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Prudhomme adjusting to new role at Hardin-Jefferson

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[quote name="east texas bb" post="941899" timestamp="1294160292"]
Just a curious question.  Why do most most of the black players from HJ have unusual names, like Prudhome and Bosha.  Is it because it is close to Lousiana?  Seriously just a question.  Are alot of the families in that area have similar names?
[/quote]Louisiana thing! Grandparents 1-2-3 generations.
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[quote name="east texas bb" post="941899" timestamp="1294160292"]
Just a curious question.  Why do most most of the black players from HJ have unusual names, like Prudhome and Bosha.  Is it because it is close to Lousiana?  Seriously just a question.  Are alot of the families in that area have similar names?

Boshas have been in the HJ system for the better part of 40 years
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Exactly what I expect from HJ, I ask a simple question and they start in with a bunch of crap.  I was just asking a question, yall need to take a xanax down there.  The name is a different black name than most.  I didnt say they were not good people or anything like that.  Man, yalls a-holes must be wound up tight.
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[quote name="east texas bb" post="941992" timestamp="1294170328"]
Exactly what I expect from HJ, I ask a simple question and they start in with a bunch of crap.  I was just asking a question, yall need to take a xanax down there.  The name is a different black name than most.  I didnt say they were not good people or anything like that.  Man, yalls a-holes must be wound up tight.

Sure are jealous aren't you east texas bb???? :D :D :D
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Bluedove answered the question.  It must be a cajun thing from years ago past down.  Bosha and Prudhome are uncommon black names.  Smith and Jones and Davis' are common white names, I have a white friend with a last name that is very unusual for a white person.  I asked him the same question when I met him.  Only someone  that wanted to start something would bring in something negative to the question.  

Lazeek, what would I be jealous about? 
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[quote name="east texas bb" post="941992" timestamp="1294170328"]
Exactly what I expect from HJ, I ask a simple question and they start in with a bunch of crap.  I was just asking a question, yall need to take a xanax down there.  The name is a different black name than most.  I didnt say they were not good people or anything like that.  Man, yalls a-holes must be wound up tight.

you have a chip on your shoulder against HJ.  at the time you made this post, the only person who had given you any static about your question was silsbee-lover Bad Santa.
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Guest speechless
how could someone who has coached in Huntington be so aware of the common last names of the black student athletes at hj? perhaps that is where the question rubbed some the wrong way.  you take two last names and lump an entire community in as having odd last names??  no one accused you of having hidden agendas but, i do find it odd that moderators did not tell you to take this question to another forum that fit it better?  perhaps the lovely setx politics forum or setx ancestory forum.  
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it was a harmless, yet stupid and pointless question.  it was a non-issue.  what's funny is that he got all pissy about HJ fans being "a-holes" to him after he asked the question, but Bad Santa was the only one who had given him any grief about it. unless the following was rude or inflammatory, which i don't really see:

[quote name="speechless" post="941906" timestamp="1294160678"]
what equates to an unusual last name?  if it is not smith or jones?  just curious?
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[quote name="east texas bb" post="942062" timestamp="1294174607"]
And I didnt say you were a holes, I said they were wound tight. 

If your going to quote, quote it right.

gotcha.  saw y'all a-holes, when in fact it was y'all's a-holes.  what a difference a " 's " makes. 
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realistically, there are many strange last names in the HJ area.  plenty of cajun names, especially.  when thinking of odd last names for HJ basketball, the names Persohn, Ricossa, Gustafson, Villason, etc. are just as weird to me as Prudhomme or Bosha.  I know you didn't mean anything by your question, but some people will look for the opportunity to jump on this kind of thing, especially when you brought up race when it was irrelevant.  that being said, you weren't bringing up race in a racist way. 
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Your right I wasnt. I brought up there names because they are talked on here more than most.  I have seen a few post on Gustofson but not many, most were about Bosha and the article today about Prudhome.  I was seriously just curious.  I had a friend named Jetton that was a white guy and it was the same curiosity when I asked him where his name came from.  He was from south Lousiana.  I have always been interested in last names and geneology.
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