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Bridge City @ WOS who you got?

Bridge City @ WOS who you got?  

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  1. 1. Bridge City @ WOS who you got?

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BC is going to get a steady dose of Lindsey, to the tune of about 35-40 carries just like Jasper did and WOS wins 28-7. The defense is still the "chain gang." If BC only put 6 points on the board with 6 turnovers aganist Silsbee, maybe BCs offense isn't clicking, either.

One other thing about WOS and Coach T. He will have the Mustangs rollin', sounds like he hasn't weeded out all the turds yet. When he does they will be the Mustangs we've been accustomed to.
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[quote name="adminbaberuth" post="1086900" timestamp="1318955053"]
Still think it will be close game. Prior year's teams like Silsbee and WOS would use their skill guys on the long deep ball, throw it up. BC has defensive backs that kept Silsbee from the deep ball, will have to do the same with WOS.

Just as soon see WO-S not go deep.We aren't very accurate on the long balls.
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[quote name="GUNHO" post="1087053" timestamp="1318966123"]
[quote author=adminbaberuth link=topic=89886.msg1086900#msg1086900 date=1318955053]
Still think it will be close game. Prior year's teams like Silsbee and WOS would use their skill guys on the long deep ball, throw it up. BC has defensive backs that kept Silsbee from the deep ball, will have to do the same with WOS.

Just as soon see WO-S not go deep.We aren't very accurate on the long balls.

But, they are still necessary. Completions or not.
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Guest tigersvoice
[quote name="speveto" post="1087073" timestamp="1318967012"]
Let`s  see, what do we know.  We all know that Bridge City is better than Silsbee.  We all know that Silsbee is better than WOS.  Therefore,  Bridge city must be better than WOS.

Speveto, you don't know squat!  Bridge City beat Silsbee 6 - 0.  They are not better than Silsbee.  Why don't you just stick with WO-S and defend their season?
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it will work gunho  bc relly dont have the speed to cover the wide outs of wo-s  but bc will put a ton of presser on the little QB he will not be able to stay in the pocket.some of the bc supports have said that the QB from silsbee had no time to pass the ball becouse of of the presser put on him by the bc kids i am just hopeing that scouting staff took lots of notes  lol best of luck to both teams
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[quote name="tigersvoice" post="1087075" timestamp="1318967166"]
[quote author=speveto link=topic=89886.msg1087073#msg1087073 date=1318967012]
Let`s  see, what do we know.  We all know that Bridge City is better than Silsbee.  We all know that Silsbee is better than WOS.  Therefore,  Bridge city must be better than WOS.

Speveto, you don't know squat!  Bridge City beat Silsbee 6 - 0.  They are not better than Silsbee.  Why don't you just stick with WO-S and defend their season?
[/quote]I was just trying out that "NEW MATH" thing.
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[quote name="skipper" post="1087103" timestamp="1318968725"]
IMO speveto (NO) bridge city is not better than silsbee the tigers  turned over the ball 6 times  good teams cant do that and expect to win bridge city can thank there lucky stat  JMO

Luck?.........I'm sure the Bridge City defenders were in a bad position to make the interception and the Silsbee quarterback had all the time in the world to only throw up a couple of ducks in the remote chance they could just give the ball to Bridge City......I am sure it had nothing to do that the Bridge City defense defends the pass well.  Since it was pure luck I would certainly encourage WOS to throw the long ball on BC and see if there luck is a little better in completions.
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Lucky Stat??? So Silsbee was unlucky to throw it those 6 times?... The only thing that matters is the "W" And I do believe that BC scored their TD on a drive.... Good luck to BC and WOS and I look forward to a great game.

