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best lonestar jr . team


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HEy Yep I talked with his father and guess what the orthopedic Dr. did let him play! So like Scalabrine said stir up mess else where! I know after talking with several parents at the game seems like you guys better worry about those Buna Cougars and the Warren Warriors! I have to agree if that kid had been a 100% yall would have been in trouble! Saw him run a couple of touchdowns seemed to handle himself quite well!
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So then a release was given to the board? Also seems like HJ played them during the year and came out on top then so I guess that puts us 2-0 in a series with EC which in my book clearly makes HJ the better team. I also will admit the kid is one heck of an athlete.
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[quote name="diamond dawg" post="914880" timestamp="1290302859"]
Last year was last year and this year is this year! Two totally different teams...just saying!

It will never be a game that is why the board discourages it.
8,9, and 85lbs 10 year olds can't play with 135 10 year olds with no 8 year olds. Math don't work!

The STJFL pee wee and Jr. make up I feel is awesome we just don't have the numbers to field that.
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