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No, we will probably have one more season, since the owner gets free rent for both this year AND next year, so there's no way for him to lose money.

And 1100 is the padded number....there were more like 500 or 600 there. :|

We have a big group coming with us today, since it's my birthday and all. :D


Am I the only person who saw this coming a few years ago when they announced a Hockey team in southeast texas... an oxymoron of epic proportions... come on now... this is football land....


There are too many closed-minded people with the "redneck" mentality that "I AIN'T GONNA SUPPORT NO YANKEE SPORT!!11!!!" :|

Those are always the people that have never been to a game.

I can guarantee that if a person goes to one game -- just ONE game, that they will be hooked.

Heck, I didn't really like or understand sports until I went to my first hockey game in 2003.

Now I love sports(hockey, baseball, you name it!) and fully understand the rules to them.

Hockey has to be one of the easiest sports to understand.

But people get intimidated by the sight of the ice and guys skating at speeds of 30 mph, hitting into each other and making the rink's Plexiglass rattle.

I guess that the only way to get more people in is to have a Nascar or Camouflage jersey night, which really is being considered by the team. :shock:

People can't say that hockey tickets are expensive...it costs more to go to a movie most of the time!

Oh, and here's my theory...if towns like Laredo and Knoxville can draw big crowds for their hockey teams, why can't we?

Am I the only person who saw this coming a few years ago when they announced a Hockey team in southeast texas... an oxymoron of epic proportions... come on now... this is football land....
Yea but even the Drillers don't draw.

There are too many closed-minded people with the "redneck" mentality that "I AIN'T GONNA SUPPORT NO YANKEE SPORT!!11!!!" :|

Those are always the people that have never been to a game.

I can guarantee that if a person goes to one game -- just ONE game' date=' that they will be hooked.

Heck, I didn't really like or understand sports until I went to my first hockey game in 2003.

Now I love sports(hockey, baseball, you name it!) and fully understand the rules to them.

Hockey has to be one of the easiest sports to understand.

But people get intimidated by the sight of the ice and guys skating at speeds of 30 mph, hitting into each other and making the rink's Plexiglass rattle.

I guess that the only way to get more people in is to have a Nascar or Camouflage jersey night, which really is being considered by the team. :shock:

People can't say that hockey tickets are expensive...it costs more to go to a movie most of the time!

Oh, and here's my theory...if towns like Laredo and Knoxville can draw big crowds for their hockey teams, why can't we?[/quote']

First off, I have been to a couple of wildcatters games and I was the farthest thing from hooked on it , and number two, my mentality is the farthest thing from a redneck mentality... I am not taking anything away from the sport, I know those players go out there and play with all their heart just like players in any other sport do.. But as far as being hooked on it... not a chance... I get so bored watching sports where they never score (i.e. hockey, soccer) and in sports where they score too much (basketball).... its just my personal opinion and I share the opinion of many people from the area in regards to hockey in southeast Texas... its just not smart... I do agree with you COOP that arena football isnt drawing the fans either, but to be honest with you, I havent been impressed with the professionalism level of the Drillers... I mean for instance, last season I went to a game and the officials wouldnt let the two teams play because the Drillers didnt have the proper padding on the walls, and the padding that was on the walls was duct taped on.... Plus, arena football just isnt the same as regular football...(THEY SCORE TOO MUCH!!)


Well, at least you tried the sport.

You went to the games and found out that it wasn't for you, so I commend you for that. :)

But you're one of the very few people that tried it and didn't like it.

Guest emonarch777

so what about all of us displace yankees? i was glad when they brougt hockey back to me. but how is it in dallas you know where the cowgirls play they can fill the arena for every game and tickets there arent cheap?


This area still has half of the population refusing to go to Ford Park because there wasn't a vote on it. Very sad and stupid to hold a grudge this long.

The hockey team is not being smart on marketing team. I would stop trying to sale hockey and start to sale a party/hang out that just happen to be at a hockey game. Give away free tickets to schools, market the game as the place to meet and be seen to kids, and a dance contest between periods. Market to kids and parents will go.


This area doesn't support anything besides high school football. The Golden Gators were Texas League Champions and they didn't make it, Lamar Basketball gets around 2,500 a game, don't even get me started on Cardinal Baseball that can play with anyone in the country and is always in the running for a regional bid, Bullfrogs gone, Lamar Football gone, Drillers on life support. As a fan of all sports I'm tired of people complaining there's nothing to do then when there is no one supports it. Once again me and my girl are headed to the Wildcatters game for another fun night. Point blank when it comes down to it Beaumont is not a sports town, there are always excuses about people are busy, conflicting events etc..that's why crowds are small but other cities with smaller populations find ways to support their teams because it is good for their city's image. I'm done for now, sorry for the rant.

