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Who is on your Highschool Fantasy Football team if you could pick 1

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[quote name="Warpaint101" post="915369" timestamp="1290327375"]
2-QB's (Johnny Manziel, Brennan Doty)

4-Rb's (Chase Bertrand , LeFredrick Ford , Damon Heard , Ryan Asher)

6-Wr's (Jayce Nelson , Amir Jalali , K'Sean Wesley , Reggie Begelton , Zack Sonnier
          Mark Roberts)

2-kicker's (Dylan Browning , Janakowski ;D)

2-Def's  (WOS , P A  Titans )
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QB - Miles Taylor (Hardin) and Bruce Reyes (West Brook)
RB - LeFredrick Ford  (Kirbyville), Damen Heard (Central), Either one of the Livingston RB's, and Nathan Holmes (Memorial)
WR - Zack Sonnier (LC-M) Marquis James (Hardin), K'Sean Wesley (Memorial), Amir Jalali (PN-G), Reggie Bengleton (West Brook), and Mark Roberts (WO-S)
K - Servando Vizcaino (Central) and Cole Ogrydziak (Nederland)
Defenses - WOS and Central
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