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Got to see my first animal run across the diamond during a game in BC a couple of weeks ago.  And of course the cat wasn't wearing any clothes!!!!!!!!  Somebody must have dared it to do it, or it was drunk....  ;D
The boys were like 12 playing at Baseball USA The Yard we smelled dog mess.It smelled the whole game..Well it was our pitcher that just threw one of the best games in his lil life.He said coach remember when I asked to go to the bathroom.Well I didn't make it.That was the 1st inning.
3rd base coach getting nailed in shin with boots on hopping to dugout ....pulled boot off and broke glass and booze pouring out,he had good taste .....pint of crown royal.oh that was about 25yrs ago I know because I was warming bench.lol ;D
Little league coach calls time out. Huddles all the players around 2nd base while base runner takes a leak.  I thought it showed real sportsmanship.
[quote name="warfan" post="1195138" timestamp="1331328501"]
Little league coach calls time out. Huddles all the players around 2nd base while base runner takes a leak.  I thought it showed real sportsmanship.
[/quote] now that's funny.man I miss LL.
Watching Cade Johnson(assistant coach HCA) in his too tight baseball pants fall up the stairs at Blinn college last Thursday. This happened after he ran face first into tree.
While helping coach a t-ball team during a kids first at bat he hit a ground ball to 1st.  The kid playing 1st managed to stop the ball and step on first for an out.  The next time the hitter came up he again hit it to first but instead of running to 1st he proceeded to run to 3rd where I was standing.  I was yelling to run to first the whole time but he came all the way to third and stopped on the bag.  When I told him he had to run to first he replied, "if I do, that kid over there will get me out".

Made perfect sense to me.
In my first year in college on the way to the first game of the season we get lost, and to make up time the coach tells the drivers to speed. Well about 30 minutes later we get pulled over for going 85 in a 50, but that's not all. First our head coach gets out and actually tries to bribe the cop which was hilarious to all of us(and didnt work). Then as  we our about to leave we get stuck in the muddy ditch and all of the players had to get out and push. That was by far the funniest road trip of my life.
Back in the 80's, we had "leggins", they were basically 1" strips that ran from under the knee to the bottom of your foot like a stirrup. Pitcher got a hit, so my teammate had to bring him a jacket. His right leggin had slipped out of his shoe, he takes off jogging to 1st base from the 3rd base dugout. The wind was blowing in, so we could all see the legging flapping. Someone said he is going to bust his arse when he starts heading back.  Sure enough, he made it to right in front of the mound before his spikes got caught up in the flapping leggin. All we heard was RIP! and a great face plant in front of the mound. 
[quote name="GeeGanderdad" post="1195022" timestamp="1331319543"]
The boys were like 12 playing at Baseball USA The Yard we smelled dog mess.It smelled the whole game..Well it was our pitcher that just threw one of the best games in his lil life.He said coach remember when I asked to go to the bathroom.Well I didn't make it.That was the 1st inning.
Funny now but lesson learn:

One of my kids was making their debut on the mound as a sophomore starting pitcher. As a parent in stands, I watched every move in bullpen and the trot out to the mound to start the game.

Right before the 1st pitch I see our coach storm out of the dugout, call time out and head straight for the mound. After a short conversation with the coach and before the 1st pitch he's in the dugout.

Lesson: never borrow your teamates cleats when you forget yours because the coach will notice the guy on the bench in sneakers.

We played in Brenham tourney... the kids were 11...ALL of our umps were terrible....and ALL were extremely  short(well under 5 foot), honestly they couldn't even see over the kids catching, mind you the kids are 11.  It was like circus umps.  All years of baseball I have never seen any thing like this.  This only added to the bad banter between umps and the STANDS....

After the game, the banter still continued....

The commercial from Jack in the Box had just gained popularity with Mini Sirloin Burgers....staring, of course, MIDGETS....

I can't tell how many people, including adults, were singing that as the umps went to their vehicles.

Most, of course, went to Jack in the Box to eat.

.............no short people were harmed in the making of this story......
I hit a HR one time at a Regional tourney in Dumas.  It was a low line drive that I didn't think was going to leave the park.  I was running full speed when the 1st base coach told me it was gone, just in time for the 1st base bag to jump out and cut me for a flip.  I sat on my butt in the infield dirt as the whole crowd laughed at me.  It was definately my most memorable homerun trot.
Guest UHCoog14
I once saw an umpire eject a fan from the pressbox along with his wife (I will withhold the names to protect the innocent.)  Oh how I miss those "Scrapper Sundays".
Playing in High School, a line drive hit straight to centerfielder who missed judged it, hit him square in the head, the ball bounced high enough and far enough over to right field the right fielder caught the ball for an out. We couldn't stop laughing for innings.
We are standing at a high school baseball game.  The visitors side has the highway behind it.  I happened to glance over at a car coming down the road.  As it approaches it runs off into the ditch and tee bones a light pole.  The pole breaks and lays right down the center of the vehicle.  Of course, everyone is watching now and we start to move that way to help and immediately the car begins to sling mud from the front tires and backs out from under the pole and back onto the road.  We are all amazed that it wasn't stuck, the driver could still drive and that the car was still running!  With smoke boiling and the engine sputtering the car takes off down the road.  About 3 minutes later 2 DPS cars come flying by. Then about and hour later the 2 DPS cars come back through and the car involved was riding on the back of a wrecker!!! We were told an underage driver took the vehicle for a ride!!!
I didn't see it 1st hand but heard it from a reliable source.  Ump is calling the plate and a fan is giving him grief about a pitcher, saying , 'that's a balk blue!' this happens a couple of times. The Ump calls time out walks over to the fence and says 'that wasn't a balk, the pitch a few back was. But I appreciate your help' turns around goes back to calling the game. Guy never says another word.
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