some now at the Gold level.[color=red]No disrespect to Nederland girls at all, there have been some good ones, However I believe it was the BLAST GOLD team that put the GT on the map, and there werent any Nederland girls on THAT team[/color]

As someone said...all our teams have made sigificant contributions.  I doubt the college coaches are just there to see the GTS girls.  They were probably there for the girls who invited the coaches and got down to some business on the dirt and showed their stuff.[color=red]Youre just hatin here, I never said anything about ONLY watching the GTS girls, I congratulated everyone and made mention of the 24 kids GTS have gotten signed[/color]

Good luck to ALL girls and teams from the GT.  May you keep the fire burning that many ahead of you started.
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Guest tigersvoice
[quote name="shake and bake" post="882520" timestamp="1287670268"]
This crap is getting OOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! Can't we all just get along ;D ;D ;D

Only in the land where "The Hill is for Real." 8)
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[color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color]

I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all.

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[quote name="setx99" post="882577" timestamp="1287673914"]
[color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color]

I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all.


Good luck with that. No where did I say those things werent taught. I believe you confuse arrogance, swagger, cokyness with being rude, unsportman like, and demeaning......below is a quote from the football forum about WOS....you either "GET IT" or you dont, if this doesnt make sense, then NOTHING I say or anyone else can say to help!

"These are the only games that challenge the Mustangs before the playoffs.  They may get knocked around every now and then in those games, but they come away from those games with alot of wins and a whole lot of confidence.  Second, their swagger beats the inferior teams the day WOS is typed on their schedule.  Teams look at their annual matchup and know there's not a chance to win.  When you don't truly believe you can win, you won't.  Unless it's a playoff team that doesn't have a 21-year losing streak against the Stangs, it should be a crime to talk trash the week before playing WOS."

The real problem is people have a hard time seperating their kids as athletes from off field personaility. Especially their dauhters....   
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[quote name="shake and bake" post="882520" timestamp="1287670268"]
This crap is getting OOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! Can't we all just get along ;D ;D ;D

SHUT UP DAN........lol

Trying to explain to those who just dont get it......never gets OOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!!  ;)
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[quote name="Tigers9" post="886870" timestamp="1288012260"]
[quote author=shake and bake link=topic=73946.msg882520#msg882520 date=1287670268]
This crap is getting OOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! Can't we all just get along ;D ;D ;D

SHUT UP DAN........lol

Trying to explain to those who just dont get it......never gets OOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!!   ;)

Tiger stop being such a "[b]Rebel[/b]"! lol
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[quote name="Tigers9" post="886868" timestamp="1288012124"]
[quote author=setx99 link=topic=73946.msg882577#msg882577 date=1287673914]
[color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color]

I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all.


Good luck with that. No where did I say those things werent taught. I believe you confuse arrogance, swagger, cokyness with being rude, unsportman like, and demeaning......below is a quote from the football forum about WOS....you either "GET IT" or you dont, if this doesnt make sense, then NOTHING I say or anyone else can say to help!

"These are the only games that challenge the Mustangs before the playoffs.  They may get knocked around every now and then in those games, but they come away from those games with alot of wins and a whole lot of confidence.  Second, their swagger beats the inferior teams the day WOS is typed on their schedule.  Teams look at their annual matchup and know there's not a chance to win.  When you don't truly believe you can win, you won't.  Unless it's a playoff team that doesn't have a 21-year losing streak against the Stangs, it should be a crime to talk trash the week before playing WOS."

The real problem is people have a hard time seperating their kids as athletes from off field personaility. Especially their dauhters....     

This thread is way off topic, but to respond to the response.

Swagger:  to walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air.  to brag or boast.

Confidence:  having belief in oneself.

How does someone teach humility and swagger? Where does the arrogance come in? Which will they want the team to portray?

