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Just so all of the admins are on the same page let me just give a little timeline of the events since Saturday.

On Saturday, Jordan received the following e-mail from Kerry Cooper:

“Even though i told you and Todd about the posts i'll give it to you in writing because my News Director said i needed to be part of the site if they were  going to continue with SETXsports. I made the post with initals [sic] RC  back before the season started and i apologize. When you receive this call me.


Of course, we had not believed that the news director at KFDM, David Lowell has made such a statement.  But Kerry persisted and in fact left this message with Jordan last night, which I have attached here for you to listen to:


To assertain whether the statements attributed to Kerry were actually true, I drafted and Jordan sent the following e-mail to David Lowell:

"Mr. Lowell,

Forgive me for taking your time, but I needed to contact you regarding a troubling matter.

First, let me tell what an honor it has been for SETXsports.com to be associated with KFDM TV.  Quite simply, the site would not where it is today without the partnership that SETXsports.com has held with KFDM since the site’s inception.  We also believe, and hope that you believe as well, that KFDM has also benefited greatly from this partnership.  I can tell you that we at SETXsports.com enjoy the great personal and professional relationships we have with you, Mike Friedman, Alex Cawley and Lance Edwards.  It is our hope that those relationships last long into the future.

Now for the troubling part.  On Saturday, October 1, 2011, I received an e-mail from Kerry Cooper, your weekend meteorologist, suggesting you had made statements to him about possibly ending the partnership between KFDM-TV and SETXsports.com under certain conditions.  It stated in its entirety:

            'Even though i told you and Todd about the posts i'll give it to you in writing because my News Director said i needed to be part of the site if they were  going to continue with SETXsports. I made the post with initals [sic] RC  back before the season started and i apologize. When you receive this call me.


Kerry then followed that up with a cell phone message last night again suggesting that you would consider ending the relationship between KFDM and SETXsports if he were not 'a part of the site.'  I have attached that phone message for you to hear.

Some background is probably needed to fully understand the text of the above e-mail.  During a thread on the SETXsports.com message board regarding the hiring process for the replacement for retired West Orange-Stark football coach Dan Hooks in mid April of this year, the following post were made from an account named 'LC-M Coach':

'You folks would be crazy not to hire Cornel Thompson!


Although the account was deleted just shortly after the post by the originator of the account, the IP address from which the post originated remained visible to the staff at SETXsports.  The IP address revealed,, was in fact an IP address that was associated with the address of Kerry’s SETXsports.com account 'KFDM KERRY COOPER' and in fact was an IP address attributed to a post the he  had made in this message board thread immediately preceding the above post by 'LC-M Coach.'  This conduct was repeated a day later with regard to an account named 'Kelly Football' using the same IP address and later an account 'JBilbo' using another IP address associated with Kerry’s SETXsports.com account.

The evidence in front of us lead us to the conclusion that Kerry was impersonating actual members of the Southeast Texas sports scene, namely Little Cypress-Mauriceville Head Football Coach Randy Crouch, former Beaumont Kelly Catholic Coach Mike Long and James Bilbo, a former football player at West Orange-Stark High School, in order to garner support for the hiring of Cornel Thompson as head football coach at West Orange-Stark.  Because such conduct was a clear violation of forum rules and we felt such conduct of impersonating these figures not only compromised the integrity of SETXsports.com, as well as of that of its partner entities, but also placed it in jeopardy of litigation had the actual figures Kerry portrayed chose to do so, SETXsports stripped him of his administrator status at SETXsports.com.  However, due to his past service to SETXsports, he was never stripped of his ability to post on SETXsports.com’s message board.  He, in fact, still holds that privilege today although given the above e-mail even that is under review.

Further, Kerry began contacting me in late July about the possibility that SETXsports may consider reinstatement to the SETXsports staff.  I indicated to Kerry that for SETXsports to consider reinstatement that he must 1) acknowledge in writing the acts committed above, 2) display contrition for such acts and 3) give assurance that such acts would not occur in the future.  He was given a deadline of August 24, 2011 to do so.  Such deadline passed without any attempt by Kerry to comply.

So that brings us back to today and what I basically view as a threat conveyed by Mr. Cooper.  In the months since Kerry’s removal as administrator, KFDM has regularly used content from SETXsports as a regular part of its sports shows and broadcasts and has directed its viewers to SETXsports.com.  Members of SETXsports’ staff have even been used in some of those sports shows.  SETXsports has promoted the sports programming of KFDM on its site and KFDM has done the same with SETXsports.  So I guess you can understand my surprise and dismay at the suggestion that KFDM was considering ending its partnership with SETXsports.

I will be frank, Mr. Lowell. We do not believe that you made the statements attributed to you by Kerry.  However, I hope you understand our need to determine the veracity of his statements so that we may assure ourselves that this mutually beneficial partnership will continue or explore our options if it is indeed in danger of ending.

Of course, I am free to discuss this matter further if you like.  You may contact me at (409) 698-8242 or e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

Jordan Wilson

Not 30 minutes after Jordan sent this e-mail to David Lowell, Mr. Lowell sent this response:


As briefly as possible let me state that I have had no such conversations with Kerry Cooper or anyone else. I believe our relationship with SETXSports.com is mutually beneficial and have no inclination to change that relationship.  We look forward to continuing a mutually beneficial relationship with you and SETXSports.com
I appreciate you calling this matter to my attention.

David Lowell
News Director"

As a result of the confirmation from Mr. Lowell that Kerry attempted to deceive us in an effort to regain his spot on the SETXsports.com, it is my understanding that Kerry has been banned.
And the following e-mail was sent to Kerry:

Mr. Cooper, this e-mail is being sent to inform you of your banishment from the membership of SETXsports.com and to detail the reasons behind such banishment.


