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I have this question for those that had a problem with the football coach overseeing the strength and conditioning program.  How do y'all like that it is being managed by a retired school teacher?
[quote name="catfever" post="1203005" timestamp="1332947236"]
If she allows the basketball and baseball coach to design their own offseason and inseason programs, it is a great thing.
Let's just name the retired school teacher the AD then and just have Huck as the head football coach.  I don't like the fact that she's been employed less than a month with the district and she's already changing up the AD's policies.  You hire the AD to do a job, LET HIM DO IT!!
Athletics is a class during the school day.  All athletes should go through weight lifting, conditioning, and agilities.  What was the athletic period like during football season?
Let him do his job is correct.  Lead athletics.  Let the head coaches design workouts that benefit thier athletes.  Why is that so difficult.  The principal doesn't go into every classroom and tell them how to teach.  Nobody is asking to not lift weights, condition, or do agilities.  I am not going to change your mind and you are not going to chane mine. There is more than one way to skin a cat.  I guess that is my point.
You're making my argument for me. The principal does not tell them how to teach "Science" just that they have to teach science.  If they want individual sports, they should have individual athletic periods.  That is up to the admin to implement.
Unbelievable, looks like this situation has gone from BAD to WORSE....I will admit I don't know what's all going on, but after reading some of these statements I might be better off NOT knowing....Thought all this started because the Bobcats weren't winning, now they are and the AD has to change his program...Un freaking believable.....He won't stay and I don't blame him....Hey Philip Welch, where are you and why are you not at Orangefield??
[quote name="Zoneblock" post="1203160" timestamp="1332962927"]
The above statement maybe the dumbest thing ive ever read in my life.

That statement you read was full of sarcasm.
[quote name="Zoneblock" post="1203160" timestamp="1332962927"]
The above statement maybe the dumbest thing ive ever read in my life.
Hello McFly!!!
Hey Orangefield I am calling you out as someone who has seen this community's sports as much as anyone in the past 12 years.
How about forgetting the past and getting behind this guy? He is your AD and your coach for at least two years. Instead of personal feelings stand behind each other and come together. This is not the Orangefield I remember.
You have a coach who I can tell you first hand cares about your kids and wants the absolute best for them. What more do you want? OK so maybe you don't like his ways, then go to the board and super and see what changes can be made that way instead of bashing and lashing out.
I am sure people don't like some of the ways I do things but in the end everyone knows how much I care about my job and that overrides everything. So if I can do it then do the same thing and return to being Bobcats. I know if I had a child in HS who had a coach who cared for my kid as much as Huck cares for all Bobcats then I would be honored.
I am not in any way even saying I agree with all he does and does not do. The point of this is to say to you all to quit with the bickering.
Is he the most talkative person? Far from it but never once has he not shook my hand and said hello. So I never go into it thinking I am going to have a 45 minute conversation with him which does not ruin my day or make me feel negative towards him. That is just who he is. I know of some people who do less and get treated better.

I don't even have a dog in this hunt but I for one am 100 percent behind coach Huck. He runs his program simular to way Ed Peveto did and that is just what those young men need. Its funny because I have heard that he does not have compassion and then I hear another side that say's he is awesome and they owe a lot to this man. Well I can tell you that there was a lot of young men that still live by the lessons that Ed Peveto taught us. I feel Huck has the same effect on the young men who will listen instead of listening to everything their parents tell them. Coach Peveto had a luxury that coach Huck does not. Back then people may not of liked Coach Peveto but they backed him 100 percent and so did the school board and Aministration. Of course those were different times and I understand that. Is coach Huck and Coach Peveto the same? No they are not but they both teach lessons you cannot learn in a classroom. That is worth its weight in gold to me. This former Bobcat  believes in Coach Huck. If the kids from a small school like Orangefield start specializing in one sport the program as a whole is doomed. By having a class for basketball and baseball players, the next thing you know they will want a class for every single sport. Not very realistic. Would also like to say glad the board denied the greivance against Coach Jost. To the people of Orangefield you could have a lot worse. I also realize that board members is a voluntary job that not many want. I know I have said somethings I should not have but I am man enough to say I do appreciate the job they do even though I don't agree sometimes. Orangefield is going through a rough time right now but in the end everything will be OK. It always is. Because no matter what we are still a community that is tight knit.
In a previous thread, Bobcat05 said that when he was in school, they were allowed to work on basketball some days during athletics.  This seemed to benefit them since they ended up going to the playoffs for the 1st time in decades.  I also believe at that time, the football team had gone a couple rounds deep in the playoffs.  My question is, did allowing them to work on basketball 2-3 days a week, divide the school and the program.  How many football teams did the have?  Did kids want to quit football since basketball was getting to get better at skills.  I guess I just don't understand why this would be so bad.
[quote name="catfever" post="1203275" timestamp="1332979827"]
In a previous thread, Bobcat05 said that when he was in school, they were allowed to work on basketball some days during athletics.  This seemed to benefit them since they ended up going to the playoffs for the 1st time in decades.  I also believe at that time, the football team had gone a couple rounds deep in the playoffs.  My question is, did allowing them to work on basketball 2-3 days a week, divide the school and the program.  How many football teams did the have?  Did kids want to quit football since basketball was getting to get better at skills.  I guess I just don't understand why this would be so bad.

First off the football team went 0-10, so what you heard is incorrect. That basketball team of 05 had a good coach for starters and they matured as young men. Did them practicing before the season improve them? I don't think so, They played as a team that is what helped them. They had never won at any level before.  I know because my son was on that team and one of the ones that did not play football. Skill's are learned at a young age like in little dribblers not in high school.  Until Huck got here Orangefield had not had a winning football season since 05 actually it was the 04 football season. When ever you have parents in the stands hollering at their kid to shoot the ball there will never be the team concept like the team of 05 (Basketball). The parents on that team let the coach do his job. Its not that bad if everone is on the same page. It has alway's been about the team. Some people have lost focus of that.
[quote name="catfever" post="1203275" timestamp="1332979827"]
In a previous thread, Bobcat05 said that when he was in school, they were allowed to work on basketball some days during athletics.  This seemed to benefit them since they ended up going to the playoffs for the 1st time in decades.  I also believe at that time, the football team had gone a couple rounds deep in the playoffs. [color=red] My question is, did allowing them to work on basketball 2-3 days a week, divide the school and the program.  How many football teams did the have?  Did kids want to quit football since basketball was getting to get better at skills.  I guess I just don't understand why this would be so bad.[/color][/quote]

No it did not because no one really knew what was going on. Again we let the coaches and teachers do their job and never questioned them.
A quote from Coach Ed Peveto,

"Don't put down his coaches. Remember the coach represents the "boss", the "authority", the "parent", the "teacher", the "law". If you are constantly bad-mouthing your son's coaches, how can you expect the youngster to play for them. You are teaching him to be a complainer, not a doer." - This is #3 in Coach Ed Peveto's 10 commandments for championship parents which was printed in many of his programs, including his state championship run!
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