Don't need "luck" with that. I can speak to what we are teaching our daughter. I'd want the coach to teach her the game of softball. I know that there are "game" attitudes that are needed, and will be built upon, but the rest will be left to us. She is the same on the field, as she is off the field. She strives to do her best at whatever she does.  Feel free to ask Coach Clifton. She has been called a "quiet leader," "one of the most teachable girls around". That really feels good, to us, when others compliment on her attitude.

Instead of swagger, I'd rather her have confidence.  I'd want her opponents to respect the playing and want what she has, be drawn to her talent, to feel at ease when approaching her, even when they feel her team may beat them. Having an arrogant attitude would not attractive.

There are and have been coaches that don't subscribe to arrogance as a way to be.

  "Mental toughness is many things. It is humility because it behooves all of us to remember that simplicity is the sign of greatness and meekness is the sign of true strength. Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love."

Vincent T Lombardi

This was a quote from Mike Candrea about Jennie Finch and her career when she retired.

I think sometimes you measure a person's success not on their accomplishments as much as how many lives they've touched," said Mike Candrea, her coach at Arizona and through two Olympics. "Jennie has transformed this sport, touched millions of young kids in many different ways, whether it's fashion, whether it's the way she plays the game,  but through it all she's been very humble."

"She's become the face of this sport, and not many people could do that," he added. "It's hard to do."

This is who and what I want my daughter to model, but some don't "GET IT". You're right, it never gets OLD explaining it to those that don't.

Back to topic.

The Blast, the GTS org., and others have done some great ground breaking in getting a lot more of our girls move on to their dreams. I do appreciate all of you that have been and are the path leaders in this effort.
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Swagger, confidence, arrogance, etc.  The only time these matters is when it becomes embarrassing.  There are way too many players that possess these "qualities" for no reason.  Work on your game and perform when it comes time.  If you don't, all of these mean absolutely nothing. 

BTW, coaches don't get players scholarships; players do.
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[quote name="Bugler" post="887629" timestamp="1288057882"]
[quote author=Tigers9 link=topic=73946.msg886868#msg886868 date=1288012124]
[quote author=setx99 link=topic=73946.msg882577#msg882577 date=1287673914]
[color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color]

I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all.


Good luck with that. No where did I say those things werent taught. I believe you confuse arrogance, swagger, cokyness with being rude, unsportman like, and demeaning......below is a quote from the football forum about WOS....you either "GET IT" or you dont, if this doesnt make sense, then NOTHING I say or anyone else can say to help!

"These are the only games that challenge the Mustangs before the playoffs.  They may get knocked around every now and then in those games, but they come away from those games with alot of wins and a whole lot of confidence.  Second, their swagger beats the inferior teams the day WOS is typed on their schedule.  Teams look at their annual matchup and know there's not a chance to win.  When you don't truly believe you can win, you won't.  Unless it's a playoff team that doesn't have a 21-year losing streak against the Stangs, it should be a crime to talk trash the week before playing WOS."

The real problem is people have a hard time seperating their kids as athletes from off field personaility. Especially their dauhters....     

This thread is way off topic, but to respond to the response.

Swagger:  to walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air.  to brag or boast.

Confidence:  having belief in oneself.

How does someone teach humility and swagger? Where does the arrogance come in? Which will they want the team to portray?

Don't need "luck" with that. I can speak to what we are teaching our daughter. I'd want the coach to teach her the game of softball. I know that there are "game" attitudes that are needed, and will be built upon, but the rest will be left to us. She is the same on the field, as she is off the field. She strives to do her best at whatever she does.  Feel free to ask Coach Clifton. She has been called a "quiet leader," "one of the most teachable girls around". That really feels good, to us, when others compliment on her attitude.

Instead of swagger, I'd rather her have confidence.  I'd want her opponents to respect the playing and want what she has, be drawn to her talent, to feel at ease when approaching her, even when they feel her team may beat them. Having an arrogant attitude would not attractive.

There are and have been coaches that don't subscribe to arrogance as a way to be.

  "Mental toughness is many things. It is humility because it behooves all of us to remember that simplicity is the sign of greatness and meekness is the sign of true strength. Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love."

