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I think everyone better start to take notice of the Dayton Broncos. They played a tough non distric schedule and really should have won all three games. Dayton is starting to come together and really be a solid team. The play calling is a lil suspect at times but with the athletes they tend over come that. This maybe one of the best all around teams Coach Stewart has had. Again I said all around. They are pretty solid at every position.
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I have been to all of Dayton's games this year.  Each week it looks like the offense is improving.  I was really impressed with the QB against GP.  The defense is very strong especially against the run.  Of course, Carraco is the best kicker around.  I agree, that Dayton is going to be tough to beat in district.
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I finally figured out what the Broncos need to really get the offense into high gear. A good ol' flea-flicker play! How about a halfback pass, or a throw back to the QB then a bomb. I can't remember the last time I saw a Stewart coached team run one. I take it he's not a fan of the flea-flicker. I personally just like saying it and typing it. Flea-flicker! ;D
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Guest octfeb
[quote name="Hawkeye" post="866273" timestamp="1286280453"]
I finally figured out what the Broncos need to really get the offense into high gear. A good ol' flea-flicker play! How about a halfback pass, or a throw back to the QB then a bomb. I can't remember the last time I saw a Stewart coached team run one. I take it he's not a fan of the flea-flicker. I personally just like saying it and typing it. Flea-flicker! ;D
[/quote] ROFL @ Flea-flicker  8)
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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="866273" timestamp="1286280453"]
I finally figured out what the Broncos need to really get the offense into high gear. A good ol' flea-flicker play! How about a halfback pass, or a throw back to the QB then a bomb. I can't remember the last time I saw a Stewart coached team run one. I take it he's not a fan of the flea-flicker. I personally just like saying it and typing it. Flea-flicker! ;D
[/quote]With X. Baldwin in the backfield this would be an easy play to pulll off.  I also thlink it would be fun to mix the play book up a little , try a fake kick on 4th and long - stuff like that  !
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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="866396" timestamp="1286291659"]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.
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[quote name="dayton" post="866397" timestamp="1286291768"]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.
See there...I don't remember that one at all. Well at least that tells me that Stewart is not completely opposed to the idea.
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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="866398" timestamp="1286291943"]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866397#msg866397 date=1286291768]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.
See there...I don't remember that one at all. Well at least that tells me that Stewart is not completely opposed to the idea.

We used it several times in the year that Greg Charles was QB. It worked several times as well.
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[quote name="dayton" post="866397" timestamp="1286291768"]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.

Used to use it with Andrew Thomas as well, Green's Sophmore year. Effective but not usually necessary. Besides its early in the year, we are still in the front of the play book.

I would like to address Dayton fans questioning the play calling. Nations and Craus spend countless hours developing these game plans based on the opponents defensive scheme and every week it changes. I don't pretend to know or understand everything these coaches do, but please don't question the play calling when you don't even know the game plan. Have you ever questioned a play and then 2 plays later we are in the endzone. That questionable play may have been what set it up. There are plenty of other aspects of the game to complain about and discuss without questioning our coaches.
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[quote name="bronco1" post="866414" timestamp="1286293849"]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866397#msg866397 date=1286291768]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.

Used to use it with Andrew Thomas as well, Green's Sophmore year. Effective but not usually necessary. Besides its early in the year, we are still in the front of the play book.

I would like to address Dayton fanse questioning the play calling. Nations and Krause spend countless hours developing these game plans based on the opponents defensive scheme and every week it changes. I don't pretend to know or understand everything these coaches do, but please don't question the play calling when you don't even know the game plan. Have you ever questioned a play and then 2 plays later we are in the endzone. That questionable play may have been what set it up. There are plenty of other aspects of the game to complain about and discuss without questioning our coaches.

No questioning here (i know you weren't addressing me ;))....

We Dayton fans are spoiled to big plays and scoring in 3 or 4 snaps. I like the long drives though that chew up clock and we seem to be getting some of those lately. In the state title game, we may have been a little too explosive considering we had kids going both ways.

The thing I think that a lot of people miss is that the majority of the plays that AJ, Jakari, etc. take to the house are designed to go 5-10 yards. Agreed, Nations and Craus, and the others spend a ton of time with film, planning, etc.... I'll definitely leave it to them.
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[quote name="Broncofan65" post="866271" timestamp="1286280067"]
We are solid but we still need a few games with no turnovers. Good teams will beat us 3 rounds into the palyoffs if we are still turning the ball over. But yes, We are all around solid and probably will not loose in District. 

