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Bagwell Makes It Offical!

Guest Diva

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EASY, Killer. Your opinion of Baggy may not be the best, but some people actually like the guy. He may have choked in the playoffs, but that's because he was tired from dragging the team TO the playoffs. If you carried your own weight plus some other guys' all season you'd be tired too.

And no im not saying baggy was the ONLY good 'stro, but he did pick up a lot of slack

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Say what you want to about Bagwell, but if you were at my house just a moment ago, you'd see what an impact Bagwell had on people.

My son was in the room watching the news with me when the sports came on. When the report came on about Bagwell retiring, my 12 year old son got tears in his eyes! :cry: I asked him what was wrong. He said that the Astros would never be the same and that he wasn't ever going to watch MLB baseball anymore.

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I have NEVER, EVER been a bagwell fan for those playoff shortcomings. I held it against him very harsly, BUT seeing him go for some reason made me realize what he did for the Astros and the city of Houston.

He was a class act and did what a lot of people dont do anymore, stay around with one team for loyalty. Yes Houston paid him well but deep down he stayed because he was an Astro.

This coming from a Bagwell skeptic, he did a lot of good for the team and not all the greats dont win in the playoffs.

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Bagwell choked the first few time in the playoff sbut look up his last healthy year in the playoffs. Wasnt bad. By the way the other years he was their he had no protection in the order. That can get you by in the regular season but in the playoffs when all you see is the aces day in a nd day out that wont work. Im proud to be a bags fan and i hope he make s the hall he deserves it in a time when he could have definetly left and made tons more money he stayed with the team that showed faith and a fan base that will always be l;oyal. thanks  Jeff

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