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Guest Bridge City Card

They think it's a top Govt. Secret.  ::)

Guest Nederland Bulldogs

I don't know why it has to be such a damn secret?


Interviews begin today, and continue Monday and Tuesday.


It's typical Bridge City "look at us" mentality.  They're trying to act like this is a bigger deal than Jerry Jones and the Cowboys looking for a new coach. 

It is a bigger deal. BC has not hired nearly as many head coaches as Dallas has in the same alloted time.  :P

Guest Sports Cards

It is a bigger deal. BC has not hired nearly as many head coaches as Dallas has in the same alloted time.  :P

It's close. Since 1990, BC has had 4 new Head Coaches to the Cowboys 5.

Guest Bridge City Card

No telling who they will hire. We lost quite a few SR's. 3-3 back i think.

Guest Sports Cards

No telling who they will hire. We lost quite a few SR's. 3-3 back i think.

8 or 9 Seniors. Only 2 starters returning. Those 2 started both ways. 

Guest licketysplit

THE REAL DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here is the "REAL" reason they do not want you to know.............They do not want anyone to know how Dumb they might look when they hire someone for the wrong reasons..................IF you knew the list then everyone would say "The best person is ????? Fill in the blank"  But the powers that be in BC probably have someone else the want for whatever reason..............Therefore if you do not know the list, then you can not say hey you should have picked so and so....................It would be like having a list with three names on it..... Vince Lombardi, Tom Landry, and Joe the Pop Warner coach on it..............When BC picks Joe the pop warner coach everyone would say """"" WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY???"""...................And the answer would be yes they are.........But if you did not know thet Vince and Tom were on the list....no one would be the wiser...............................WELCOME TO BC.......Where nothing makes sense to anyone but the one or two people who make the decisions.......Its all window dressing as the old boy once said.......


hey split... i hate to say it, but i agree with you. it's a shame the way a town, and a school system can be ran in the manner you are saying, but that is what happens from time to time. i will say the board made a good... very good, choice when they hired tarver. who knows maybe they will be able to pull another rabbit out of their hat again.


hey split... i hate to say it, but i agree with you. it's a shame the way a town, and a school system can be ran in the manner you are saying, but that is what happens from time to time. i will say the board made a good... very good, choice when they hired tarver. who knows maybe they will be able to pull another rabbit out of their hat again.

Who knows what they are thinking, but at least they're going through the standard protocol.  Some local districts have hired ADs without ever accepting the first application from outside.

Guest Football

THE REAL DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here is the "REAL" reason they do not want you to know.............They do not want anyone to know how Dumb they might look when they hire someone for the wrong reasons..................IF you knew the list then everyone would say "The best person is ????? Fill in the blank"  But the powers that be in BC probably have someone else the want for whatever reason..............Therefore if you do not know the list, then you can not say hey you should have picked so and so....................It would be like having a list with three names on it..... Vince Lombardi, Tom Landry, and Joe the Pop Warner coach on it..............When BC picks Joe the pop warner coach everyone would say """"" WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY???"""...................And the answer would be yes they are.........But if you did not know thet Vince and Tom were on the list....no one would be the wiser...............................WELCOME TO BC.......Where nothing makes sense to anyone but the one or two people who make the decisions.......Its all window dressing as the old boy once said.......

The list will be made public through the freedom of information act or whatever it is called. So the public will know who applied.

Guest sportsfanatic

If you look on the school website, they are saying that they are trying to keep the names anonymous.  If you think about it, that is good.  These coaches that have applied will lose credibility with the schools they are currently at if they know they would like to go elsewhere.  That causes problems when they have to return back to their jobs (if they didn't receive the new job).


I disagree that it is a good thing.  I believe that know person or school district should hold it against an employee for trying to improve their lot in life.  I do know that it happens.  However, it is just as bad if there is speculation at a school and the information is not being confirmed.  Most schools would rather you just admit when you have applied.  The principal and super. should know every time a coach applies somewhere else because they will be getting a call for references.


b.c. should release the list just like other school districts do....but that is typical b.c....like someone siad they dont want to release the list because if people find out there was a well known coach or asst on the list and they hired someone else then there afraid they will hear about it..but we are paying all of the admin. salaries as tax payers so i think we have a right to know....i went to b.c. and have been here for all of their hires and pretty much they have hired the right person but i know they have let a few good ones get by them...i just dont understand why they think it has to be such a secret..becasue this is a small town and eventualy the list will get out even if its after the fact

Guest licketysplit

I agree BC should release the list.  The argument that it might somehow damage the coaches current job and repuation in the community they are currently in is horse hocky.  Like most jobs in the REAL world people put in for promotions all the time.  Potential employers check on references and call current employers all the time.  So the fact that someone wants to better themselves is nothing new to the world of coaching or any other facet of the working world.  So to simply use that excuse for the reason not to release it pure stupidity.  Lets deal with the REAL reason and its because BC just does not want to.  They do not want the criticism that goes along with making a bad decision.  And as for they always have hired the BEST coach everytime.............Well that is pure crap as well.................What rock are we living under to think that some past coaches were the BEST for the BC program.........not just football mind you..........FOR the program..................Lets be honest about it..................


well lickety split you are right they have not always hired the best caoches and that goes for all sports..i was mostly talking football and not to get off the subject but here are the coaches starting with wilson and how i rank them...and just for the record i dont or never have had a kid play for any of these coaches

her is the list and my few thought on each

1. chief wilson- should not have to explain this one

2. les johnson-not well liked but turned a losing program around and made coaches do there job and did what he thought was best and didnt let the parents control him..only down side was he didnt care about the other sports..

3. andy griffin- won with the talent he had... good man...and cared about all sports..had the right coaches coaching the right sports....just didnt stick a coach somewhere for the heck of it

4. fred bolton- also cared about all sports respectful record let his coaches coach but stayed on top of everything

5. terry twonzen-i only put him this high up because he was the only coach we have had that liked to throw the ball 20 or thirty times a game...not the same old stuff week after week and i liked that.

6. james conway- not here long enough to form a accurate opinion....thought he was a great athelete director...great guy to talk to.....

7. claude tarver- know i will hear it about him being so low but all this is my opinion....good coach but not a good athlete director....not a good communicater....didnt get everything out of his players..once again just my opinion

8. gary sutton (not sure about his first name)-terrible..terrible..terrible...

  think this is all the coaches we have had as far back as i can remember anyway..once again my opinion and would like to know what other people thought about this list.....i just hope we get someone who not only is a good fb coach but a good leader because with the size of our school and the talent we have in this town we should be competative in all sports both boys and girls and we need someone that is going to get the right coaches in the right spots regardless of what everyone else thinks...period

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