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They should have a playoff but there is no need for one with 25 teams. The NCAA is not the NFL with its parity.

Once you get past about the top 4 or 5 teams in the NCAA, there starts to be a fairly wide gap in team strength. I never see anyone argue that the 16th ranked team should be playing for the national title.

Make it an 8 team tournament and it would only take 3 games. The current #7 in the BCS is Wisconsin and #8 is Boise State. I think that is just about far enough down the rankings for a good tournament and fair tourney. 

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So if they have a tourney, do they do away with all the bowls, or figure out a way to give the non-BCS schools a chance at some kind of post season?

The bowls are de facto championships or rankings anyway. Last season the 2005 Rose Bowl was for the national championship game. For the 2004 championship, it was the Orange Bowl.

You could just do the same thing with a playoff system. One year the Sugar bowl would be the national championship game with the Rose Bowl, Fiesta Bowl and Orange Bowl as playoff locations. Then rotate them every year like they do now. The three or four game playoffs would be at those sites.

The rest of the bowls, just like now, are just to extend the season, pride in saying your team made it to a bowl and for money (heavy on the money).

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