Correction*  It would be round 2, not round 3.
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I think fans, in a fan forum, have always and will always question play calling. It certainly doesn't mean we/I are bashing the coaches. Speaking for myself, I have always respected the coaching staff (under Stewart) at Dayton and will continue to do so, just as most Dayton fans do I'm sure. But that doesn't mean I can't pose a question on a fan forum such as; why don't they throw over the middle more, or I wonder why they don't try such and such, etc.. Just means I'm an inquiring fan.

I'll be the first to agree that fans don't always know the whole story. But to suggest that we should never question the coaching decisions or play calling is just a bit unrealistic. No matter how successful a coach or staff has been, I don't think they would ever expect to be put on some untouchable pedastal as to not ever have to answer to the fans or public, or in this case, taxpayers.

Besides, I don't recall anyone on here seriously implying that the play calling is way off. And even if they did "question the coaches" as long as it was done with some tact, I think it would be totally within their right as a fan on a fan forum website.
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[quote name="bronco1" post="866414" timestamp="1286293849"]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866397#msg866397 date=1286291768]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.

Used to use it with Andrew Thomas as well, Green's Sophmore year. Effective but not usually necessary. Besides its early in the year, we are still in the front of the play book.

I would like to address Dayton fanse questioning the play calling. Nations and Krause spend countless hours developing these game plans based on the opponents defensive scheme and every week it changes. I don't pretend to know or understand everything these coaches do, but please don't question the play calling when you don't even know the game plan. Have you ever questioned a play and then 2 plays later we are in the endzone. That questionable play may have been what set it up. There are plenty of other aspects of the game to complain about and discuss without questioning our coaches.

I'll bite on this one...

Play calling is one of the first things questioned when things aren't going well and it's also one of the first things to be overlooked when you are winning big.  BUT, it's OK to question the play calling, that's one of the things that makes watching a game fun.  Just remember that this can be done without negativity and there is no need to run the coaching staff (or players) down.  With that said, players rarely play "perfect" games and coaches don't coach the "perfect" game.  Sometimes the playcalling will be botched because a human element will always exist.  Sometimes a bad play call will result in a touchdown and a great play call will result in a five yard loss.

Here are a few observations I've had over the past few years from watching the Broncos:

Short/Lateral sideline passes are not as effective against fast teams as they are against slow teams.

A zone read run play doesn't work well when your o-line is getting blown up.

If the opposing defense is blitzing, it's better to throw short or intermediate passes than long passes that depend on routes that take a long time to develop.

If a team relies on these three options in adverse game conditions they are likely to lose.

Sometimes these three options are the only options that you have and you have to dance with the one that brought you.
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[quote name="BrenhamFan" post="866458" timestamp="1286297394"]
[quote author=Broncofan65 link=topic=73983.msg866271#msg866271 date=1286280067]
We are solid but we still need a few games with no turnovers. Good teams will beat us 3 rounds into the palyoffs if we are still turning the ball over. But yes, We are all around solid and probably will not loose in District. 

Correction*  It would be round 2, not round 3.

You might be in for a surprise and find yourself on the bad side of 2 out of 3.  But by all means.....keep talking.
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[quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="866464" timestamp="1286297582"]
[quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=73983.msg866458#msg866458 date=1286297394]
[quote author=Broncofan65 link=topic=73983.msg866271#msg866271 date=1286280067]
We are solid but we still need a few games with no turnovers. Good teams will beat us 3 rounds into the palyoffs if we are still turning the ball over. But yes, We are all around solid and probably will not loose in District. 

Correction*  It would be round 2, not round 3.

You might be in for a surprise and find yourself on the bad side of 2 out of 3.  But by all means.....keep talking.

I'm just saying that the round 2 game, would likely be harder than the round 3 game for either team.  (not that were gonna dominate or anything) I will keep talking though, but i'm waiting till I see name Dayton next to ours in the playoff bracket.
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[quote name="BrenhamFan" post="866469" timestamp="1286298023"]
[quote author=Tyrone_Biggums link=topic=73983.msg866464#msg866464 date=1286297582]
[quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=73983.msg866458#msg866458 date=1286297394]
[quote author=Broncofan65 link=topic=73983.msg866271#msg866271 date=1286280067]
We are solid but we still need a few games with no turnovers. Good teams will beat us 3 rounds into the palyoffs if we are still turning the ball over. But yes, We are all around solid and probably will not loose in District. 

Correction*  It would be round 2, not round 3.

You might be in for a surprise and find yourself on the bad side of 2 out of 3.  But by all means.....keep talking.

I'm just saying that the round 2 game, would likely be harder than the round 3 game for either team.  (not that were gonna dominate or anything) I will keep talking though, but i'm waiting till I see name Dayton next to ours in the playoff bracket.

