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Guest BobcatBeliever

You know BigRed,

I have no idea who you are and it really does not matter. But I feel sorry for someone that is so angry. These things are just not that important. These are really not the things that make our kids into good, responsible adults. But the behavior that we adults display to them will play a tremendous role in their adulthood. Bitterness, jealousy and anger will ALWAYS trickle down to our children. I hope when my children are adults, hopefully they aren't known for making or not making an all district or all star team. I pray that when someone mentions them, that they can say, "yeah, that's a good kid".....not "oh yeah, he/she was all district whatever". Not that would even be an option, because my children are just very average kiddos. And that's good.

Bottom line here is, regardless of who any of us think should have been on any of those teams, it isn't the kids faults. They were chosen by adults, so lets stop bashing the kids. I'm not just defending these OF kids, if you go and read the baseball threads, you'll see where I have stood up for a few BC kids as well. Kids are kids, doesn't matter where they attend school.

Guest bleed orange

Good post bobcatbeliever. Yes bigred75 those 5 girls are better then most teams 2. They have been playing since they were 5 years old. And you can tell when a group of kids are going to be special at a very young age. It is the same way in every sport. Now some kids mature faster then others and I understand that. But that happens more in boys then girls. Again you dont hear us whine when yall dominate the picks in football, baseball, and softball. So do you want some cheese with that wine. Get over it, or get used to it.


Angry???????? How do you get angry out of me stating that the picks were a little in a favor of one team or another. That is not anger my friend that is FACT! And I have never bashed any kid on here EVER. I would like you to find a post where I have mentioned anything like that. So in that fact you are WRONG. I have no feelings towards these kids one way or another, I am speaking of the coaches who picked these teams, and how the process is. Its ridiculous like I have said before counteless times. I know the facts of how these teams are picked and it is biased, and if you do not want to believe that, then live in ignorance. But do not come on here and try and paint me as some angry person, who has bashed kids because that is ridiculous. I am not a YES man to whatever people tell me is so called "the way it is." Nothing ever gets changed if no one speaks of it. From the number of posts that are on this topic from me stating how unfair it is, I would imagine that it is a good thing to debate the process how fair or unfair it is. This is my opinion, just like you have yours. I understand that people are not always going to agree on something like this, especially when you people from OF think yall are Gods greatest gift to girls basketball. If you really understand what I am saying than you would know that I would not care if BC girls had won state. I would not be promoting them to be all first or second team all district. I am for spreading the wealth. Whats wrong with that. YOU do not like it because that would mean losing one of the OF girls off of first or second team. If it was vice versa I am sure you would be on here defending them to be on the team. Lets just use a little common sense here when these picks are made is all I am trying to get across, however in the mist of that, people want to read in ALL kind of other crap, like anger, jealousy, STUPIDITY, and so on. Just read the post for what it is worth, and quit always trying to compare picks and stuff to football, baseball, and softball, talk about jealousy, I wonder what that is??????


Whew, BigRed75! Glad to know you are not ANGRY! As Shakespeare said "MeThinks Thou Protest Too Much!" (or something like that). That was one of the angriest posts I have seen in a while. This thread is beginning to remind me of those videos of parents brawling in Little League baseball while the poor kids look on in horror. Come on, let's just be happy for the ones who are named, no guarantees they will get this honor again. I am happy when ANYONE in Orange County is recognized. Just my two cents.

Guest BobcatBeliever

OH BigRed, I don't think we have basketball gods. Our kids are just a lil better at basketball than some of the others around here right now. Just like your baseball and football teams are ALOT better than ours. No rose colored glasses here dear, just facts. My kids don't even play basketball soooooooo, I have no interest in the all district picks whatsoever, other than to congratulate all the kids who were selected (regardless if we adults think they should be there or not). I will say one more time.......anytime you have ADULTS picking an all-star team (from BCLL, Orange Youth Baseball League, OFLD, to All District/All Region teams...and I have seen some amazing all-star picks come out of BCLL over the last 10 years) you are going to have bias and back scratching. True enough that nothing will ever change if you don't say something, but people have been yelling about this for years. Look at the little Deramus girl last year in softball. She was BYFAR the best kid on OF's team and didn't even get named Honorable mention. That was completely messed up. Go back to Jamey Knights football career. I can remember him getting screwed pretty bad one year. And while you haven't pinpointed any names of OF kids, don't think for a minute those kids don't read this, know who you are talking about and take it to heart. All kids do, even the ones from BC. Kids have open ended computer access at school and they get online, read these blogs, add to them, laugh at adults and then think about what adults have written about them. Sad, but true. Yes, you are angry and it may be legitimate, but it doesn't serve you well at all.


