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Washington player penalized for pointing to heavens after TD

Guest octfeb

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[quote name="highcountry" post="925109" timestamp="1291411238"]
Probably seen 60-70 Texas high school football games in the last two years, and have noticed a growing number of players beginning and ending the games together in prayer.  Kinda makes us old men of God proud... and a little tearyeyed.  Even visited a stadium earlier this year that is still beginning games with prayer over the loudspeakers.

Might still be a chance for this world!
[/quote] Dayton still does that.... One of the high school students says a prayer over the intercom before the game.
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[quote name="octfeb" post="925192" timestamp="1291417818"]
[quote author=highcountry link=topic=76929.msg925109#msg925109 date=1291411238]
Probably seen 60-70 Texas high school football games in the last two years, and have noticed a growing number of players beginning and ending the games together in prayer.  Kinda makes us old men of God proud... and a little tearyeyed.  Even visited a stadium earlier this year that is still beginning games with prayer over the loudspeakers.

Might still be a chance for this world!
[/quote] Dayton still does that.... One of the high school students says a prayer over the intercom before the game.

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[quote name="Kville_Kats" post="925202" timestamp="1291419559"]
[quote author=westend1 link=topic=76929.msg924838#msg924838 date=1291386352]
Maybe, one day, these kids will learn to return the ball to the ref after a score and quit trying to draw attention to themselves.

Just maybe there are a few kids that still revere the Maker.... ;)

Are you trying to say that any kid that does not point to the heavens after scoring a touchdown does not revere his maker?
When a kid hands the ball to the ref then goes to the sideline to pray, does he revere his maker...or does he have to do it in the endzone when all of the attention is focused on him?
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No, just a simple question with no forthcoming answer. And where did I imply anywhere in my posts that I deny the existence of God? What agenda do I supposedly have? What truth did I try to defer? This appears to be a huge amount of implying with no basis. Sounds like a major case of profiling.
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[quote name="Englebert" post="925240" timestamp="1291424505"]
No, just a simple question with no forthcoming answer. And where did I imply anywhere in my posts that I deny the existence of God? What agenda do I supposedly have? What truth did I try to defer? This appears to be a huge amount of implying with no basis. Sounds like a major case of profiling.
[/quote] per you englebert in another post [b]There are many ways to give thanks to the Lord without making a spectacle of it.[/b] Umm maybe your the one PROFILING, JUDGING. So who are you to say he was making a spectacle of it? spectacle:anything presented to the sight or view, esp. something of a striking or impressive kind OR make a spectacle of oneself, to call attention to one's unseemly behavior; behave foolishly or badly in public... either he was behaving badly or impressively, which is it?

Matthew 7:1-5

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
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Englebert, I doubt you will but what school do you support or town do you stay in?  Its no secret of whom I am a fan of, Central.  And yes we do a team prayer in the locker room, a short one after we come out and run to the other end zone before the opening kick off, after the game is complete and if a player chooses to kneel for 2.38 seconds, i see know problem with it.  If he chooses not to, I see know problem with it.  I guess its just the culture of that particular school and community realizing that there is a higher power but I will not try to force that on anyone so if you don't like it, cover your ears or don't come to the game.

I am also a fan of Kirbyville where my folks are from so I attended several of their games.  You actually see the prayer more in the small towns more than you do in the big cities.  I think it is more because of the small towns not caring about some law that was passed and who it offends and the big city schools affraid that they will offend somebody, somebody will loose their job and/or be suid. 
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No answer forthcoming?

Big Ford, why would you doubt me revealing what school I support. I've stated that plenty of times on this board. It's Hamshire-Fannett (about 99% Christian and so small we don't have a Dairy Queen in any of the four towns that make up the school). You and others that replied seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time trying to profile me. From some of the statements, I assume y'all think I do not believe in God. I'm still baffled as to the basis for that assumption.

octfeb, I used the word spectacle in the more generic term: calling attention to oneself. I did not imply either negative or positive - just the way the celebration rule is written.

I'm also baffled about the fact that none has answered the questions that I posed in a previous post. Instead, all I see is baseless assumptions about my beliefs. How about we try the tactic less traveled: quit focusing on the person asking the question and focus on the question itself. Does a person who prays in the endzone revere his Maker more than a person that gets out of the spotlight to pray? Actually, I could care less about the answer. Let's focus more on Me!  ;D
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name="Englebert" post="925459" timestamp="1291431720"]
No answer forthcoming?

Big Ford, why would you doubt me revealing what school I support. I've stated that plenty of times on this board. It's Hamshire-Fannett (about 99% Christian and so small we don't have a Dairy Queen in any of the four towns that make up the school). You and others that replied seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time trying to profile me. From some of the statements, I assume y'all think I do not believe in God. I'm still baffled as to the basis for that assumption.

octfeb, I used the word spectacle in the more generic term: calling attention to oneself. I did not imply either negative or positive - just the way the celebration rule is written.

I'm also baffled about the fact that none has answered the questions that I posed in a previous post. Instead, all I see is baseless assumptions about my beliefs. How about we try the tactic less traveled: quit focusing on the person asking the question and focus on the question itself. Does a person who prays in the endzone revere his Maker more than a person that gets out of the spotlight to pray? Actually, I could care less about the answer. Let's focus more on Me!  ;D

Engle your expecting people to think when its an emotional subject for them... This won't be the board where people answer your questions, look at my positive vs negative rep and that will give you the answer.

The answer to your question is having the prayer on the sideline is more reverent than in the end zone. I don't ditest the rule because you can toss the ball to the ref than do the exact same thing.

They watch FOXNEWS all day so their ANGRY! in the famous words of FOWNEWS. Have fun. Thank god there is some logic on these boards i was feeling it all went west.
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[quote name="westend1" post="924838" timestamp="1291386352"]
Maybe, one day, these kids will learn to return the ball to the ref after a score and quit trying to draw attention to themselves.
I think westend hit the nail on the head. Was it Bear Bryant that said "when you get in the endzone, act like you've been there before"? This is about scoring in a football [b][i]GAME[/i][/b] afterall. I think an opening prayer is much more appropriate (and meaningful) than after a score.
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