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DAYTONS Cody Green starting 4 Nebraska

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Everytime I have seen Cody play when the game is televised on ESPN, The game callers or sports reporters dog him. Cody has not really been given many opportunities up there in Nebraska. This year is similar to last year. It was Lee last year and now Martinez this year. Both of those QB'S are Golden Boys from California and I have to think that has a lot do do with how much time Cody really gets. Martinez is faster than Cody but does not have the size and can not throw accurately deep. Martinez is a hothead and crys all the time if he does not get to play. Cody is very humble and does not complain and just trys to work with the team. Lee is on his way out as a senior and can not spark the offense when needed, he is just a game manager, plays not to loose. I am just wondering why if Martinez is so fast and such a effective runner then why not start him at running back and start Cody at QB. I guess because he cant or does not want to get hit. Cody is in a tough spot right now but he will come through this ok. One thing for sure, he will get his degree.  
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Again Bald Eagle, Martinez does not know the offense effectively and is a pure runner. Cody went there with the expectations that they were going to a dual threat QB. Cody may be better off to transfer to another team or a Texas team but it could hurt him in playing time. He will get his chances though as I said, Martinez does not like to get hit.
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[quote name="liltex" post="901131" timestamp="1289181499"]
There was once a post on setxsports about Green or Karum I believe and Karum was the Houston Area touchdown club off.Mvp in 2008.Remarks later were posted Cody prolly never see a down @Nebraska and I said oh yeah and Karum would be holding a playbook on the sideline @TT 8)

KARAM - again - not sure who was dissing Cody, but it was not FW folks. Karam was a solid HS QB, but we knew he would not play at Tech. Played in a good system for numbers, but when there was pressure, you could tell he did not see the field well enough to play at the next level. Current QB sees the field very very well, Maetzold.  Heard some noise that Karam might transfer, might just be noise. With Brewer headed to Tech and Sheffield coming back, Karam will not see the field. Cody and Dugat were real players, too bad Dugat blew it. Green is not, good team player and taking care of his books from all accounts. He did struggle and show why he is behind Martinez, who may not be as good in all phases, but sure can run that zone read!
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[quote name="fwstangs" post="901574" timestamp="1289230701"]
[quote author=liltex link=topic=75667.msg901131#msg901131 date=1289181499]
There was once a post on setxsports about Green or Karum I believe and Karum was the Houston Area touchdown club off.Mvp in 2008.Remarks later were posted Cody prolly never see a down @Nebraska and I said oh yeah and Karum would be holding a playbook on the sideline @TT 8)

KARAM - again - not sure who was dissing Cody, but it was not FW folks. Karam was a solid HS QB, but we knew he would not play at Tech. Played in a good system for numbers, but when there was pressure, you could tell he did not see the field well enough to play at the next level. Current QB sees the field very very well, Maetzold.  Heard some noise that Karam might transfer, might just be noise. With Brewer headed to Tech and Sheffield coming back, Karam will not see the field. Cody and Dugat were real players, too bad Dugat blew it. Green is not, good team player and taking care of his books from all accounts. He did struggle and show why he is behind Martinez, who may not be as good in all phases, but sure can run that zone read!

it was FriendswoodFan.
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Martinez is a blur, no doubt. But that's it. I said from the beginning of this season that as soon as the other teams figure out how to stop that zone read, or he gets hit by one of the big boys, that scheme will be ancient history. Looks like it already starting lose its effectiveness. Martinez couldn't go anywhere against the bigger faster defenses such as Texas.

Cody still has a ways to go. But he needs playing time. He's improved alot already just with the time he's got. Seems to me you would want the bigger, stronger QB who can pass and run, being groomed to be the #1 guy for the full three years. Just think where Cody could be if he'd been starting the whole season. I understand the Nebraska coaches are trying to win a championship now and not two years from now, and Martinez gives them another weapon out of the backfield. I guess they made their decision. At some point though, in the big game against against a real defense, Martinez won't be able to run or get hurt (again), or both. Then what. Zach Lee? A rusty, inexpierenced Cody Green? Just my two cents.
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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="901624" timestamp="1289232941"]
Martinez is a blur, no doubt. But that's it. I said from the beginning of this season that as soon as the other teams figure out how to stop that zone read, or he gets hit by one of the big boys, that scheme will be ancient history. Looks like it already starting lose its effectiveness. Martinez couldn't go anywhere against the bigger faster defenses such as Texas.