You keep forgetting that you guys are going to go on a losing streak and end up on the other side of the bracket...How many times do I have to tell you this?
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[quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="866473" timestamp="1286298282"]
[quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=73983.msg866469#msg866469 date=1286298023]
[quote author=Tyrone_Biggums link=topic=73983.msg866464#msg866464 date=1286297582]
[quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=73983.msg866458#msg866458 date=1286297394]
[quote author=Broncofan65 link=topic=73983.msg866271#msg866271 date=1286280067]
We are solid but we still need a few games with no turnovers. Good teams will beat us 3 rounds into the palyoffs if we are still turning the ball over. But yes, We are all around solid and probably will not loose in District. 

Correction*  It would be round 2, not round 3.

You might be in for a surprise and find yourself on the bad side of 2 out of 3.  But by all means.....keep talking.

I'm just saying that the round 2 game, would likely be harder than the round 3 game for either team.  (not that were gonna dominate or anything) I will keep talking though, but i'm waiting till I see name Dayton next to ours in the playoff bracket.

You keep forgetting that you guys are going to go on a losing streak and end up on the other side of the bracket...How many times do I have to tell you this?

It's possible...
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[quote name="dayton" post="866417" timestamp="1286294270"]
[quote author=bronco1 link=topic=73983.msg866414#msg866414 date=1286293849]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866397#msg866397 date=1286291768]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.

Used to use it with Andrew Thomas as well, Green's Sophmore year. Effective but not usually necessary. Besides its early in the year, we are still in the front of the play book.

I would like to address Dayton fanse questioning the play calling. Nations and Krause spend countless hours developing these game plans based on the opponents defensive scheme and every week it changes. I don't pretend to know or understand everything these coaches do, but please don't question the play calling when you don't even know the game plan. Have you ever questioned a play and then 2 plays later we are in the endzone. That questionable play may have been what set it up. There are plenty of other aspects of the game to complain about and discuss without questioning our coaches.

No questioning here (i know you weren't addressing me ;))....

[b]We Dayton fans are spoiled to big plays and scoring in 3 or 4 snaps. [/b] I like the long drives though that chew up clock and we seem to be getting some of those lately. In the state title game, we may have been a little too explosive considering we had kids going both ways.

The thing I think that a lot of people miss is that the majority of the plays that AJ, Jakari, etc. take to the house are designed to go 5-10 yards. Agreed, Nations and Craus, and the others spend a ton of time with film, planning, etc.... I'll definitely leave it to them.

You lack the talent this year.  ;)
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[quote name="bh89-2" post="866492" timestamp="1286299840"]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866417#msg866417 date=1286294270]
[quote author=bronco1 link=topic=73983.msg866414#msg866414 date=1286293849]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866397#msg866397 date=1286291768]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.

Used to use it with Andrew Thomas as well, Green's Sophmore year. Effective but not usually necessary. Besides its early in the year, we are still in the front of the play book.

I would like to address Dayton fanse questioning the play calling. Nations and Krause spend countless hours developing these game plans based on the opponents defensive scheme and every week it changes. I don't pretend to know or understand everything these coaches do, but please don't question the play calling when you don't even know the game plan. Have you ever questioned a play and then 2 plays later we are in the endzone. That questionable play may have been what set it up. There are plenty of other aspects of the game to complain about and discuss without questioning our coaches.

No questioning here (i know you weren't addressing me ;))....

[b]We Dayton fans are spoiled to big plays and scoring in 3 or 4 snaps. [/b] I like the long drives though that chew up clock and we seem to be getting some of those lately. In the state title game, we may have been a little too explosive considering we had kids going both ways.

The thing I think that a lot of people miss is that the majority of the plays that AJ, Jakari, etc. take to the house are designed to go 5-10 yards. Agreed, Nations and Craus, and the others spend a ton of time with film, planning, etc.... I'll definitely leave it to them.

You lack the talent this year.   ;)

I'm happy if we take 10-12 to score.
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[quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="866461" timestamp="1286297490"]
[quote author=bronco1 link=topic=73983.msg866414#msg866414 date=1286293849]
[quote author=dayton link=topic=73983.msg866397#msg866397 date=1286291768]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73983.msg866396#msg866396 date=1286291659]
Now you guys are thinking! I like it. Seriously though, can anyone remember Stewart trying any fakes or trick plays of any kind? I can't remember any for the last several years, but considering my memory, that aint sayin much.

All I can think of is the one wher AJ would go in motion, take the pitch and throw it deep.... usually to Ronnie Powell.