P.S. Take the Silsbee VS. BC stuff to that thread..... :P
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[quote name="skipper" post="1087103" timestamp="1318968725"]
IMO speveto (NO) bridge city is not better than silsbee the tigers  turned over the ball 6 times  good teams cant do that and expect to win bridge city can thank there lucky stat  JMO
[/quote]I could have swore that Bridge City whipped Silsbee.  SKIPPER, you have really confused me but if you say BC lost to Silsbee, well I will take your word fo it.
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I was not in attendance at the game yet it does seem BC not getting too much credit for forcing 6 INTs. Even if poor passes or guys slipping or back up QB in the game, BC defensive backs were in position to catch 6 interceptions. Two sides to every coin.
This is second year in a row Silsbee has had 6 turnovers against BC. Were all 12 lucky?
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[quote name="Mr. Buddy Skipper" post="1087143" timestamp="1318971060"]
I was not in attendance at the game yet it does seem BC not getting too much credit for forcing 6 INTs. Even if poor passes or guys slipping or back up QB in the game, BC defensive backs were in position to catch 6 interceptions. Two sides to every coin.
This is second year in a row Silsbee has had 6 turnovers against BC. [b]Were all 12 lucky[/b]?
[b]yes! ;D[/b]
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Wow!!! This has become border line comical!! I can completely understand where the Silsbee faithful are coming from, the loss to BC stings like all get out and it makes you feel better to justify the loss with a myriad of excuses. "We had 6 INT's, our QB got hurt, we dominated the stat sheet, BC should thank their lucky stars", etc etc etc and so on. I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot it would be a similar situation but it's not, it's over and it's not going to change. Now there are a few of the WO-S faithful who are chiming in since the Mustangs have now shown to be a "little bit" vulnerable while some other teams in the district are playing well. Trust me when I say WO-S is far from being dead but they are also far from being viewed as invicible like they once were. The Mustangs have a very talented group of athletes who have the capability, when all on the same page, to play with anyone and beat most. The Mustangs struggles have been well documented in the "ZILLIONS"  of pages that a few of their panic stricken fans continue to perpetuate on this site. On Friday night if you don't expect to see WO-S come out extremely focused then you are fooling yourself. On the other side of the field will be an equally talented group of focused players from Bridge City. For whatever reason this squad has been given very little respect yet they continue to play well despite what a few of their past opponents say. One can only hope that the game lives up to all the hype that has been generated. Yes there was plenty of hype last year and WO-S went to BC where Darius Mitchell ran wild. That could certainly happen again this year as Lindsey is a really tough customer. You may also see BC play well enough to win while being led by a very talented group of seniors. I would not be shocked if either one of the above scenarios happens. I will however be shocked if this thread continues without some more of these ridiculous statements that keep popping up. To all of the gracious fans out there, enjoy what could be an outstanding game. To all of the blindly devoted and angry folks who continue to stir up hate and discontent, have a nice day and enjoy some great Friday night football.

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Well, the poll finally has gotten over 100 votes for BC........BC 66% WOS 34%

Let's just hope we live up to the hype.  WOS is still the big dog on the block to knock off. I would bet old Dan Hooks is out at these practices.  I know WOS does not want to lose this one.........I would bet they will be thoroughly prepared for this one.  Lord know, they don't want to face Coldsprings.
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[quote name="Paratrooper" post="1087220" timestamp="1318977686"]
Well, the poll finally has gotten over 100 votes for BC........BC 66% WOS 34%

Let's just hope we live up to the hype.  WOS is still the big dog on the block to knock off. [b]I would bet old Dan Hooks is out at these practices.[/b]  I know WOS does not want to lose this one.........I would bet they will be thoroughly prepared for this one.  Lord know, they don't want to face Coldsprings.

He was in the press box at OF last week with the WOS coaches, and going off on those refs
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I think we are in for a close game.  I know WOS has taken some heat due to their lack of offense (I have been scratching my head as well) but the BC offense has not been a juggernaut either.  Both have good defenses but I think WOS has the speed on offense and special teams (and maybe a defensive TD) to break some big plays and make the difference.  I just dont see how 66% of the voters (not that the poll matters but since we are all offering up opinions) are sold on BC.  If we were being objective, I think it should be closer to 50/50.
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bridge city has a 49 % in winning this you might ask why 49% the reason is becouse thay will be playing at hooks place and  that might give the mustangs tich of edge.i feel sure that bridge city will  bring the hole city to this one i can see it now a sea of red on the bridge side of the field. OH by the way who belives in polls
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the wo-s faithfull are still looking for the smash mouth hard hitting mustange team  we have seen year in year out just cant put the finger on this  . we all sit back and watch the mustangs  (D) do there job but on the other side of the ball lost in space BUT FRIDAY watch out thay just might find the 112% thay have been looking for thats what alot of us are praying for
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[quote name="skipper" post="1087410" timestamp="1318993576"]
the wo-s faithfull are still looking for the smash mouth hard hitting mustange team  we have seen year in year out just cant put the finger on this  . we all sit back and watch the mustangs  (D) do there job but on the other side of the ball lost in space BUT FRIDAY watch out thay just might find the 112% thay have been looking for thats what alot of us are praying for

Very well might.  I look for a VERY close and competitive game.  Really with both caliber of teams I don't think it makes sense to pick either team by more than 7 and at most 14.  I think the matchups in this game will be ripe for a good close game.
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