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WO-S and its 3rd down plays


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[quote name="kicker" post="1049983" timestamp="1315254764"]
Although i didn't agree with the call, it isn't m place to critisize. Trust me, coach t has been around the block. There was a good reason for him to do it. Personally, I would have run another play. On that drive, lindsey was running through them. We had third and goal from the 9. Id bet that we score. But the way beasly was kicking, I see why they tried the fg.

That was my only complaint....the way Lindsey was running if they wanted to keep the ball in the middle of the field...the run him up the middle.  Worst case the FG attempt is a few yards closer.  I do understand that a bad snap etc can happen and why Coach T did what he did. 

If I had any questions it would be about not going for it on 4th and a chain link the second time...we were punting into a very strong wind. 

These games, although not an ideal outcome as far as W-L record, will benefit the Mustang players and Coach T.  They have played and fought through two very good games....I hope that these bitter defeats only make them want to taste and savor victory even more!
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Having lined up for a 60+ yard FG last week and then making a long FG Friday night, plus the howling gale at the kicker's back,  I thought it was a good call.  Chain-Gang Defense is your insurance policy.  If the FG was good, it would be a genius move.  Who would have thought Friendswood would not only be able to score, but also convert a 2-point conversion?
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[quote name="swampdude" post="1050076" timestamp="1315263938"]
Having lined up for a 60+ yard FG last week and then making a long FG Friday night, plus the howling gale at the kicker's back,  I thought it was a good call.  Chain-Gang Defense is your insurance policy.  If the FG was good, it would be a genius move.  Who would have thought[b] Friendswood would not only be able to score[/b], but also convert a 2-point conversion?

The score you speak of was the real heartbreaker.  It looked as though we had found their number for several series in a row and then the defender looked liked he MIGHT could have intercepted it only to break up the pass and have it land directly into a receivers hands!
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The decision for the field goal could have gone either way.Second guessing is easy .The call that I felt changed the outcome was why we ran an option with 30 seconds left in half inside 10.We could not have scored at that time aand only put the ball on the ground and gave them an easy score.
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GUNHO you saw what everyone in the stands saw when the ref placed the ball in the middle of the field it was 3rd down ans LESS than a hafe of a chain link to go.i am (NOT PUTTING ) NO coaches down  but i would have gave it one more shot at getting the first down and the way lindsey was running  who know what might have taken place. the kids from friendswood were sucking air at that time i just think if the wo-s would have made the first and burn more time off the clock and maybe even scored  i just dont think friendswood  would have scored becouse the chain gang was relly starting to stick it to the other guys from friendswood just imo
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[quote name="skipper" post="1050509" timestamp="1315321846"]
GUNHO you saw what everyone in the stands saw when the ref placed the ball in the middle of the field it was 3rd down ans LESS than a hafe of a chain link to go.i am (NOT PUTTING ) NO coaches down  but i would have gave it one more shot at getting the first down and the way lindsey was running  who know what might have taken place. the kids from friendswood were sucking air at that time i just think if the wo-s would have made the first and burn more time off the clock and maybe even scored  i just dont think friendswood  would have scored becouse the chain gang was relly starting to stick it to the other guys from friendswood just imo

Like I said,I would have gone for it.Coach made the call he thought was best and I'm ok with that.The only sure thing you can say if you make it is that you made a first down.Nothing more nothing less.
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