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Coldspring (10-1) vs. Columbus (8-3) Predictions?/Game simulcast on SETXsports


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Here is some intel on Columbus:


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Man will you two schools quit crying, You are both in the playoffs and are good teams but who cares about the game that you two played againsted each other. Coldpring has always been a little on the arrogant side that talks alot of crap, but don't take that for being dirty, if your kids can't take loosing and getting crap talked to them then they need to get thicker skin  (it is football). Huffman quit crying over the game, yall lost (can't count should-of, could-of & would-of) again it is football and you lost so drop it. Dirty or not Coldspring won. Coldspring I will say it again, No team in our district is going to pull for your team to win cause of the way you act and carry yourself, learn to respect the other teams in our district then maybe you will get some in return.
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[quote name="idk" post="909614" timestamp="1289836779"]
Man will you two schools quit crying, You are both in the playoffs and are good teams but who cares about the game that you two played againsted each other. Coldpring has always been a little on the arrogant side that talks alot of crap, but don't take that for being dirty, if your kids can't take loosing and getting crap talked to them then they need to get thicker skin  (it is football). Huffman quit crying over the game, yall lost (can't count should-of, could-of & would-of) again it is football and you lost so drop it. Dirty or not Coldspring won. Coldspring I will say it again, No team in our district is going to pull for your team to win cause of the way you act and carry yourself, learn to respect the other teams in our district then maybe you will get some in return.

Can you give me some specific examples of when yall have been disrespected?
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I pretty sure idk is a coldspring fan I could be wrong. Anyway both teams have taken shots and disrespected each other. If u want specific examples u can go back to the threads and find them. That said idk y we r still talkin about it. Yeah a Huffman fan brought it up agian but its over now. It don't matter who won between us anymore. The only thing that matters is who keeps winning. Good luck to coldspring congrats on ur season so far.
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[quote name="falconfanatic" post="909922" timestamp="1289854558"]
I pretty sure idk is a coldspring fan I could be wrong. Anyway both teams have taken shots and disrespected each other. If u want specific examples u can go back to the threads and find them. That said idk y we r still talkin about it. Yeah a Huffman fan brought it up agian but its over now. It don't matter who won between us anymore. The only thing that matters is who keeps winning. Good luck to coldspring congrats on ur season so far.

Thank you falcon fanatic, I feel like your the only huffman fan I could possibly have a sensible debate with someday.
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(falconfanatic) I'm not from Coldspring but do know people from the town and there are some really good people over there. They care how people view them and what people think of them (most of them are not dumb rednecks) just a few that open there mouth and make the whole town look that way (CHS11). You could say the same for Huffman and yes I know some very good people over there also. I was not "still talking" about the crying between Coldspring and Huffman. I just keep having to read threw the crap everytime i subject comes up on either Coldspring or Huffman. Both of these schools don't know how good they have it with some very good players on both teams and should both do very well in the rest of the playoffs. I just wish you both would quit complaining about one game it is over. YOu could be going to some of the other schools in the distric that almost never get to the playoff, that have good kids and parents but just can't get over the hump. I don't hear them complain near as much as the people like your two teams that most of the time have good winning seasons. So what is there for you two to cry about all the time?

(chs11) I don't need to prove or show you were Coldspring has dis-respected anyone, you know the truth it has been going on for years and years and then people from Coldspring want to get on hear and cry why nobody in the district will pull for them. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. You can be a good team and steam roll everyone in district but you could do it with a little more class.

Huffman you have a great town with deep pockets and I think that is great, your schools are great and the complex is the best in these parts for 3A. If I could I would move my kids over to go to school there in a heart beat. But can't understand why some of your folks have to take shot at Coldspring and keep crying about a game you lost fair and square. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.
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[quote name="idk" post="910547" timestamp="1289921434"]
(falconfanatic) I'm not from Coldspring but ....

[u][i][b]Huffman you have a great town with deep pockets[/b][/i][/u] and I think that is great, your schools are great and the complex is the best in these parts for 3A. If I could I would move my kids over to go to school there in a heart beat. But can't understand why some of your folks have to take shot at Coldspring and keep crying about a game you lost fair and square. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.

watch yourself.
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[quote name="idk" post="910547" timestamp="1289921434"]
(falconfanatic) I'm not from Coldspring but do know people from the town and there are some really good people over there. They care how people view them and what people think of them (most of them are not dumb rednecks) just a few that open there mouth and make the whole town look that way (CHS11). You could say the same for Huffman and yes I know some very good people over there also. I was not "still talking" about the crying between Coldspring and Huffman. I just keep having to read threw the crap everytime i subject comes up on either Coldspring or Huffman. Both of these schools don't know how good they have it with some very good players on both teams and should both do very well in the rest of the playoffs. I just wish you both would quit complaining about one game it is over. YOu could be going to some of the other schools in the distric that almost never get to the playoff, that have good kids and parents but just can't get over the hump. I don't hear them complain near as much as the people like your two teams that most of the time have good winning seasons. So what is there for you two to cry about all the time?

(chs11) I don't need to prove or show you were Coldspring has dis-respected anyone, you know the truth it has been going on for years and years and then people from Coldspring want to get on hear and cry why nobody in the district will pull for them. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. You can be a good team and steam roll everyone in district but you could do it with a little more class.

Huffman you have a great town with deep pockets and I think that is great, your schools are great and the complex is the best in these parts for 3A. If I could I would move my kids over to go to school there in a heart beat. But can't understand why some of your folks have to take shot at Coldspring and keep crying about a game you lost fair and square. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.

I really don't care about the disrespectful accusation, you can think whatever you want on that one, but why are you including Coldspring in the "whining" and "complaining"? I will post a comment that has nothing to do with huffman, and predictably, a huffman fan will post a negative comment about me or the team, so don't give that bull****. Pretty much everything I say that is disrespectful is in reply to something that a huffman fan said, if you would actually read the entire thread, you would see that, and tell beechnuts I'll gladly tone it down a bit if his boy(fortheloveofthegame), himself, and others would do the same. By the way, this is a freakin website, it's obvious that one person's views online don't represent  a whole town, but i guess we fail to understand this simple fact.
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And these are predictions regarding Coldspring vs. Columbus how?  Let's stay on the topic folks, there will be time and place for all of the Coldspring-Huffman bad blood I am sure.

Although I must admit that there is not much to predict as I see the Trojans having a pretty easy time in this one.
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I agree with u idk people from both sides have contributed. I am tired of hearing the same thing as well. It just looks bad when every time I get on hear some one from Huffman is complaining about that game. Sorry idk if my post sounded like I was callin u out I wasent.

As for the game I think coldsprings wins easily. I just don't see anyone in this region other than maybe kirbyville or wos stopping that running game.
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Coldspring by as many as they want in this one. I wished I was going to be in town to see the Coldspring vs Kville re-match. That is going to be a good one.

paintballove - I wasn't implying anything wrong just that Huffman has a very nice complex and schools and nobody else in that district can afford anything like that. It was ment as a complement.

chs11 - you see it your way and everyone else can see it there way. Kinday thru trying to beat a dead horse on this one.
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