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Goose Creek Memorial vs. Crosby Game Thread/Crosby wins!


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[quote name="GCMPats" post="1090167" timestamp="1319251097"]
As  much as GCM gave y'all, you can keep the point.

1 fumble? was given... we went and got that pick.

Congrats to GCM played us tough... should be 2 very interesting game in 2 weeks bh/crosby and lee/GCM.

Now its time to beat Dayton!

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Knowing the BH game was going to be a blow-out I made it over with Liltex to watch this one.  GCM was clearly a better team, but you have to wonder what both coaches were thinking with some of their decisions.  I don't know if #44 on GCM got hurt, but you run him more in the 2nd half and that game is over. Crosby's D-Line is VERY small and can't stop a decent team.  One other comment about GCM, man that #18 got some wheels!  He ran the runningback for Crosby down like he was sitting still, bad angle and all.  GCM, why in the world did you not blitz Crosby?     

Now for Crosby, what in the world are you doing pooch-kicking a kick off with over a minute left in a game?  You gave GCM field position and a chance to win, but they made more mistakes and bailed you out.  Then you get down to the 5 or so and can take the clock too 2 or 3 seconds and kick a game winning field goal, but run a play and take a chance on a fumble.  All I heard about was Crosby's kicker, so not sure why not rely on his leg for that almost certain winning FG.  Before someone says, he missed the next PAT, that kick was good.  BH gonna going to take Crosby to the wood-shed. 

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Took the words right out of my mouth.Differance maker-Crosby 0 turnovers-GCM 1 fumble/1 int.Twice GCM got to the 30 w/o any points by leaving the game plan.Why did #44  not play every dwn in clutch I'll never know.Secret to beat Crosby-big def front line push w/blitz pkg.now/then.
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"Crosby's D-Line is VERY small and can't stop a decent team."
We'll see.

"GCM, why in the world did you not blitz Crosby?"
If you notice GCM did a good job of preventing the home run this game, they did this percisely because they didn't blitz, however they gave up what 5-7 yards a run so i guess we should wonder why they didn't try at least.

"what in the world are you doing pooch-kicking a kick off with over a minute left in a game?"
Change the word to HALF the end of the game we kicked it 7 yards deep in the endzone.
Bad call i agree.

"Then you get down to the 5 or so and can take the clock too 2 or 3 seconds and kick a game winning field goal, but run a play and take a chance on a fumble.  All I heard about was Crosby's kicker, so not sure why not rely on his leg for that almost certain winning FG."

Exact same position last year he had a kicked blocked and the cougs lost to GCM, also when it comes to his leg hes a much better punter and kickoff guy than field goal kicker.

"BH gonna going to take Crosby to the wood-shed."
Maybe, we have our worries about that triple option for sure.

Also that small defense made some very big plays this game including the first 2 drives by GCM in the second half Stoning 44 2x then preventing a pass to get the ball back, followed by 2 more stonings of 44 and then 33's big run.

Also in not sure when you arrived, but before the 2nd quarter was over the cougs where about to go up 21-7 when a false start backed them up on 3rd down followed by a good GCM play on 3rd down, then the Cougs went for it on fourth and another false start... the tough thing is these refs weren't stoping the play so the cougs throw a pass and score a TD on that play.

The Pick 6 we had at end of the 2nd got called back as well. GCM played Crosby well they made 2 mistakes and those cost them the game. The cougs didn't throw a pick and lost the ball in the air once (not fumbled because it never hit the ground) followed by a bad snap on fourth and inches... i mean to say the cougs got lucky in this game is a bit odd... we had 2 tds erased because of bonehead plays we made, not good plays GCM made, also the 4th down play with half a yard to go, was another instance where we should have scored but luck of the bounce went GCM's way.

Great game, both teams didn't play the most crisp game ever, but the mistakes where by both teams, nothing was given to the cougs tonight because they gift wrapped the game just as much as GCM.

I just really don't get all this flack after the cougars beat a team thats highly thought of in 19-4a seems like everyone who thought GCM would win has a sload of excuses but in the end all i really need to say is....wait for it.... Scoreboard.

"Took the words right out of my mouth.Differance maker-Crosby 0 turnovers-GCM 1 fumble/1 int."

"Twice GCM got to the 30 w/o any points by leaving the game plan.Why did #44  not play every dwn in clutch I'll never know.

3 times for the cougs... Also 33 had a better yards per carry average this game than 44 had, just pointing that out. I think your splitting hairs with those 2 kids, they felt speed over power was the way to go. Your second guessing that decision.

"Secret to beat Crosby-big def front line push w/blitz pkg.now/then."

Agree, and your kids have to MAKE the tackles because our backs are slippery.
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It was a very close game & a Great game by both Teams. I think the difference was at the end of the game with about 3 minutes to go when it was 3rd & 5 from Crosby's 6 yard line & the twin busted a 57 yd. run. Then we just hammered the ball & scored with 13 seconds left. Again Great game by both Teams.
On another note I don't think BH will be taking us to the WOODSHED. I think it will be another GREAT game between 2 teams but 1st we have Dayton & ya'll have GCM. I'm pretty sure Dayton will be our focus for the week.
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    • This is pretty spot on… but hey… I would’ve loved to have Rigdon in Bellville 😂😂 But regardless Bellville will be fine in district moving forward and won’t see a team of the caliber that they played in non district till the 3rd or 4th round honestly.. I think region 3 is a bit down overall this season. I did think the Bellville offense played better this week than they did vs Hitchcock. Either way getting to play teams in back to back weeks with D1 QBs and athletes only helps them
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