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Dayton vs. C.E. King Game Thread/Dayton Wins/Comments


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This game was ugly at the end of the first qrt. Could of put 80 on the board easy. The DBs played great tonight and "my little pony" (#15) is for real. It takes half the D to bring him down. That kid gets a lot of yards after contact. With Rip on the D line seems like we are getting more pressure on the QB, just have to stay at home a little and no run past the play. One thing I did see tonight was some plays over the middle of the field but I dont think coach wanted to show to much. Overall a great game but right now the real season starts. No matter who has beat who 6 weeks ago or even tonight next week you cant take anybody lightly or it will be a quick end to the season. ;D
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King HC should have took the player who threw the punch after the game resumed after the 4 ejections and he should have sent #14 To the showers for tauting the Bronco coaches,players and the fans.I say they are totally out of control over there.Back on topic Dayton was a load tonight but Coach Stewart was cool hand Luke keeping the 2nd string offense in the entire second half.
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I agree Liltex #14 was really showing his true colors. # 89 should be kicked out of school for what he did. Did anyone else see him kick Chambers in the nads? Talk about a low blow. While he was down at that! We might as well been playing the prison team from the Longest Yard movie!
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