Guest emonarch777

This area still has half of the population refusing to go to Ford Park because there wasn't a vote on it. Very sad and stupid to hold a grudge this long.

The hockey team is not being smart on marketing team. I would stop trying to sale hockey and start to sale a party/hang out that just happen to be at a hockey game. Give away free tickets to schools' date=' market the game as the place to meet and be seen to kids, and a dance contest between periods. Market to kids and parents will go.[/quote']

i agree with you there, i went to the office today and talked with steve to see about getting some things rolling, and he said they were working on things to do, and if i hear or come up with any ideas to let him know. i will inform him about these ideas UNLV, thanks.

This area doesn't support anything besides high school football. The Golden Gators were Texas League Champions and they didn't make it' date=' Lamar Basketball gets around 2,500 a game, don't even get me started on Cardinal Baseball that can play with anyone in the country and is always in the running for a regional bid, Bullfrogs gone, Lamar Football gone, Drillers on life support. As a fan of all sports I'm tired of people complaining there's nothing to do then when there is no one supports it. Once again me and my girl are headed to the Wildcatters game for another fun night. Point blank when it comes down to it Beaumont is not a sports town, there are always excuses about people are busy, conflicting events etc..that's why crowds are small but other cities with smaller populations find ways to support their teams because it is good for their city's image. I'm done for now, sorry for the rant.[/quote'] Your exactly right!!

A couple of thoughts here, one Ford Park needs to get the damn sign out on I-10 fixed, unless you know the team schedule by heart you drive by the arena at 645 Friday night you see the big HEB banner going on how do you know there's even a hockey game at 730?? Seriously, get the sign fixed somehow someway. Thats a bunch of advertising right there to people up and down I-10.

The "football land" thing doesnt fly here, thats a BS lame excuse football is no bigger here than it is in Odessa, I'm not sure what Odessa's population is but I'd bet this area is bigger but yet Odessa averages about 1000 more fans per night for a Jackalopes game in the CHL. In fact this is the current CHL attendance thru last night 12/15.


Oklahoma City 7,947 87,498 11 7,954

Wichita 65,984 10 6,598

Laredo 4,872 68,974 13 5,305

Colorado 58,179 11 5,289

Rio Grande Valley 58,978 12 4,914

Bossier-Shreveport 48,162 10 4,816

Tulsa 4,930 35,351 8 4,418

Rocky Mountain 4,021 36,208 9 4,023

Arizona 39,455 10 3,945

Corpus Christi 3,614 42,324 12 3,527

Lubbock 30,212 9 3,356

New Mexico 2,923 35,596 11 3,236

Youngstown 25,804 8 3,225

Amarillo 2,596 28,058 10 2,805

Memphis 2,462 41,236 15 2,749

Odessa 32,893 12 2,741

Austin 20,900 11 1,900

Now seriously, the only Texas city on that list thats bigger than Beaumont is Austin, and the Bat Cave there wayyyyyyyyyyyy out of the way. If Laredo and Rio Grande Valley can draw 5000 a night why cant Beaumont??? The team is in FIRST place, so we have a winning team, its not the same Catters as before, our next win ties us with the total amount of wins we had last time there was a season before Rita except this time we're only 1/3 of the way thru the season.

I think the problem is there are still so many people upset about Ford Park even standing, that they wanted Rita to shred it badly, guess what, grow up, quit hoping for a natural distaster to cover it on insurance even if that did happen you're not getting your tax money back. SO you'd rather the arena sit there and fail, thats the "redneck mentality" spoken of prior I believe.

Secondly, I also think as I posted a while back on here that part of our long historical problem with professional sports here is our proximity to Houston. People here with discretionary income to spend going to sporting events may be inclined to spend more to go to places like Minute Maid/Toyota Center/ Reliant Stadium and see the big boys play.

Thirdly, while media coverage has been better this year, some areas still lack sometimes in my opinion. Its no secret a certain sports editor of a newspaper in Port Arthur does not like hockey and said paper has not done even one article about the team this year. And while the TV stations have been better about reporting the team, why cant we get a live shot from the arena before the game that night during the 5 or 6pm news?? For a 730pm start on Friday the team doesnt take the ice for warm-ups until 645 so how about it??


I can tell you we've had 3 live shots planned so far, yet everytime we've had truck problems. It' been in and out of the shop for weeks now. Trust me, Clayton and I get frustrated when we set things up then it falls throught due to equipment.


I will say this...

we have all seen you at the games, ShlyKBMT, so thanks for coming.

If we could just get more of the media to join you, we'd be happy.

We are now FIRST in the ENTIRE league...as in 25 teams!

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