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Crosby v. Mont? Any updates..Montgomery Rolls/Comments


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Guest jhamilton
[quote name="friogal" post="914591" timestamp="1290288254"]
[quote author=beechnut link=topic=76406.msg914576#msg914576 date=1290287712]
Barnes where are you?

Most likely at the game.

Mark usually checks in during the game.
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[quote name="RCOLE68" post="914886" timestamp="1290303356"]
Good game Crosby- Too much Leroy Dobbins-You moved the ball some but Merka had no help today-All say one thing you have a  large O line- If Merka had some help ya'll might have gone places. Two words for the day- LEROY DOBBINS
Three words for the day........SWISS CHEESE D (2 words and a letter) ;D
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Yes was at the game and had my hands full, and unable to post. Phone was in the truck, posted the final in the other thread as soon as I got back to it. Shot 1700 plus pictures, will be uploading to photobucket tonight, will post a link for any that want pics, Crosby fans too. got plenty of action shots for both sides.
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Dobbins is the best RB I've seen this year and I've seen him twice. Quick, tough and reads his blocks well. O-Line for Montgomery really opened it up for him. Crosby played OK, but they have better talent than shows. I won't go into the coaching thing, but sometimes I just scratch my head. But I guess fans from all schools always have opinions on how a game was coached, especially when the team loses. The slow motion offense, getting a play called, just really gets to me. I don't believe a team can get into any kind of rythm when it takes so long to call a play. The better team won today. Good Luck Montgomery in the next round.
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[quote name="COUCH TATER" post="915142" timestamp="1290311055"]
Dobbins is the best RB I've seen this year and I've seen him twice. Quick, tough and reads his blocks well. O-Line for Montgomery really opened it up for him. Crosby played OK, [b]but they have better talent than shows.[/b] I won't go into the coaching thing, but sometimes I just scratch my head. But I guess fans from all schools always have opinions on how a game was coached, especially when the team loses. The slow motion offense, getting a play called, just really gets to me. I don't believe a team can get into any kind of rythm when it takes so long to call a play. The better team won today. Good Luck Montgomery in the next round.

so true. :-\
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This is what makes Leroy such a special kid. No taunting, no Shuck and Jive, not so much as a high five. He has a greater cause to to celebrate. This is the way he celebrates a touchdown EVERY TIME.
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[quote name="Mark F Barnes" post="915048" timestamp="1290308601"]
Yes was at the game and had my hands full, and unable to post. Phone was in the truck, posted the final in the other thread as soon as I got back to it. Shot 1700 plus pictures, will be uploading to photobucket tonight, will post a link for any that want pics, Crosby fans too. got plenty of action shots for both sides.

Would love to see the photos. Both sides.
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    • My opinion is that the vaccine was obviously not as effective as we all hoped, but im certain that it decreased the severity of the symptoms of those who got COVID after being vaccinated.    Strongly opposed to government mandates, though. Just let nature run its course through the dumb ones.    Isn’t it crazy how “they” complain about how ineffective the vaccine was, then turn right back around and claim that the side effects of the vaccine cause everything from cancer, lupus, vaginal dryness to premature baldness?
    • Just curious as to how you came to rank each team individually? But since you don't have time to back up your ranking, then maybe one should not be so critical of someone else's ranking. 
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    • Your thoughts on Loperfido while valid has counter arguments.  Can Loperfido bunt very well would be first and doing it well in BP is a world of difference from, as Espada stated, from bunting 90 plus fast balls.  After the strike out though, I question why bunting Cabbage at all with an out on the board. With 2 outs it requires a hit to score, thus Cabbage should be swinging.  As for Alvarez, if I recall the situation you mention, he likely did that on his own as the 3rd baseman was shifted way off the line.  I simply do not recall the score or what inning which would play a huge role in that decision.  Dubon seeing more playing time...agreed.   Fire Espada for that decision would mean you call for most managers to be fired. Yes, I realize you have other reasons as well.  Interesting thought on bunting I have heard from an old timer that has changed his bunt thoughts.  He doesn't care for it much anymore because players strike out to expletive expletive  much to justify it very often. His statement, "I would have had him bunt, but the next fatherless child would strike out, so forget it."  Which is exactly what happened with Cabbage. Thus, to ALWAYS bunt, no for sure.  Do it in the same situation with different players, absolutely...but like an adult diaper...it depends.
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