Vincent T Lombardi

This was a quote from Mike Candrea about Jennie Finch and her career when she retired.

I think sometimes you measure a person's success not on their accomplishments as much as how many lives they've touched," said Mike Candrea, her coach at Arizona and through two Olympics. "Jennie has transformed this sport, touched millions of young kids in many different ways, whether it's fashion, whether it's the way she plays the game,  but through it all she's been very humble."

"She's become the face of this sport, and not many people could do that," he added. "It's hard to do."

This is who and what I want my daughter to model, but some don't "GET IT". You're right, it never gets OLD explaining it to those that don't.

Back to topic.

The Blast, the GTS org., and others have done some great ground breaking in getting a lot more of our girls move on to their dreams. I do appreciate all of you that have been and are the path leaders in this effort.

Very good post. But I still dont think you get it. I havent disagreed with these basis of teaching, they are obviously very good traits as a human being. It doesnt change that the athletes of programs that have continued success have and expect a level of swagger.......whether or not Cheater and others will admit this or leave me to being a [b]"lone rebel"[/b] is yet to be seen.

I was watching the news the other day, and I must agree with the journalist's opinion of the direction of our country.........America is getting fed up with the "politically correct BS" the point........we cant see the actual point being made due to race, sex, religious or political views that so often get in the way.....hence the comment by O'Rielly...."Muslims killed us on 911" which by the way is FACT.....however he takes crap for it....he didnt say ALL, however some got their feelings hurt and whined about his comments.

so, if your agenda gets in the way of seeing the actual point being made....so be it! Choose the right fit for your kid and be happy, thats why there are several teams in the area.

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[quote name="Tigers9" post="888051" timestamp="1288109551"]

Very good post. But I still dont think you get it. I havent disagreed with these basis of teaching, they are obviously very good traits as a human being. It doesnt change that the athletes of programs that have continued success have and expect a level of swagger.......whether or not Cheater and others will admit this or leave me to being a [b]"lone rebel"[/b] is yet to be seen.

I was watching the news the other day, and I must agree with the journalist's opinion of the direction of our country.........America is getting fed up with the "politically correct BS" the point........we cant see the actual point being made due to race, sex, religious or political views that so often get in the way.....hence the comment by O'Rielly...."Muslims killed us on 911" which by the way is FACT.....however he takes crap for it....he didnt say ALL, however some got their feelings hurt and whined about his comments.

so, if your agenda gets in the way of seeing the actual point being made....so be it! Choose the right fit for your kid and be happy, thats why there are several teams in the area.


Thanks. I agree with most of what was said there except that if a program continues to have the success they will have the confidence that others will see, and then they have the choice of swagger or humility, which in no way means weakness. The opponent will most likely see it as swagger. The difference would be how they were treated by the confident one.

Yes, I get it and see your point. It's the way of the world, today. Expecting swagger is just like expecting PC.  (Swagger won't get you fired.)  Facts are facts, but supposition or assumption and perception is not. Bill O'Reilly stated fact. What the others, that don't like him, IMHO, heard was probably something offensive  "due to race, sex, religious or political views".

I see my daughter walk in confidence and humility. The opponent may see swagger. Who's "right"?  They would know if they met her.

Anyways, thanks for your work over the last few years, also.

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Guest shake and bake
[quote name="CRUSHCOACH" post="887378" timestamp="1288044115"]
[quote author=shake and bake link=topic=73946.msg887277#msg887277 date=1288036867]
Now everyone is going to know who I am!!!!! Thanks Craig! ;D