No I am not angry, you have me confused for you truly do not understand me. If it makes you feel better to make me seem angry just to ease your own mind thats fine, whatever floats your boat. I guess no matter how hard you try to get someone to understand something if they are not willing to listen then that is the way it is. You keep going back to me and my posting things that kids read and are hurt by, where oh where did I post that. I did not say any players by names that should not have made it, I actually said that was good if a kid made it on the team. I did not say anything about anyone in particular, other than the BC kids. Spread the love is what I was saying, but all you want to read is DONT PUT OF PLAYERS ON THERE. So if you want to pigeon whole me with being an angry poster go ahead...............................but I have never nor will I discredit a kid on this site. I would hope that anyone would see that fairness is all I was preaching in an unfair system.

Guest BobcatBeliever

You know Red, you are right....it very much is an unfair system and despite all this bickering and debating, probably always will be. I am not going to dispute you at all on that. And you're right again in that I don't know you or anything about you, and maybe I've been unfair in my judgement of you. I apologize for that. However, I do very much understand your frustration and anger....better than you can imagine. I've lived through that very frustration. i.e. OFLD ....And no, you didn't name any kids by names, but I'm sure that everyone is probably well aware of who would be eliminated if the system were done by a politically correct method. But I'll tell you what, why don't we start right now (and I said WE, I'll help you) trying to get the process changed to say getting equal number of picks from each school and maybe by the time they pick baseball and softball all district teams OF might get a person on the team!!!!

We can hash this thing back to Little League as I've said before. (And I'm not picking on the BCLL, I'm using this as an example for organized youth sports, as there are political aspects and back scratching in ANY organized form of youth sports, every where in the United States of America, where egotistical people are involved) There really are no answers or absolutes. When adults are involved in choosing, you're never going to get the 100% that really should be there.


I agree that there will never be a 100% accurate method, I agree with that. I do believe that it can be changed, and I am fine with OF and any other school getting their due when it comes to other sports. However, I am 100% honest in saying that I would not have a clue who would be knocked off the list, nor do I care and I am not being sarcastic in saying that. I am not trying to promote one player over the other player from the same team nor discredit one over the other. I do not know these girls personally or if I did would not make it personal anyway. I just believe and know from other areas of the country that I have lived in that there are better ways of making picks, but I guess I am mostly disturbed with the way they are done from the coaches. It all goes back to integrity and fairness. I know that coaches from certain schools blackball kids and teams, it happens, or they just don't care about other kids than there own. It happens, doesn't make it right, ya know what I mean. But thats life for now, like it or leave it, I just had to make my opinions and voice heard. This is just my observation.


There have been some good points made in this thread. bigred75...I must have missed something in your post because I read no ANGER whatsover in your initial posts. And, kudos to you for your points (good points made).

Guest BobcatBeliever

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh stang.....we got it under control.....

Guest bleed orange

I don't know if there is a solution to the problem or if there ever will be. Back when I was young the kids picked the allstar teams in baseball. But it was the kids from the same community. They knew who the best baseball players were. You cannot do that at the high school level, because there are different communities involved. But I will say this, the comment was made that the wealth should be spread out. Here is my take on that and you might not agree and that is ok. In 24 3A at the Jr. high level in track they award a kid 1 thru 6 a ribbon in each heat instead of the 1 thru 6 fastest overall. That is a nice jesture, but we are taking the competition out of the sport and out of the kids. You might say all I think about is winning, no that is not it. Competition is a tool in life that these kids need for skills in the real world, just like academics. It s not just sports, its dance, cheerleading or whatever they have to work for to accomplish a goal. I was one of those kids who knows what it was like not to make an allstar team. It made me stronger. I wanted to show everyone they were wrong. You have character or you don't, its your choice. I chose character. My point is that a kid should not be judged by what happened in high school, but by the adult they turn out to be. Kids should enjoy high school years. You know as well as I do you dont' get it back. I am thankful that my parents were hard on me. I don't agree the picks are always right, but let the kid learn from that. Hopefully it will make them stronger and a better person. Things happen for a reason. let them!


Well I agree things happen for a reason. The reason is so we can talk about it on here.............Just kidding. Yes in the GRAND scheme of life it does not matter. Kids will move on and do whatever they want to do no matter what happens, I do not think them making or not making a team for that matter will be the catalyst in them being good people. All that good stuff starts and home, and is only fostered by good coaches, teachers, ect. There is a better way to do things, maybe we will never see it, but there is nothing wrong in talking about it, and voicing ones disagreement over things that happen. Whether it be a kid or adult writing a post on here, it does promote thinking, and standing for what you believe in. Good, bad, or indifferent. CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!haha

Guest BobcatBeliever

That's against the rules BigRed! If we tried to get along, we'd look like wimps!! LOL :BB

Guest bleed orange

Hey everyone, If you think we disagree on the selection process. Go to texashoops.com and view their message board. You have understand most of the people on that message board are from the Dallas/Fort Worth area and west Texas.

Guest bleed orange

Sometimes they do, but they can't post like we do. We are better.

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