Cody still has a ways to go. But he needs playing time. He's improved alot already just with the time he's got. Seems to me you would want the bigger, stronger QB who can pass and run, being groomed to be the #1 guy for the full three years. Just think where Cody could be if he'd been starting the whole season. I understand the Nebraska coaches are trying to win a championship now and not two years from now, and Martinez gives them another weapon out of the backfield. I guess they made their decision. At some point though, in the big game against against a real defense, Martinez won't be able to run or get hurt (again), or both. Then what. Zach Lee? A rusty, inexpierenced Cody Green? Just my two cents.

[/quote] Good post ! Not overly impressed with Nebraska's coach he disrespected him by not giving him a chance to score in the red zone and it backfired on him . Then after the game a reporter ask about Cody and all he could say was how they were down to the 3rd string QB and gave zero credit to Cody .
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Here's my take on it.  They'll end up making Martinez another Burkhead when it's all said and done.  Right now I really don't think the coaching staff know's what freak'n QB to use or what stink'n offense to run.  I think Martinez is just better right now, period.  Ol'Bo had his chance to answer a simple question in reference to Cody's play at the end of the game.  Guess what?  He totally side stepped the question and not once gave Cody props for his play, not that it was the best, but that right there tells me they are not ready for Cody to lead that team.  JMO.
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[quote name="jayhawk" post="901651" timestamp="1289234687"]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=75667.msg901624#msg901624 date=1289232941]
Martinez is a blur, no doubt. But that's it. I said from the beginning of this season that as soon as the other teams figure out how to stop that zone read, or he gets hit by one of the big boys, that scheme will be ancient history. Looks like it already starting lose its effectiveness. Martinez couldn't go anywhere against the bigger faster defenses such as Texas.

Cody still has a ways to go. But he needs playing time. He's improved alot already just with the time he's got. Seems to me you would want the bigger, stronger QB who can pass and run, being groomed to be the #1 guy for the full three years. Just think where Cody could be if he'd been starting the whole season. I understand the Nebraska coaches are trying to win a championship now and not two years from now, and Martinez gives them another weapon out of the backfield. I guess they made their decision. At some point though, in the big game against against a real defense, Martinez won't be able to run or get hurt (again), or both. Then what. Zach Lee? A rusty, inexpierenced Cody Green? Just my two cents.

[/quote] Good post ! Not overly impressed with Nebraska's coach he disrespected him by not giving him a chance to score in the red zone and it backfired on him . Then after the game a reporter ask about Cody and all he could say was how they were down to the 3rd string QB and gave zero credit to Cody .
[/quote]Yep I saw that... I was like.. Geeezzz give the boy some credit...
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[quote name="rollinac" post="904100" timestamp="1289489061"]
[url=http://omaha.com/article/20101110/SPORTS/711109791]Cody Green Article[/url]

[url=http://huskerextra.com/sports/football/article_f045d3c0-ed34-11df-aa65-001cc4c03286.html]Cody Green Article II[/url]

Husker nation doesn't seem to be disappointed...

Good articles.  I'm glad that he has such a good attitude.  Class act right there.
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[quote name="rollinac" post="904100" timestamp="1289489061"]
[url=http://omaha.com/article/20101110/SPORTS/711109791]Cody Green Article[/url]

[url=http://huskerextra.com/sports/football/article_f045d3c0-ed34-11df-aa65-001cc4c03286.html]Cody Green Article II[/url]

Husker nation doesn't seem to be disappointed...

that's what good men are made of. thanks for posting those.
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