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I thought you might find the following information interesting.  I heard this on an NBA broadcast today and then decided to first verify in the stats.  Rajon Rondo has the highest field goal percentage of any point guard in the NBA.  Steve Nash is second.  Rondo makes 5.1 of 11.2 attempts per game and Nash makes 6.2 for 11.8.  This is intended as friendly information and nothing more than that.  I would guess that you might respond by saying he makes only layups.  I would argue the point but, if that assertion is correct, this would suggest that when he wants to be, he is one of the better one on one players in the league.  He doesnt resort to one on one that often because finding teammates who are open is his forte as evidenced by the fact he is league leader in assists.( his assist to turnover ratio is 3.31 vs second place Nash at 2.9 to 1)  If the next suggestion is his assists are high because of his surrounding cast, I can only ask why Derrick Fisher is no where to be found in the top 40 in assists.
I was playing NBA Jams with my son earlier on the Wii, (got it for my son for Christmas), anyway the funniest thing happened while I was playing.  Rajon Rondo hit a jump shot. 

As for Rondo having a higher shooting percentage.  Check out Brian MCCormick. His credintials are a little higher than ours. He explains what a 180 shooter is.  Steve Nash is the best shooter to ever play the game.  There have only been a handful of players to shoot 180 in a year.  180 means  90 from ft line, 50, from feild, and 40 from the 3 point line.  Only a handful of NBA players have done this in the entire NBA history.  Bird did it once.  Reggie Miller once.  There are a couple of others. Peja Stoajavich once.  Steve Nash has done it 4 times.  No shooter has ever done it more than once and he did it 4 times.  Ray Allen has never done it.  Ray Allen is a streak shooter, very good, but I have seen him miss 11 shots in a row, last years Finals.  This does not mean Ray Allen is not a good shooter, he is, but he is not in the same class as Steve Nash.
Steve Nash has the best balance, hand eye coordination, footwork, and he sees the game before it happens(see Brian McCormick) than anyone in the game.

Rajon's field goal percentage is higher from the field because he shoots layups in transition and in the confides of the offense and that is all he shoots because he knows he cant shoot.  Therefore most every shot he attempts is a layup. If that is all I took in a game, my field goal percentage would be very high, around 95 percent I hope.  You are comparing a guard who shoots from outside and in (Nash) to a guard who shoots from where a Post shoots (Rondo).  Most post players have good field goal percentages.  Please google Brian McCormick and you will completely understand, he is way more reputudable than the talking heads on TV.  He actually studies the game. 
The following comes from Brian McCormick's "Hard 2 Guard Player Development Newsletter":

I believe Steve Nash is the best shooter to play in the NBA, at least since the NBA incorporated the three-point line. While my belief is based primarily on observation, the numbers support the theory. John Hollinger, the creator of the player efficiency rankings, ranks Nash as the all-time #1 shooter based on a combined shooting range (CSR) which adds 2-point percentage, 3-pt % and FT%.

According to Hollinger’s rankings, four players are career 180 Shooters: Nash (184.9), Steve Kerr (181.2), Reggie Miller (180.7) and Mark Price(180.7). Also, Steve Nash and Larry Bird are the only players to finish multiple seasons in the even more difficult 90-50-40 club (90% FT, 50% 2-pt FG% and 40% 3-pt FG%). Bird accomplished the feat twice, while Nash has accomplished the feat four times ('06, '08, '09, and '10). Based on the numbers, I DO NOT SEE MUCH ROOM FOR ANYONE TO ARGUE.

If we agree that Nash is the best shooter of all time, why don’t more players emulate him?

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