Everyone already knows who you are. Only you can mis-spell so many words ! ;) ;D
[/quote]Learned it frum BAG ;D
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    • Read it all - good info - thanks
    • Two political opponents pointing to each other and calling each other a liar…..  Is like two roosters fighting  and then pointing to the other and calling him a chicken. 
    • Trump was indicted for his activities on January 6. He appealed the indictment to the District Court (trial court) and the way I read it, they pretty much said he has no immunity, period. So he appealed to the Circuit Court which is not a trial court, but is a constitutional court one step below the US Supreme Court. Both the District Court and the Circuit Court denied even reviewing the case. I believe they simply said that a former president has no such immunity. The US Supreme Court then took up the case on a constitutional basis. Remember at this point there has been no trial so no facts of the case have come out. It has been only appeals on the constitutionality of immunity. The Supreme Court ruling today said that the president has absolute immunity for constitutional authority (conclusive and preclusive).  What that means to me is, if it’s something the Constitution gives him the authority to do, he absolutely cannot have charges filed against him. An easy example that I can think of is the Constitution makes him the commander-in-chief of the military. So if a president authorizes the military to do something such as Reagan authorizing the bombing of Libya in retaliation for terrorist attacks, the president cannot be sued or held to criminal charges because some civilians in Libya got killed. That is his authority as commander-in-chief and protection of the country. The Supreme Court then ruled that the president has presumed official acts immunity. A presumption under law in a case such as this means that it is assumed that the person accused, such as a president, is not guilty. The presumption is that he followed the law. The presumption does allow however for the prosecution to try and prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the presumption does not exist. The person accused does not have to prove anything. The president does not have to prove that he had immunity. The prosecution has to prove that more likely yes than no that he didn’t have immunity. So technically there’s an opening to prosecute but you start out with the presumption that the person accused is not guilty with nothing to prove. As an example, the president has wide authority in many areas including issuing some executive orders. Those are authorities as official acts. If the president was to do something like order the unjustified jailing of a political opponent in an upcoming election and order the opponent held in Gitmo to keep from campaigning, that would not be included under an official act immunity. So it is possible to overcome the presumption of immunity but it will take quite a bit of work.  The president has no immunity whatsoever that is outside of constitutional authority or an official act. As an example of the president gets drunk and manages to sneak past his Secret Service bodyguard. He gets in the car and drives DWI and kills someone. That is not covered under an official act so he could be held accountable for a homicide. So…. For constitutional authorities, the president has absolute immunity. For an official act, he has presumed immunity. Anything outside of a constitutional or official act, such as driving DWI, has no immunity. In this ruling the Supreme Court vacated the indictment because the District Court, and the Circuit Court did not even consider immunity. The Supreme Court did not clear Trump because at this point they have not even heard the evidence. All they issued was a constitutional ruling that the lower courts have to at least consider immunity under the rule that they just established. Therefore the case goes back to the prosecution to bring a case at the trial court level and try to prove that whatever Trump is accused of, it was not an official act. Certainly the DOJ could read this Supreme Court ruling and drop the case, saying that they cannot overcome immunity. I’m not going to hold my breath, waiting for the DOJ to come to that conclusion. Simply disagreeing with a president actions does not disprove immunity. I disagreed with some of the things that Biden did such as ordering vaccines for some workers. Some of that was appealed and the courts threw out some of those mandates, especially under OSHSA. I don’t think Biden could be prosecuted however for issuing an executive order to one of his federal agencies because that is probably covered under an official act immunity. Not liking it does not automatically qualified as a crime. Therefore…. Can the DOJ try to again get an indictment against Trump and try to prove in court that he is not covered by one of the immunities listed? Yes. The Supreme Court  has stated that under their ruling absolute immunity must be taken into consideration for a constitutional act and presumed immunity must be taken into consideration for an official act. Let’s just say that the DOJ pushed this case again and convince the trial court and the appeals court that Trump has no immunity and they get a criminal conviction. At their discretion, the Supreme Court can take this case up again since the trial would have been held and the Supreme Court could see how the lower courts came to their conclusion. The Supreme Court could agree that with the lower courts that there was no immunity and a conviction stands or they could say, y'all weren't paying attention to our ruling and they can throw the whole case out. If you don’t want to read all of that……  To date the ruling is, yes a former president has immunity from what he did in office and by law that must be taken into consideration under the rules that the Supreme Court just set. The rest will play out in the future. 
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