1) On April 17, 2011 at 9:36 p.m. in the thread “Next WO-S Head Football Coach” in the SETXsports.com High School Football Forum, a post was made by an account named “LC-M Coach” which read:

“You folks would be crazy not to hire Cornel Thompson!

The poster, who deleted his account immediately after making the above post, was making an attempt to pass himself off as Randy Crouch, head football coach at Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School as well as athletic director for the Little Cypress-Mauriceville Consolidated Independent School District.  However, even thought the account was deleted, the IP address, which as standard practice of SETXsports is preserved, was revealed to be  This IP address is the same IP address that was attributed to posts that you made under the account of “KFDM KERRY COOPER” and in fact was revealed in a post that was made by you in the post immediately preceding the above referenced post by “LC-M Coach.”

2)  On April 18, 2011 at 2:59 p.m., in the same thread as referenced above, a post was made by the account “Kelly Football” which read:

“A certain 1 or 2 on that committee that don’t want C. Thompson to become Head Man don’t know crap about WO-S Football”

As with the post on April 17th, the poster deleted his account immediately after the post.  However, again in the standard practice of SETXsports.com, the IP address was preserved and was again revealed to be  This again was an IP address attributed to a post that was made by your account “KFDM KERRY COOPER” just two minutes earlier and immediately preceding the post made by “Kelly Football.”  This was viewed as an attempt by the poster to portray himself as then Beaumont Kelly Catholic High School Coach Mike Long.

3)  On April 18, 2011, a poster who held the account “JBilbo” posted in the above thread along the lines of the posts made by “LC-M Coach” and “Kelly Football”.  Again, the account was deleted shortly after the post was made.  Again, though as is the standard practice of SETXsports, the IP address of the post was made which revealed an IP address of  This IP matched an IP from which the account “KFDM KERRY COOPER” had also posted from.  This was viewed as an attempt for the poster to portray himself as James “J.C.” Bilbo, a former football player at West Orange-Stark High School.

4)  As the conduct in Paragraphs 1-3 1) violated SETXsports.com Forum Rules, 2) constituted violations of the Texas Penal Code regarding identity theft 3) compromised the integrity of SETXsports.com and 4) potentially placed SETXsports.com in danger of civil liability and as the evidence was indisputable that the actions were undertaken by you under various aliases, it was determined that you would no longer serve as either an administrator or moderator for SETXsports.com.  However, due to service that you had given to SETXsports.com in the past, it was determined that you would maintain the ability to post and view the message board at SETXsports.com.  This action took place on or about April 26, 2011.

5)  In the period of the middle of July to early August, you contacted SETXsports.com website owner Jordan Wilson regarding your desire to return to the staff of SETXsports.com.  At that time, you admitted to Mr. Wilson via telephone, for the first time, that you were responsible for the account “LC-M Coach” and had made the post in effort to convince the membership of SETXsports.com that Coach Randy Crouch was giving his opinion in support of the hiring of Cornel Thompson as head football coach at West Orange-Stark High School.  Mr. Wilson clearly stated to you that the requirements for you to be considered being reinstated to the SETXsports.com staff were that 1) you, in writing in a form that could be shared with the staff of SETXsports.com, acknowledge at the very least, the conduct as stated in Paragraphs 1-2 of this email, express your contrition for doing so and 3) give the steadfast promise that such conduct would not repeated.

6)  Mr. Wilson gave you the above requirements for consideration of reinstatement on several occasions and such requirements were repeated in an e-mail to you on August 22, 2011 along with a deadline of August 24, 2011 to do so.  As was expressed to you in e-mail on that date, failure to meet that deadline would result in no further consideration of reinstatement until July of 2012.  Despite the fact that repeated and clear statements were made to you as to what was needed to consider you for reinstatement, you provided nothing to warrant such consideration.  In fact, such demands by Mr. Wilson were met with silence as the deadline imposed passed.

7)  In fact, no one at SETXsports.com heard anything from you until the following e-mail which you sent to Mr. Wilson on October 1, 2011:
“Even though I told you and Todd about the posts I'll give it to you in writing because my News Director said I needed to be part of the site if they were going to continue with SETXsports. I made the post with initals RC back before the season started and I apologize. When you receive this call me.”

This was followed by a phone message to you on October 5, 2011 to the same effect.

8]  You engaged in deception in asserting that KFDM Channel 6 News Director Mike Lowell made your reinstatement a condition on KFDM Channel 6 continuing its working relationship with SETXsports.com.  Mr. Lowell, when approached about the statements made in your e-mail and message replied with the following e-mail:


As briefly as possible let me state that I have had no such conversations with Kerry Cooper or anyone else. I believe our relationship with SETXSports.com is mutually beneficial and have no inclination to change that relationship.  We look forward to continuing a mutually beneficial relationship with you and SETXSports.com

I appreciate you calling this matter to my attention.

David Lowell
News Director”

Through the above, you have showed a lack of true contrition for the acts that you committed from the period of April 17-19, 2011, acts which not only compromised SETXsports, but also can be construed to have constituted criminal acts.  You have shown that no act is out of bounds as long as it satisfies your means.  As such, the administrators at SETXsports.com are of the belief that your continued insistence on using tools of deception to forward your ends will most probably compromise the growth of the site and potentially expose it to civil liability.  [b]Thus, I regret to inform you that it is the determination of the administration of SETXsports.com that your posting and viewing privileges of the message board at SETXsports.com be terminated immediately.[/b]

Based upon your past service to SETXsports.com, we do truly regret that we have to take this action and do wish you well in future endeavors.
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