Used to use it with Andrew Thomas as well, Green's Sophmore year. Effective but not usually necessary. Besides its early in the year, we are still in the front of the play book.

I would like to address Dayton fanse questioning the play calling. Nations and Krause spend countless hours developing these game plans based on the opponents defensive scheme and every week it changes. I don't pretend to know or understand everything these coaches do, but please don't question the play calling when you don't even know the game plan. Have you ever questioned a play and then 2 plays later we are in the endzone. That questionable play may have been what set it up. There are plenty of other aspects of the game to complain about and discuss without questioning our coaches.

I'll bite on this one...

Play calling is one of the first things questioned when things aren't going well and it's also one of the first things to be overlooked when you are winning big.  BUT, it's OK to question the play calling, that's one of the things that makes watching a game fun.  Just remember that this can be done without negativity and there is no need to run the coaching staff (or players) down.  With that said, players rarely play "perfect" games and coaches don't coach the "perfect" game.  Sometimes the playcalling will be botched because a human element will always exist.  Sometimes a bad play call will result in a touchdown and a great play call will result in a five yard loss.

Here are a few observations I've had over the past few years from watching the Broncos:

Short/Lateral sideline passes are not as effective against fast teams as they are against slow teams.

A zone read run play doesn't work well when your o-line is getting blown up.

If the opposing defense is blitzing, it's better to throw short or intermediate passes than long passes that depend on routes that take a long time to develop.

If a team relies on these three options in adverse game conditions they are likely to lose.

Sometimes these three options are the only options that you have and you have to dance with the one that brought you.


Once again you are right on, taking all of these things into consideration its hard to question play calling unless your team is getting blown-up. If your team is sucking, you can question play calling.
Questioning play calling just to have something to talk about is permissable, after all it is a forum. Permissable and ridiculous, I just take offense to the criticism of our coaches, especially by our own fans. That said maybe  I am just a little touchy.
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Ok well it's my turn to chime in now. Let me start by saying that I am a huge Bronco fan to the point where I am told that I must bleed PURPLE, I have to say that we do have a really good team this year we have alot of talent a lot of speed the one thing we are lacking is on field leadership,I honestly believe that Xavier Baldwin being the kind of kid he is that if he stepped up to the role of leader that the others would follow suit. Now along with what I said about speed Jakari Delaspor is probly one of if not the fastest players in this district, now if he could learn to hang on to the ball in traffic he is one you could possibly see on a Saturday afternoon with a Division 1A school, don't get me wrong there are a few others that could learn to take care off the ball as well. The biggest issue I see with the Broncos is that this hurry up offense that they have been using the last several years is played out, yeah it was an awesome idea at first but when you use hand signals like we do it does'nt take very long for the other teams to figure out what we are gonna do exspecially if you run the same cotton pickin play 20 or 30 times a game. But like I said we have a good team not great but good, we have just got to play the good ole SMASH MOUTH Dayton Bronco football. ;D ;D ;D ;D
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[quote name="purple people eaters" post="866552" timestamp="1286304539"]
Ok well it's my turn to chime in now. Let me start by saying that I am a huge Bronco fan to the point where I am told that I must bleed PURPLE, I have to say that we do have a really good team this year we have alot of talent a lot of speed the one thing we are lacking is on field leadership,I honestly believe that Xavier Baldwin being the kind of kid he is that if he stepped up to the role of leader that the others would follow suit. Now along with what I said about speed Jakari Delaspor is probly one of if not the fastest players in this district, now if he could learn to hang on to the ball in traffic he is one you could possibly see on a Saturday afternoon with a Division 1A school, don't get me wrong there are a few others that could learn to take care off the ball as well. The biggest issue I see with the Broncos is that this hurry up offense that they have been using the last several years is played out, yeah it was an awesome idea at first but when you use hand signals like we do it does'nt take very long for the other teams to figure out what we are gonna do exspecially if you run the same cotton pickin play 20 or 30 times a game. But like I said we have a good team not great but good, we have just got to play the good ole SMASH MOUTH Dayton Bronco football. ;D ;D ;D ;D

1. Welcome to the board, glad to have you.
2. Jakari has been doing a great job and has turned the corner and left the butterfinger routine behind.  He's past the fumble bug.
3. Bronco football is tough defense and a high powered spread offense that takes advantage of playmakers on the edge and a zone read run scheme. We haven't been a smashmouth team for a long time.
4.  Don't mean to seem negative, I'm a big fan of punching the other team in the mouth until they quit.  I also get a lot of the points that you are making.
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